Do you have stretch marks?

Contributor: Llewey Llewey
I have some minor stretchmarks on/around my thighs and hips. Funnily enough, my butt seems to have been spared. They're not very noticable; just slightly more milky than the rest of my skin. I don't mind them.
Contributor: indiglo indiglo
Originally posted by K101
Thank you, Gary! See there. I knew people didn't think so badly of them. I think it's US who criticize our bodies way more harshly (whether it's over stretch marks or love handles or cellulite) than others. I guess it's true that we ... more
Yes, I think that is 100% true. We are our own worst critics.

It's something I am working on too - but as I read the thread and think about this I think how illogical it is to feel bad, or guilty, or ashamed over something we cannot control - like our skin's reaction to being stretched for whatever reason (puberty, weight, whatever). We don't control our bodies in that way, and it's sad that we would judge ourselves as people just because of something uncontrollable that our body did. We deserve more, and I think we owe ourselves more than that.

This is an area we all deserve to work on, to feel better about and judge ourselves less.
Contributor: Soulsekrou Soulsekrou
Stretch marks from gaining and losing weight a lot.
Contributor: Catan Catan
I've had stretch marks ever since puberty, but strangely, didn't seem to gain new ones during pregnancy.
Contributor: *Camoprincess* *Camoprincess*
I have them on my breasts,thighs,arms and tummy that I know of for sure. I am not 100% fond of them but my partner has never mentioned them he just tells me I am perfect just the way I am and that he loves my body
Contributor: llellsee llellsee
I have slight stretch marks from puberty, in the usual places. They don't bother me though. I call the white ones on my hips my white tiger stripes cos I quite like those ones. They're faint but they still remind me of when people get animal print tattoos
Contributor: charmedtomeetyou charmedtomeetyou
I know a lot of women who call them Tiger Stripes!

I'm not in love with them, but I'm proud of what my body did to get them. Those marks are there because I grew two people...which is pretty freaking awesome!
Contributor: peachmarie peachmarie
I do have stretch marks, I don't like them but it is what it is.
Contributor: sweisb4100 sweisb4100
My stretch marks don't bother me. everyone has them. Plus I take care of my skin.
Contributor: alliegator alliegator
I've got them on my thighs and breasts from where my weight has gone up and down.
Contributor: Beautiful-Disaster Beautiful-Disaster
Growing up I was very overweight...At 13, I was over 200 pounds... I lost weight.. Lowest was 110.. So yeah, I have stretch marks.. Not very noticeable, but I'm definitely self conscious.. Since I know they're there.
Contributor: sunflower sunflower
Originally posted by K101
Me too! I've had them ever since my early teens. I have stretch marks on my butt cheeks, my thighs (outer and inner) and my breasts. Hell, I've even felt them on the backs of my calves before! However, they don't always seem to be there ... more
Thanks a lot for your response! I love your attitude towards it. I am going to have to try to adapt that attitude.

Mine are on my inner and outer thighs, butt, hips, boobs, calves too. Some of them had to do with weight gain but I think the majority were from growing taller in puberty. The ones on my thighs bother me the most because there are just so many and they're so deep. It's not even a weird self consciousness thing where I have a weird body image, they are super prominent and numerous. I agree though, I've never seen someone and thought "Look at those gross stretch marks!" and nobody has made negative comments towards me about mine along the lines of "wow, you have a lot" or something. I think the only things that happened was that my mom made a comment that wasn't meant as an insult and a friend said "lol you have stretch marks on your ass" while we were swimming. Nobody I've ever dated has made any comments about it. I guess it's mostly an internal insecurity?

Cocoa butter is supposed to help a lot with stretch marks and is a lot cheaper. It's too bad you wasted a lot of money on the creams because they're really expensive but it's great that you learned from it.

