Can You Say "Overrated?" I can. "Liberator Wedge/Ramp Combo."

If you're the type of lover who goes all night and wakes up with a backache, read on. If you go more for the 100 meter dash, stick to your bed, your pillow props, and good old fashion muscle tone to hold your positions. The Liberator Wedge/Ramp Combo set is unique, but certainly overrated.
For sex-triathletes this is ideal, microsuede is nice, washable
Price, zipper is cheap-looking, collects lint, an elephant to store
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


With the wonderful ratings and high price tag on the Liberator products, I expected the best of the best. I went for the big top and climbed straight to the Wedge/Ramp Combo, the cream of the crop of sex furniture. This set claims to take sex to new levels of arousal, stamina, enjoyment, and creativity.

I found it to be simply overrated.

The material used is very nice and smooth. This combo's variety in use is pretty key to its high ratings as well. Your imagination can go wild.

However, a higher attention to detail in design would've fared well for Liberator. The product features an ugly exposed zipper amidst its otherwise beautiful design. It's also on the heavy side, has no handle for carrying, and does not store in any manner less than an elephant would.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Couples
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Bedroom / on a bed

Design / Craftsmanship / Material

The Liberator Ramp is a 3' x 2' x 1' firm foam 'ramp.' Through the website it comes in 3 heights for varying human lengths, and 2 different widths for regular and queen-sized folks. The Wedge is 14" x 24" x 7" and offers a 27 degree angle to place your little ass higher up in the air. The firmness of the pads assure you'll be supported much better than you would fair on a pair of pillows. You'll tire out less easily in doggy-style. You'll have easier access. However, all these positions can also be acquired with the maneuvering of the human body, and the working of those amazing gifts I like to call muscles. Unless you're running a sex marathon, the set up and removal of this furniture will be more trouble than its worth.

The ramp is covered in a nylon sheath. Let's think of this like a pee-pad on your mattress. Liquids aren't going to get into the pad and stain, mold, and smell. This is a marvelous idea. So thank you, Liberator.

The nylon sheath is surrounded by a zippered, removable pillowcase, shall we say. This is microsuede, and feels oh-so-good. In the black option, which I chose, in order to be less noticeable in a room and also to match the color of my soul, the Combo also looks damn good. It also attracts every cat fur within the entire bedroom's radius. And with 2 kikas in the house, you can be sure there are plenty. A few swipes of the hand with firm pressure over the material creates rolls of the stuff, to be plucked and removed.

Or you can just unzip the case and throw it in the washer. That'll work too.

The design of the case bothered me, because for a $210 piece of 'furniture' I would at least expect the upholstery's inner workings to be concealed. Even cheap throw pillows hide their zippers with folds of fabric but no such liberty was taken here. It leaves the sex furniture looking a little trashy. And a $200+ trashy piece of furniture is not my cup o' tea, if you get my drift.
Also, the zipper was of nylon cloth, black and embroidered with a flash of red. I would've preferred something metal, solid, and screaming "$200+!" instead of "ten."

A winged creature in silvery glory is sewn in patch form on the side of each piece. This is better than a tag, but also makes for a bit of an itchy spot on something made for being nude and exposed on. Smooth move, Liberator.

Overall, despite my nit-picking over the flaws in the details, the zipper is solid, and I can see this piece lasting alot of happy uses.
    • Discreet look/design
    • Firm
    • Multiple ways to use


Since the ramp is only 3 feet long, it's not made for total body protection from hard tile, hardwood, or rug burns. So to the bed it was. This made edge-of-the-bed positions easier... kind of. We found the pieces edging apart and myself sliding down between them, and it just wasn't sexy.

Before long my beau and I got over the novelty (it took all of 10 minutes) and moved to the bed without it.

It's cool that the ramp and wedge stay put pretty much when you place the small pillow on the ramp. Something about microsuede and magic, I suppose. But on the floor or the bed is a different story and... well, it's like this.

Folks have been having sex for centuries. Sometimes they're sore the next day. Sometimes their hand, neck, or ass gets tired in one position and they change it up, or a surge of stamina hits them in the heat of the moment and they continue going at it till one or both explode in a fit of passion.

Now, I'm a sex-toy whore. So you know I'm not against adding a myriad of things to the playhouse to spice things up. But this was just cumbersome, awkward, and uncomfortable. And in my small apartment there was simply nowhere to put it.
    • Aids in positioning
    • Cumbersome


The set shipped in an enormous cardboard box that my cat quickly dominated, and covered in a simple thin plastic bag.

Cute li'l trendy book with discreet cover.

It came with a little booklet full of all kinds of sex positions for all kinds of Liberator sex furniture.

Like this.

And this.
    • Minimal

Care and Maintenance

Since footprints, handprints, sweatprints, lipprints, buttprints, cuntprints, cumstains, girljuice, and the ever-present sweat stains mark up the microsuede, you'll be inclined to unzip the case and throw them in the wash before your 2nd use even. You can wipe down the nylon sheath with a washrag and antibacterial spray if you like.

How do you store it? Well, I sat it in front of my double papasan. For anyone who walked in my 1 bedroom apartment to wonder at, and me to be at least mildly embarrassed of.
'Oh, that? That's just the cumbersome nuisance of a $200 set of fancy sponges I bought to have sex on. And don't use.' Go ahead and stamp the word 'SUCKA' on my forehead, why don't you?

There's really no good way to store this. If you have an oversized closet or extra space there, go for it. Or if your bed is over 3 feet off the ground underneath... and you're a giant sleeping in the clouds, you can put it under the bed with the dust bunnies. But it will collect them faster than you can say 'shit.' I guarantee that.
    • Difficult to store
    • Easy to clean

Personal comments

The best use of this for me would be laying the ramp under my back for elevated reading in bed. Laying down completely is such a pain sometimes, as the blood runs out of your hands when you hold the book in the air, and if you hold it on your side, you have to keep switching sides everytime you turn the page. It's an odd affair.
Follow-up commentary
Since I so goofily gave this entire set away, I sometimes think the wedge part of this would've been really handy. In reverse missionary (like doggy style but I'm laying down) because then I can get my vibe on my clit easier, and he can penetrate more deeply. It would certainly be cheaper to use my gal muscles... but when it feels so good what can I do? Go all limp-noodle.

So the wedge alone would be a neat addition to any sexplayIi think. but the two together was cumbersome and a bit over the top.
This product was provided at a discounted price in exchange for an unbiased review. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: MidnightStorm
    Thanks for the review! It's good to hear an honest review of this furniture! XD
  • Contributor: LoveYouLikeThat
    great review!
  • Contributor: aliceinthehole
    thank you guys! glad you like this.
  • Contributor: Reiyth
    Nice to see the flip side. I'm always leary of a product where no one comments on negatives. I mean come on... no product is perfect! The negative reviews are where my decision is made!
  • Contributor: aliceinthehole
    good to hear, reiyth. i'm glad you can enjoy both sides of the coin. thanks for commenting.
  • Contributor: Maximusx
    Great review, want one and glad to have both sides of the fence in on my decision, thanks again
  • Contributor: Boobs and Lubes
    we use the wedge a ton, the ramp not so much, sorry it sucked for you
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Liberator Shapes 71
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Liberator wedge ramp combo 11
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