Clit vibrator
by Big Teaze Toys

Christmas All Year Long

The Holiday Ball Santa Duckie is a gift that keeps on giving. With it's diminutive size and sublime water-play abilities, this is the perfect tub time toy that will keep the Holiday spirit Alive and well, no matter the season.
Compact, discreet, and a great way to get into the Holiday spirit.
One speed.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


I'm not usually the type of person to try and extend the Holidays but I'll admit, I kept my tree up for an extra month. It's also now May and I'm staring at a ceramic Santa that I left on my desk, it's not that I forgot to pack it away (okay, I totally forgot and I don't want to go out to the garage and find the decorations box again) but still, I just like looking at it. Maybe it's the bad economy, maybe it's surviving a bad year, maybe it's just the fact I'm far away from my family.. especially my husband who was deployed too quickly after Christmas; whatever it is, it just makes me want to keep thinking about eggnog, holiday music, and the smell of Christmas cookies. Also, Christmas sex is usually so good it trumps any gifts I unwrap.

The Holiday Ball Santa Duckie is a much better way to keep the Holiday Spirit alive, and far less embarrassing than a tree chock full of garland and ornaments... or a gaudy ceramic Santa. It also does a lot more than any decoration ever could, because while I'm kinky, I'm not the type to make it with a bough of holly.

Thankfully, as most of Big Tease Toys' duckies are discreet, the Santa Duckie is as well, so while you may desire to keep this vibe out and about, you can still pack it away in the toybox and bring it out on the occasions when you need to get into the 'Holiday Spirit'.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Everyone
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
  • Features
    [ ? ]
    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Travel friendly
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Clitoris

Material / Texture

Speaking of toy boxes, as this vibe is TPR, you'll want to take care when storing it with other toys. I can't even describe what two vibes melded together looks like; okay, I probably can (there is no probably about it!) but really, that description is best left un-described.

The great thing about this Duckie is that it's waterproof. Now, TPR is known for a lot of great properties (latex-free, hygienic, and some TPR's that are phthalates-free, like this Duckie) but it's also known as being a great material to use in water. The water sort of grazes over it's slick surface, much like water off a duck's back. It's also buoyant and nonabsorbent so really, TPR is the best it gets when it comes to water-play.

TPR is also the best when it comes to a hard surface material meeting a very soft, plush vagina. The mold of the duck has indents and ridges that create a symphonic texture of highs and lows that intensify just how good you can start to feel while taking a bath, especially when your vagina relaxes and starts to open up. I know that's the main reason why I'm such a fan of Big Tease Toys' ducks.
    • No odor
    • Not porous at all
    • Rigid

Design / Shape / Size

While I sit here daydreaming about how nice it would be to take a bath (if only my laptop were waterproof) I'm reminded that I am in fact writing a review and that I do in fact need to offer up some viable information regarding this sinful little Santa.

The cute 3 1/4" long Holiday Ball Santa Duckie is a travel sized duck. And it's biggest advantage is it's size; I have a few regular sized Duckies (they're around 5") and I think they're harder to use because you can't hit the "right" spots due to the amount of bulk. With this Santa, it's much more compact and it offers a promising ability to caress your clit and your labia because of afforded accuracy- you're really able to find the right angle to get off with... or close to 'off' with.

It also seems to transmit the vibrations better because of it's diminutive size, the body is compact so the vibrations don't have very far to travel making it one of the better water toys I've found.

I also love the fact that this toy doesn't look like a toy. Well, it does look like a toy but not a toy owned by any adult I know. Unfortunately, because of how cutesy it is, I hope my son never finds it. When I first had it unpacked my husband was a little surprised it was a sex toy. Now, I have other Big Tease Duckie's but this is the first that didn't initially make me believe it was a sex toy and I found myself in agreement with the old hubby. It took a lot of convincing and surprisingly, very little therapy to get over the fact I was fucking myself with something that could have been made by Fisher Price.

While "toys for beginners" is thrown around quite loosely (much like me at Holiday parties) it really is best for someone just starting out or even advance toy lovers that don't require anything too complicated or too powerful.
    • Beginner
    • Discreet look/design
    • Whimsical / artistic

Functions / Performance / Controls

This toy offers easy operation and only speed; I like variety and the fact it offered only one speed felt a little too simplistic for me.

I'm not too disappointed though because I've accepted the fact this is just a warm-up toy for me, it will never be a "get off" toy because as I've evolved so has my need for speed and this duck's hum-drummy, mild buzz wasn't quite enough to rev my engine.

As it's waterproof it offers a waterproof compartment that houses 1 AAA battery. Getting into this compartment took some prowess, I always have trouble with Big Tease Toys' battery compartments, but I've learned over the years that a butter-knife works far better than a broken fingernail.

This smaller Duckie fared much better when it came to bathroom acoustics, it wasn't nearly as loud as its full-size counterparts but it wasn't exactly discreet either. However, the sound was reminiscent of a personal electric razor so you're afforded a good excuse in response to questions about that "odd humming coming from the bathroom".
    • Easy to use
    • Not enough variety
    • Not very discreet

Care and Maintenance

This is perhaps one of the easiest toys to care for. All you really need to take extra care of is to make sure the battery compartment is screwed on tight and that you don't store it next to toys of similar materials. If you can afford to keep this in the bathroom than by all means, do- it is a water toy after all!

It's great to use with either silicone (perfect for bath time) or water based lubes- and cleaning it is a snap, simply wash it down with soap and water or a toy cleaner. It's one of the lowest maintenance toys I have and one of the least complicated ones.
    • Easy to clean
    • Easy to store


The packaging is king.

This adorable Duckie is housed in a plastic ornament that really will hang on your tree. It does offer up Big Tease's "I Rub My Duckie" slogan on the front of the packaging which is my only estimation that will have house guests' thinking it's something other than just a harmless Christmas ornament. But it's adorable none-the-less and the packaging makes it a really sensational toy for the sex toy lover in your life, no matter the holiday or occasion.
    • Discreet looking packaging
    • Would make a nice gift

Personal comments

I'm a firm believer that a toy doesn't have to be huge to be good, and I also believe that Christmas isn't just once a year. Gift the sex toy lover in your life or gift yourself, and by all means, keep the Christmas Spirit alive... orgasm after orgasm.


To me, this isn't a toy you buy because you want a sex toy. This is a toy you buy purely for the novelty factor or because you want a "sexy" gift for your significant other, especially if your significant other has never really shown an interest in sex toys.

This is a cute present that makes gift giving and receiving light-hearted and fun.
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: Undecided
    Very cute thanks for the review
  • Contributor: dontbackdown02
  • Contributor: tophertoph447
    thanks for sharing
  • Contributor: BoobCopter
  • Contributor: Wonderstruck
    Thanks for the review!
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Santa Duckie, make bubbles in my bath tonight.... 16
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