Good Clean Lube

So...good lube? Sure. It doesn't taste like shit, and for that reason I will probably use it for the occasional hand job. Great lube? Not really. I like that it isn't messy or runny, but it just dries out too quickly and isn't as thick as I like for anal. I do love that it has natural and organic ingredients, I just wish it lasted a bit longer and was a bit thicker. If you're looking for a good, body safe lube and aren't overly concerned with thickness, this may be right up your alley.
Natural and organic ingredients, smells nice, doesn't taste bad, not messy
Not the slickest or longest lasting, not super thick
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
Lube lube lube. I'm a big fan of lube. I also hate reviewing it.

That certainly gets you excited to read this, doesn't it?

I promise, it won't be that bad.

And neither is this lube. Not bad. But not awesome, either. Good Clean Love makes this lubricant of the same name, and they make it in three different variations - Almost Naked (unflavored), Cinnamon Vanilla and Lavender Rose. I purchased the Cinnamon Vanilla from EdenFantasys at a discounted price.
Good Clean Love get four ounces of this water based lube in a flip-top container. I'm kinda torn on the flip-top. Looking at it, I like it. I like the whole design of this product. But when I'm getting all lube-y, I kinda hate it. It is not the easiest to open when my hands are covered in lube. It's not extremely difficult, just a bit of a hassle. So...what's so "good" and "clean" about this stuff? The ingredients are all natural and organic, it's 100% vegan and cruelty free. That's all pretty friggin' awesome. The lube is also free of parabens and glycerin, and it can be used with latex condoms and throughout pregnancy. It has none of those icky ingredients you should avoid in a lube. Yay! Here's what's in it -

Deionized Water, Agar, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Benzoic Acid, Natural Extratives and Flavors, Potassium Sorbate, Xanthan Gum

Hooray for short ingredients lists. The only thing that gives me pause is the Xantham Gum, as it's actually sugar. And vagina + sugar equals yeast infection. Eh...I have had sex after using this lube on the boyfriend's manly bits, and no trouble so far. I'm just a little paranoid about what goes into my vagina.

The consistency of this stuff is...a little odd. When it first comes out of the bottle, it looks like it's really a gel, almost. It isn't at all you probably won't make a huge mess with it...but it isn't super thick, either. It's got about the same consistency of aloe vera. Once you start rubbing it around in your hand you can tell that it is no match for, say, Maximus. And it isn't super slick. It's slick enough to make a hand job a little easier and more enjoyable, but it also doesn't last forever, so you may find yourself needing to reapply. Oh, and once you have quite a bit of it all over you for a while, it starts to get kinda...foamy. The boyfriend figured that out when he spent a half hour trying to wrestle his junk into a cock ring.

So...because of the consistency, I would say the best job for this lube would be vaginal intercourse...which is a bummer because of the Xantham Gum, which makes me nervous, and the fact that I really bought it for hand jobs. I really do think that mixed with a person's natural lubrication, this stuff would probably do a much better job. I would avoid it for's just not thick enough for my liking to handle that job.

So yeah...I bought this stuff for hand jobs. See...I am not a big fan of hand jobs. I would much rather suck your cock than try to jack you off. My reasoning? If I'm giving a hand job, I want to use lube...otherwise I am worrying the whole time about the agony I may be putting your dick through (not yours, per say...I realize that you're not all're just gonna have to deal with it). The downside of using lube for a hand job is that a hand job almost always turns into a hand job/blow job hybrid. And lube tastes gross. So I thought "Yay! Lube that is supposed to taste not gross and has no icky ingredients! Let's do this!" So we did. And it wasn't gross. This stuff doesn't really have an icky lube taste...but it doesn't really taste very much like cinnamon or vanilla, either. Also, the fact that I was slobbering all over helped reactivate the that's a plus.

Another thing I liked about this lube is that it smells nice. When you first open the bottle, you are greeted by the faint scent of cinnamon and vanilla. In use, the smell isn't noticeable at all, but it is there at first.
This product was provided at a discounted price in exchange for an unbiased review. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: The Curious Couple
    Great review! Thanks for sharing.
  • Contributor: Red Vinyl Kitty
    Great review. I think I'll stear clear of this one though. Sugar + my vag = unhappy.
  • Contributor: sbon
    Thanks for the great review!
  • Contributor: V.T.T
    I did like this lube, but it definitely has *very* specific things it is good for. Oral sex lube, a little extra wetness for glass/metal toys vaginally...and for the guy to use to get a cock ring on, since it doesn't have a taste for me to pick up when I blow him.

    Thanks for your review, too bad it wasn't a winner though.
  • Contributor: UrNaughtyaAngel
    Thans for the review, love how informative you were. I also like that it does have a pleasant aroma though it does not taste like cinnamon it didn't taste that bad either. Too bad about the sugar ingredient in it.
  • Contributor: the bedroom blogger
    @V.T.T. - that sums up pretty much exactly how I feel about this lube. Thanks for reading!

  • Contributor: Naughty Student
    Great pics, I don't think this would beat the lube I use for handjobs from your description.
  • Contributor: Kitty Stryker
    I liked this lube a lot, but then, I mostly use it with toys. I haven't had issues with yeast infections but it's good to know it's something to be wary of!
  • Contributor: Valentinka
    great review, I totally liked it ) and thanks for the photos )
  • Contributor: mistressg
    Great review! I love when people add photos.
  • Contributor: Jenni Shelton
  • Contributor: (Re)tired Stripper
    Thank you for the excellent review and pictures! I love a good hand-job lube and would love a flavoured one that is natural, but for this purpose I'll look elsewhere--thanks!
  • Contributor: Blooddragon
    Excellent review!
  • Contributor: hillys
    excellent review
  • Contributor: LoveBug721
    •   (1)
      This is unacceptable / Against the Expectations of Conduct
  • Contributor: Andrey2052
    Thanks for the awesome review.
  • Contributor: xxxbluexxx
    nice job,thanks!
Discussion Posts Last Update
Smells 1
Natural yes, but ethical? 4
Flavor 2
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