So kinky but no one can tell!

The greatest features of the Ramp and the Esse are combined in the very helpful Hipster. Although it is much smaller than these, it works very well in making old favorites much more comfortable and easier to hold. It also makes cunnilingus an easy chore by providing a lot of support for both the receiver and giver. It is a great halfway choice.
comfortable, easy to clean, positions easier to do
Bulky/hard to store
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


This is a position pillow that is not very obviously kinky. It just looks like some funky comfort pillow when left out, to the "untrained" eye. It is used to help make positions easier and more comfortable.

Since it is pretty discreet it is a great sex accessory for all individuals, but probably most for people with certain ailments. Although it is more costly it is still an awesome idea for beginners. Especially since it is less expensive than the ramp/wedge combo and sort of gives you a preview of what the combo could provide in terms of support. This can be used for couples, but also for solo time.

Be warned however that this is a huge chunk of foam. It takes quite a bit of space so make sure that if you get it, you don't mind leaving it out on the bed or you have storage space for it.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Everyone
    • Solo
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
    • Bedroom / on a bed

Design / Craftsmanship / Material

So the shape of this pillow is pretty cool. It sort of has a wave to it kind of like the Esse but in miniature and it also resembles the ramp in terms of the overall shape. Liberator make their sex pillows out of champagne foam which is quite dense and it maintains it's shape exquisitely, no matter how many times you have used it or how much you weigh.

Essentially, it is sort of wedge shaped with a nice dip in the middle, creating a sort of wave. It is pretty thick on one end and thinner or on other end however no matter where you lay on it, it maintains it's shape. The outer cover is not perfectly waterproof but there is an inner cover that is water resistant. Therefore, it won't matter if you or your partner squirt/ejaculate on it, or drop lube, wax, syrup, chocolate, whipped cream, or caramel (all the gooey sweet stuff basically), the foam itself is protected.

The water resistant pouch can also be removed for washing or it could also be wiped down and dried (which is more simple). The fabric which envelopes the Hipster is a sultry smooth patented microfiber. It tends to attract lint and hairs, but as other reviewers have mentioned, these can be easily be taken care of with a lint brush. The microfiber is machine washable and when washed it tends to be slightly smaller than it was before it was washed. Also, when washed it comes out smoother in texture compared to before it was washed.

It is kind of bulky but it is really well made.

For pictures of Hipster on our bed check here!


We have tried the Hipster in MANY ways. The Hipster is great because compared to the ramp it's shape provides the opportunity to try out more positions.

Mostly the positions that can be executed on the Hipster in various ways are doggystyle and missionary but it can also be used for fellatio and cunnilingus.More so for cunnilingus because in certain positions the angle of the penis can be awkward to hold onto/suck for the giver or it can be uncomfortable for the receiver. The added video provides demonstrates the different ways one can make use of the Hipster.

My favorite position to use the hipster is for doggystyle sex where I kneel in back of the Hipster and put my hands in the dip or small bump of the cushion for support. This way my partner can put his forearms on the pillow (leaning on me completely) and hold onto my torso and breasts. It is so easy to hold this position with the Hipster and it turns us both on very much to be so close and for me to be fondled so much in many ways. This position allows my partner to touch my clitoris, breasts and waist since I am not fully laying down on the pillow.

This pillow is just awesome for solo play. I love laying on it with my butt in the dip my feet towards the highest part of the pillow. It raises my hips so reaching my g-spot with my toys is so much easier than simply laying on my back or using a regular pillow to do so. I feel so sexy on it because it is just so amazingly smooth. I feel like a sex goddess on the Hipster. A spoiled one!

When I set my butt on the highest part of the pillow to get g-spot stimulation my butt is a little too high so the angle of my guy inside me is sort of painful and awkward. What we have found that has worked best is that I have to let my butt hangover the edge a bit. It isn't uncomfortable in anyway used in this manner. It feels really good and a throe is necessary.

In use it hasn't moved much on the bed. It does tend to stay in place and not move which is a good thing. I would recommend though to those who have throes to use the shag/microfiber side down rather than the silky side down. I had a tendency to slip because I put my throe silky side down. The pillow wasn't moving but I was. Either way it is up to you, if you want motion then use the silky side down.

Care and Maintenance

The Hipster came within a standard brown cardboard box and it was covered by a clear plastic bag. The bag contained a simple photographic step by step of how to remove the covers for washing.

To wash the microfiber I put it in the delicate with cold water and I add a bit of biodegradable soap. I haven't gotten mine very dirty other than quite a bit of hair and a bit of lube. If possible I let it air dry, other wise I tumble dry.

It is easy to care for especially if you have a protective cover (which I do not have).

It is really hard to store for us. We currently do not have much storage space, our closet is full of baby stuff for the future so we have had to let the Hipster out in plain view. Once we move we will definitely be making space in our closet for our new favorite sex aid.

Personal comments

Although it is hard to store I am not removing any stars for that. I knew we would have a hard time to find place to store it. The storage difficulty is in part my own doing and I was totally knowledgeable about this factor before getting the Hipster and therefore decided this should not have weight in it's rating.
Follow-up commentary
Thank god for liberator!

My partner has been having major issues with pain in his back, butt and leg. So sex starts out fun but quickly turns to pain and loss of erection do to the pain.

But with the hipster my guy just set's it up on the edge of the bed with the largest wave towards him. I set my self on it with my hips on the highest bump and he enters me this way. So he has zero pain as he is standing up, so we can have sex longer, enough for me to get mine!

Also, I love setting it near the edge of the bed but about 2 inches in so my guy can settle his heels on the bed. I have him settled with his butt in the dip, head going over the highest hump and resting on a mountain of pillows. In this position he is totally open and easy to access, which makes oral and hand jobs so easy, and extremely delicious for him.

We get more use out of it when we leave it out to see, and when my partner is in pain. We don't get much visit so it doesn't really matter, but in our new flat I have made a "secret" storage space for it in the closet. It sort of hides in a corner behind clothes but is still very easy to gt in and out if the closet.

I heart my Hipster!
This product was provided at a discounted price in exchange for an unbiased review. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: Piña Colada
    thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: geliebt
    Great review on this, thank you!
  • Contributor: Naughty Student
  • Contributor: Stinkytofu10
    Thank you for the excellent video and written review. The follow-up is helpful, great suggestions on comfortable positions!
  • Contributor: Naughty Student
  • Contributor: MrSinister
    Fantastic review. I'm about to buy my first liberator, and this helped me make my choice!
  • Contributor: Rod Ronald
    Great review! The size issue still worries me. I have a feeling mine would end up as a cat bed. Not by choice! These SOB"S run my life!!!!!! But I love them.
  • Contributor: alayamae
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: pixxie87
    great review
  • Contributor: Trysexual
    Excellent job! I want one...too bad discontinued :-(
Discussion Posts Last Update
Is this going to finally be available for purchase any time soon? 7
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