The forgotten son of a set of anal beads and PePe Le Pew

Oh how badly I wanted to love this glimmering gold anal probe; it was fun, lovely to behold, and a nice size for me to start out with. But sadly the overpoweringly strong chemical odor was a bit too strong for my nose to handle. If you can deal with the scent, it's a great toy to begin your adventures in anal play despite the porous nature of the material.
Great for beginners or as a warmup toy, pretty, nice and flexible, cheap
The horrible chemical smell that won't go away, porous material
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


To use this lovely, shiny probe is a fairly simple process really: slip a condom over it, add any additional lubrication you desire, and slowly slide the probe into your selected orifice (it could be used either anally as intended or vaginally as long as you use a condom).

Or if that's not your style, you could try using it with a strap-on harness (would work best with harnesses like the Spareparts Joque Harness due to the style of the base...I tried it in a harness with a 1 1/2" diameter metal o ring and had to literally force it in).

The base is slightly flared but it probably should have had a little wider of a base for safety reasons.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Couples
    • Solo
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Anal

Material / Texture

The Anal Tool is made of a bendy, squishy PVC material with an antibacterial material (Sil-a-Gel) thrown in. PVC is very porous (ranking at only a 2 on the Eden safety scale) so it cannot be shared or used in different holes without a condom on it. And yes, the thing is a lint magnet. While taking the pictures, I dropped it on the floor and I'm pretty sure every bit of dust or dirt it touched is hanging out on it now. The soft material that makes it so comfortable also makes it a bit tricky to insert on your own but if you hold the second bulge and insert the tip first, that way it's much easier. It's sort of like how a cat can get through anything if its whiskers will fit through, get the tip in and you're good to go.

Below are two pictures showing the flexibility of the probe (one showing just how bendy it is and one showing roughly what you can expect if you put it in a strap-on harness).

If it were used in a harness

This probe is honestly pretty great except for its one fatal flaw: the thing stinks so badly of chemicals that it turns my stomach. It's so strong of an odor that somehow it managed to seep through the two Ziploc baggies I had been storing the probe in.

So if you can't handle the slightly bigger size of the silicone version down in "related products", you should either go for the Tantus Ripple or try and deal with the smell somehow.
    • Harness compatible
    • Porous
    • Strong odor

Design / Shape / Size

At about seven inches long, this might seem a bit much if you're just starting out in the world of anal play but it's so flexible that the length isn't an issue at all. I've included a few photos below to give you a general idea of the size.

Bulge Circumference
Next to a golf ball
Next to a regular size Sharpie

As you can see, the tip is about the same size as the average fingertip and even at the bottom bulge, it's a manageable size for most or all beginners. I certainly had no issue with the size and I rarely engage in anal play at the moment.

The design is pretty standard for a graduated anal probe (at least in my opinion) and increases pretty mildly until the last two bulges. It has a gorgeous gold color with a pretty sort of marbled/swirled pattern to it.
    • Beginner


Well the best thing about it is that it was only $10.99, and it was an amusing experiment into the world of anal probes. I love the color and swirled pattern of it, the size, and the feel of it but like I said throughout this review, that smell is a deal breaker. This will now become a foul smelling paperweight if I even decide to keep it.

It's harness compatible if you use the right kind of harness (which I covered in the Use segment).
I fully intend on purchasing the silicone version of this lovely probe soon since I can't stomach the scent of this version.
    • Comfortable

Care and Maintenance

First off, you absolutely MUST use a condom on the Anal Tool due to its porous material. Now for cleaning it, I'd suggest a mild antibacterial hand soap or some toy cleaner of your choice, and it's probably a good idea to clean it even if you do use a condom just to be safe. It attracts lint/dust bunnies/stray pet hairs like nobody's business so it would be best stored in its original package or a Ziploc bag when it's not in use. It's probably a good idea to keep this (even in a Ziploc bag) away from any toys that might pick up the scent of it, perhaps even have a separate storage place for the more strongly scented toys.

It's PVC and Sil-a-Gel so it should be compatible with any lube you feel like using on it, but if you're concerned, you can always do a little spot test on the bottom of the base and see what happens.


The Anal Tool came to me in the typical discreet shipping box Eden always uses and the probe itself was in an easy open plastic package with a simple paper insert in the back that had a few little blurbs about the product in several languages. You can reuse the plastic package to store it if you want to, even though the package is a bit long and bulky.

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Follow-up commentary
Well the scent didn't get any better with time (to be fair though, it never left it's Ziploc baggie prison after this review) so I did indeed wind up tossing this toy out.

It really is pretty to look at, and serves its purpose well enough, but that chemical odor was just too much for me.

In part, it feels a bit wasteful to just throw it away, but I don't see the point in keeping something I know I'd never use so it had to be done.

I was looking into if it could be cut up (so as to make it unrecognizable to nosy neighbors) and put in with the recycling, but after reading an article on yahoo, I decided against it.

Yahoo article with lots of good info on PVC toys

another page about PVC...both highly informative and slightly frightening
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This review was edited by
  • Apirka Contributor: Apirka
  • Rank:
    6.7 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 321
Subscribe to comments
  • Contributor: Jimbo Jones
    Every product you listed in the comparison is made of better material. I can personally recommend the Ripple for a similar application made of silicone (no smell). Thanks for the great review.
  • Contributor: KrissyNovacaine
    I love your title!
  • Contributor: SMichelle
    Excellent review!
  • Contributor: SnowAngel
    Great review!
  • Contributor: jjesssica

  • Contributor: Gary A.
    great work!
  • Contributor: bayosgirl
  • Contributor: nimbuscloud3
    maybe but idk
  • Contributor: Lovely Jubblies
    Really great review (and title!)
  • Contributor: Anne
    nice review
  • Contributor: Zandrock
    thanks for sharing
  • Contributor: Aftertherain13
    Great review!
  • Contributor: Andrey2052
    Good review!
  • Contributor: karenm
    Great review, thanks!
  • Contributor: Wicked Wahine
    I am very sensitive to smells, too, so I understand how you just can't use the product! I feel if they smell that badly and leave a smell on your hands from touching them, then they are not something I want to mess with! Thanks for such a wonderful review though! The measurements on that one photo, make this review "extremely useful" by itself!
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