Slip n' Slide isn't just for kids...

The product is effective considering the price. I'd suggest it to someone who is buying their first lube. It really helps in discovering what you like and dislike about flavored lubes, making the next purchase better informed. Nothing special that blew my mind. An average lube in most regards.
Smell, texture, ability to mask odors/other tastes, easy to clean.
Chemical taste, water dries up, average in most areas.
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
Aesthetics: The bottle is low-key and ergonomic. It’s easy to grab, and small enough to take anywhere. If you're worried about it being found, with the labels removed it's indistinguishable from a bottle of hand sanitizer. Just don't let anyone try to use it for such.

Feel: The lube is watery, which makes drizzling possible. However, it is prone to dripping and sliding off the application area if not immediately rubbed in or controlled with a hand.

Taste: (Strawberry-Kiwi flavor) On just a basic taste test, the lube gets a passing grade. However, it's not outstanding. There is a distinct chemical taste amid the fruit which can be bothersome or not, depends on your taste sensitivity. Compared to the other fluids you are likely to taste, Wet covers them up or minimizes them to an average extent. The texture is nice; something akin to a light popsicle syrup. The taste is not overpowering, and stays about the same strength during use. Naturally, as the lube is used up, so is the taste. To maintain constant flavor, lube must be applied a number of times in proportion to the length of use.

Smell: If the lube tasted like it smelled, it would be amazing. The rich fruity aroma helps the taste somewhat. I'd say it smells like a strawberry/kiwi drink and does a terrific job of covering up/eliminating any odors you may find down south. The smell, unfortunately for the lube, is perhaps the best feature next to the lubricating effect.

Perfomance: Like a lube should do, it performs wonderfully. Due to the fact it's water-based, it can become sticky after a while when the water evaporates. Just add more, use saliva, or gently wet with water to renew the lubrication (it can be frustrating while in the heat of the moment). The lube can be used for either oral, or vaginal sex which is perfect for couples who like to jump around**.

Clean-up: Easy as can be. Because it's water based, it's very easy to clean-up. A warm washcloth feels great and gets the job done; even just wetting the area and wiping with a towel is effective.

**Please note: the product contains 'glycerin' but this is not the same as sugar. It may or may not promote yeast infections (the medical jury is still out), but if you have used glycerin lubes safely in the past, then your risk is minimal.
Follow-up commentary
The bottle is dry, and frankly, I'm happy. It wasn't anything special to begin with, and it certainly didn't grow on me any during the period of use. As a flavored lube, it's a little below average. However, as a normal lube, it's pretty good. My better half and I started using it for mutual masturbation, and it worked just like a lube should. In total, I view this lube more as a scented lube for aromatic enjoyment and less as a flavored lube for oral.
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  • Contributor: her.royal.redness
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Mamastoys
    What flavor did you try? I have some and really like it but then I have to have sugar free so maybe that is why I can tolerate the cons to it bettter! Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: Lucid
    As noted in the picture and in the review, I tried Kiwi-Strawberry. Thanks for the feedback, both.
  • Contributor: Adriana Ravenlust
    Pictures don't always show the exact product reviews and you said it tastes like Kiwi Strawberry but not if that was the flavour. Sometimes as a reader, I can be a little dense.

    Does the taste stay the same strength throughout use?
  • Contributor: Lucid
    Thank you all for feedback! Your issues have now been addressed in the review. Adriana: see the taste section for an addendum in reply to your query.
  • Contributor: Cynthia Jordan
    thanks for the review I was wondering about the taste to if it keep the strength throughout use
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Where's the dick shaped bottle for this product? 13
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