Here Kitty, Kitty

The name alone will sway you to try this one. It is long lasting and a great water-based lube that can be used on just about anything. It is FDA approved and all natural. There are no profound odors, but the taste is a little bad. This is an ideal lube to use on all your sex toys. I am disappointed in the size of 2.0 fl oz for $9, but still am satisfied with the product.
Water based, FDA approved, long lasting.
Can I get a bigger bottle? For $9, 2 fl oz really doesn't go that far.
Rating by reviewer:
useful review


What a wonderful name! This one is so cute! Of course I had to try it because of the flawless advertising, and I was very pleased with what I found. This lube is water based so it does work well with most toys and also a big plus because it does not stain like most oil based lubes. Slippery kitty is great for use on most things and I pull it out every time I am ready to play!

Texture / Consistency / Thickness / Viscosity

A little goes a long way with this stuff. One small dot lasts quite some time and it is very smooth. It is a little messy and you will most likely have to wash up after use, but I don't mind. It is hard to find a lube that doesn't require a little clean up afterward. There is a push open lid that can be opened and closed very easily, and the opening helps control the amount that you pour. That way you don't find yourself covered in lube! But do be careful... this lube is a lot thinner then others and will come rolling out fairly fast.

Taste / Aroma

I was surprised to find no odor. I can't smell a thing, but trust me this one is not that taste friendly. I used it during oral sex and it wasn't that great, so I use it primarily for lubing my toys up.


A small amount does go a long way. I have found the best use for this product is on my partner's penis sleeves. It only takes a small amount to get the entire job done, without having to stop and reapply more.

Special Features

One very important addition to this lube is that it does have the directions and contents right on the bottle, which I believe is very important. Also they provide you with the cutest little website on the bottle: which has sex tips, you should check it out!

Personal comments

Do be careful when storing this product. The lid does seem to leak a little when laid on its side. I had it in my toy box and then had to clean up and little mess because of it. Now I keep it standing straight up on a shelf to prevent the leaking.
Follow-up commentary
This is a great water based lube that will not stain. A little goes a long way. It is smooth and feels great for use on toys. It doesn't sting which is very important, and has no smell to it. The only downside I have found is that is doesn't taste too pleasant, so I wouldn't recommend oral sex with this one. Also I would love to see a larger bottle come out on the market. I go through a lot of lube, and like to have plenty available.
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  • Contributor: xoflxokcxo
    I've found it else where both in a bigger bottle and for a little less. Great review.
  • Contributor: ? Amanda ?
    Thanks xo!
  • Contributor: Kayla
    I actually own this one now. I'm glad that you gave it a good review, because I have yet to try it.
  • Contributor: LinkR
    nice review, thanks x
  • Contributor: Master DarkWolf
    Good review...
  • Contributor: DreamWolf
    Great review!
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