I also liked the "he looks like he got clawed by an animal" comment by surreptitious And thank you for the comment, Gary. That kinda made me feel a bit better.
It looks like a majority of the poll answerers are comfortable with theirs, that's awesome!
Contributor: Zombirella Zombirella
There was a point that Kendra made that I found true with myself. Though I hate mine and they make feel ugly and gross, I have never looked at anyone else that has them and thought "eww, cover up", so I don't know why I torture myself over it. My fiance even has some and I don't think anything about him is ugly and they don't bother me at all.
Contributor: chicmichiw chicmichiw
I know a lot of girls I knew in high school felt badly about them. I'm lucky to have few and faint ones, just on my inner thighs and mostly unnoticeable ones on my hips. Sometimes it's tough to know that other people have these marks too when you feel too ashamed to ask and just don't see others' bodies -- and then you're presented with highly airbrushed pictures of people you're told are attractive.
Contributor: sweetpea12 sweetpea12
Originally posted by sunflower
Do you have stretch marks? I feel like almost every woman has them.

I've had awful stretch marks all over my body since I was an (extremely skinny) 13 year old. I mean REALLY BAD stretch marks. They're almost all faded now but ... more
I have stretch marks on my breasts and on my hips by my love handles.
Contributor: TJax TJax
I don't have any, but my woman does. It doesn't really bother either of us.

...but you know they make topical creams for that?
Contributor: TJtheMadHatter TJtheMadHatter
I have stretch marks. I got them back when I was pregnant. For a long time they were dark purple and deep. Now that I'm slowly losing weight and a couple years have passed, they're faded and not as deep. I'm kind of back and forth between comfortable and uncomfortable with them. It all depends on the setting and how I'm feeling.
Contributor: Living Doll Living Doll
I don't have any stretch marks, fortunately.
Contributor: FieryRed FieryRed
Originally posted by Zombirella
I got them when I finally decided to grow (and almost stop) around 12/13. Then got some more from weight gain and quick loss. I hate it and I feel ashamed that I have them and I can't use having a child as an excuse for my disgusting, ugly body ... more
Ohhh, honey! I'm so sorry you feel that way! The idea that women must be stretch-mark-free and cellulite-free in order to be attractive is a myth created by advertisers. They want to make you think there are all kinds of things wrong with you so they can sell you products to "fix" your body. You don't need an excuse for the way you look, and your body is NOT disgusting and ugly! Shame on those who've made you feel that way!

I hit puberty pretty suddenly, myself, and started going from a string-bean type figure to a curvy hourglass at around 12-13. I wore a 34D as a young teen, and my mom asked me once if I was stuffing my bra! (I was so embarrassed.) I have more funny stories like that, but the point is that I wound up with stretch marks on my breasts, all over the back and sides of my hips, on the back and inside of my thighs, and even a couyple on my calves. I've gained and lost weight over the years, but not more than about a 20-lb. fluctuation. Women get stretch marks for all kinds of reasons. My ex-husband had stretch marks as well, so it isn't just women, either.

I used to be self-conscious about my stretch marks, but my current partner actually tells me she likes them, that they're my "tiger stripes" and that they're actually sexy. She's a rather visually-oriented person, so that's a huge compliment, and I feel much more comfortable with them now.
Contributor: leanright69 leanright69
I have no stretch marks and that is after 5 children. Nutrition is what I think made the difference.
Contributor: LovesAPoet LovesAPoet
Mine are almost all on my hips from puberty. They're faded white now and remind me of a fresh diagonal scratch. I'm certainly comfortable with those ones and I actually kind of like them.
Contributor: .kaycat .kaycat
Mine get reallllly dark purple the fade like a shiny white then come back all purple
Contributor: Allstars316 Allstars316
Just my arms
Contributor: Bullfroggy and Rose Bullfroggy and Rose
mine are from pregnancy
Contributor: Sbmsvschoolgirl Sbmsvschoolgirl
I hate my stretch marks.
Contributor: gwenevieve gwenevieve
Originally posted by sunflower
Do you have stretch marks? I feel like almost every woman has them.

I've had awful stretch marks all over my body since I was an (extremely skinny) 13 year old. I mean REALLY BAD stretch marks. They're almost all faded now but ... more
i have them on my thighs and breasts and i worry about them sometimes, but theyre not one of my biggest insecurities or anything