Not Quite the Kind of Love they Meant, but Love Indeed

The Inflatable Love Pillow probably makes a great positioning pillow and, indeed, includes an informative guide for that purpose. For me, I used it as a bath pillow and have never been happier with one. It supports from neck to lower back, dries fast, cleans easily and makes each bath feel like a luxury, even in our crappy tub.
Nicely sized, easy to inflate, soft velvety material
Feels like an air mattress, no matter how you use it
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
Alright, I'm going to admit it. I did not buy this pillow to use during sex. I have Liberator shapes for that, comfy foam wedges and ramps that do not need to be blown up and do not feel like an air mattress. But I bought this none the less. I bought this to use...

As a bath pillow.

Yes, a bath pillow.

Both my partner and I really, really love baths. Both of us prefer to bathe in a tub over showering unless we're really dirty. Both of us like to luxuriate, to soak, to float, to grab a cool drink and a good book and just... chill.

It's a time for peace, for rejuvenating, for relaxing, for pampering, for ridding the body of stress and toxins. It's a time for sexy fun or spiritual cleansing. Bath time, in our house, is Important - with a capital I.

Unfortunately, we also have a nasty tub with no slope to the back and a hard rim and a wall behind it so you can never quite get comfy.

Hence, the pillow.

Yes, it's big. It's 22" long by 21" wide with two separate inflatable chambers. It is a lot larger than the bath pillows you can pick up at most Walmarts or Targets. And this is exactly why I wanted it. I wanted a pillow to cushion and support all the way from neck to small of the back, to minimize the rim of the tub and give the feel of reclining a bit more. I wanted my partner to have enough cushion that he could lean his big, muscled upper body back and not feel pinched and poked.

I have no clue if this works for sexual positioning. Just like a g-spot vibe everyone uses for clitoral stimulation - Xtreme g-spot bullet cough cough cough - a product can absolutely be useful for things other than it's advertised purpose. And this one is. It is, indeed.

The pillow blows up easily by mouth, taking no more than a minute or two to fully inflate both chambers. Because both chambers - neck and back is how I think of them - inflate separately, you can adjust the amount of air in each for what is comfortable to you. I prefer more air in the back, less in the neck for a sensation of reclining.

The pillow is covered with a soft, blue velvety material just like a deluxe air mattress. It's not a removable cover, just the material the pillow is made of, I guess. Both sides are soft and touchable because the air valves press into the pillow, sitting flush so they don't poke at you.

While I cannot state this works well as a positioning pillow in bed I can, without a doubt, say it works well in the tub. There is nothing more sensual, in my opinion, than being able to comfortably recline in the tub while your partner slowly and sensually washes each inch of your body.

The Inflatable Love Pillow, while perverted to a "wrong" use in my house, is totally made of win.

Air can be let out by opening the valves and pulling them out a bit while squeezing. It can be cleaned with soap and water and left to air dry - or just rinse it down if you use it as I do, fold it up inflated (it fits on a shelf in my bathroom, folding to about the size of two bath sheets) and by the next time you need it it is dry and ready to go.

It does come with a nice patch kit so it should last a good, long time, even if you have a mishap or two. The package also included a really nice direction booklet with pictures to show the many, many positions you can use this in for lovemaking.
Follow-up commentary
Would you believe me if I said this is STILL inflated in my bathroom?

Seriously. We have never had to add more air - AND I have two cats! We store it wedged between our towel rack and the wall, where it fits snuggly up off the ground and away from dust and lint and we both pull it out every time we want a relaxing bath.

I'll likely never use it as intended but it is an excellent bath pillow, supporting almost the entire upper body with no icky vinyl feel, thanks to its velvety cover.
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    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
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    • Bath / shower
    • Tub/shower/pool
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    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
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Subscribe to comments
  • Contributor: Alicia
    You know, I have been wanting to try this out for sex positioning but I was a bit worried that it wouldn't work and I'd be bummed that I bought something that I can't use. But...I have been in the market for a new bath pillow, so maybe I'll have to get this knowing that it'll serve a purpose as that if it fails at its intended use!
  • Contributor: Owl Identified
    The way you called everyone out on the Xtreme Pak just made me smile.
  • Contributor: Tori Rebel
    I think I want this one, simply to use as a bath pillow like you did! The back of my tub is brutal.
  • Contributor: Rayne Millaray
    Will you PLEASE stop reviewing bathtub stuff? You're making me exceedingly jealous of your bathtub. Next home will have a tub if it means paying $1000/mo for rent. Lol.
  • Contributor: sophie2229
    Looks like it would work on a lawn chair
  • Contributor: Carrie Ann
    Sorry Rayne! You can come over here and use our tub!
  • Contributor: Kynky Kytty
    May I too? We can share and save on water.
  • Contributor: Sammi
    Yeah, this does look like a good bath pillow - now I may have to get this
  • Contributor: Airen Wolf
    My bath tub was designed by the Marquis De Sade on one of his particularly evil mood days...this sounds like it might be just the thing to tame the beastly thing!
    Thanks for perverting a sex toy so wonderfully.
  • Contributor: SexyySarah
    This look neat, thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: mllebeauty
    I love that you use it in the bath instead of the way it's intended!
  • Contributor: Blinker
    I...I didn't know they made bath pillows. I've been shoving towels behind me for years and then running through the house to dump them in the washer when I'm done.

    Need. Bath. Pillow.
  • Contributor: pinkzombie
    Thank you!!
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