Wet for Fleshlight

The Wet Gel Original Lubricant is not a good lubricant for vaginal/anal use because it tends to stay a bit sticky. However, that's what makes it absolutely perfect for male sex toy use - it will lubricate the toy while giving you some extra, comfortable friction.
Great for male masturbation sleeves, can be sticky, good consistency
Bad for vaginal/anal use, can be sticky
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
Wet Gel Lubricant is the original water-based lubricant sold by Wet. I received a trial-size bottle of the lubricant, and after using it a couple times, it was almost out, so we chose to purchase another bottle of the lubricant. We now own the 3.5 ounce bottle, but we had owned the 1.5 ounce bottle. The lubricant is stored in a blue bottle - no matter what the bottle size. The lubricant comes sealed tightly with a piece of paper blocking the lubricant from coming out until you remove it. EF shipped the lubricant inside of a baggie just in case.

The ingredients are: Deionized water, glycerin, carbomer, PEG, propylene glycol, aloe vera extract, tocopherol acetate (vitamin E), cellulose gum, sodium benzoate, methylparaben, carbomer 941, hydroxyethylcellulose, polysorbate 60, diazolidinyl urea. The paraben might be of some concern to those who are sensitive to yeast infections, but I honestly have to say that we've never used this for vaginal sex, so I can't give you a distinct answer one way or another.

So, if we don't use it for vaginal sex, what do we use it for? We've honestly always used silicone lubricant for pretty much everything. For anything vaginal, we use Hydra Smooth. When we received a Fleshlight recently though, the Hydra Smooth was out of reach, so we just grabbed the nearest thing which happened to be one of my trial-size bottles of Wet Original. So our entire experience is based upon using this with a Fleshlight or male masturbation product.

So when it came down to using it with a Fleshlight, it was perfect for us. The boyfriend tends to hate things when they get too slippery which is what he complains silicone lubricant does. He says that the lack of friction really just take all of the pleasure out of it for him. So we wanted something that would be slightly tacky/sticky during use. Which is why this absolutely amazing. While other reviewers may dislike it because of the fact that it's sticky, it was a plus-side for us. it made the toy slick enough for comfortable use without taking away the friction that the boyfriend loves so much.

Would I recommend this for vaginal or anal use? Probably not. The same properties that we love in this lubricant for the male masturbation toy use would be a pain in vaginal/anal use. I can say that I wouldn't want a sticky lubricant during sex - that would defeat the point of using lubricant. When it comes to male masturbation toys, though, they need some sort of slick to them to make it possible to use them. And this works amazingly.

We don't have to reapply the lubricant either. If he covers himself in the lubricant then pours the lube into the toy itself, it easily lasts about twenty minutes without any sort of problem. You can reapply after twenty minutes, but honestly, for male masturbation purposes, twenty minutes is more than enough. We do use quite a bit of the lubricant though during the first application - it's nothing amazingly huge, but it's a lot more than we would with our silicone lubricant. For male sex toy use, the 1.5 ounce bottle lasted about ten different applications.

We've spilled the lubricant on things, and it doesn't seem to stain anything. The lubricant has the consistency of slightly gelled water. It pours out just fine, and we didn't have any sort of issue with it pouring out too fast/too slow. It doesn't really act like a "gel" - more like thick consistency water. It worked perfectly for pouring into a Fleshlight.

When it comes to the actual, physical bottles, they both seem to work just fine. I think the 1.5 ounce was slightly more secure because it had the little tilted lid that opened when you applied pressure. The bottle itself tended to get a little slippery during application if you went for reapplication (which was rare), so that got slightly annoying. The bottle was small and easy to clean up if you happened to get some lubricant on it. The bottle did not leak.
The 3.5 ounce bottle was the one we bought off of here on EF. My lid did come with a small crack in the lid. Since I couldn't find the cracked piece in the box, I imagine it was shipped out with the cracked lid. We didn't request another because it didn't affect the lube's use, but I thought it worth mentioning. The 3.5 ounce bottle does have a grooved-out portion that is intended to help with holding it during pouring. The top is a plain pop-top lid which, if your lid is cracked like ours, it doesn't keep the complete seal when the lid is shut, so it's possible this one would leak. However, if kept upright like we keep it, we're having no problem with it. I don't think we'd have any sort of problem if the lid wasn't broken.

An odd thing worth mentioning? EF's pricing is awkward. The .08 bottle is more expensive than the 1.5 ounce. And the 1.5 ounce is the same price as the 3.5 ounce. So if you have any sort of intention of purchasing this lubricant, go with the 3.5 ounce. It might be more than you think you need, but considering it's the same price as the smaller ones, you might as well get the bang for your buck.

So for us? The Wet Gel Lubricant is exactly what we're looking for. We aren't looking for a product for intercourse - but instead, something that will lubricate while still giving some good friction for male sex toys. If you want lube for male sex toys, this is perfect.
Follow-up commentary
The Wet GEl Lubricant is still one of our favorite water-based lubricants. I rarely use it for myself, but this is the boyfriend's lubricant, and it's almost always the one he picks up when he wants to use a male masturbator. We're still on the same bottle that we bought for review last time - definitely lasts a long time.
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  • Contributor: ToyTimeTim
    To bad about the sticky part, at least you found a use for it.
    Great review.
  • Contributor: sexysweetieshan
    I had wanted to try this, so it's good to hear it's sticky. Well not in a good way, but it's good that you pointed that out. I don't like sticky lubes for vaginal sex, so thanks to your review, I will probably decide that this is not the lube we're looking for. Unless of course I get some sort of male masturbator for my hubby to try!
  • Contributor: Jenna.J.Ross
    Thanks for the review sounds like you found a good use for this sticky lube
  • Contributor: sophie2229
    glad you found what you were looking for!
  • Contributor: B8trDude
    Excellent review. I'll have to try it sometime...
  • Contributor: Red Vinyl Kitty
    Great review! I used to use this lube, and never found it to be sticky. Hmm, weird. But, glad you found a good use for it.
  • Contributor: Airen Wolf
    We are all about finding alternative uses for things and this fits right in! Perfect for guys who want a bit of friction with their sex toys. Could be marketed in a nitch all it's own.
  • Contributor: deadpoet
    great review
  • Contributor: MuffysPinguLove
    Great review! I think my boyfriend would also enjoy this lube for sex toy masturbation. That's really odd about the EF pricing...
  • Contributor: Kindred
    Good review. And thanks for the tip regarding the pricing.
  • Contributor: Sammi
    Great review!
  • Contributor: badk1tty
    If I can't use it for sex, I don't think I want it. Great review, though!
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