Clamp, Stay, Look Pretty

These are gorgeous nipple clamps disguised as jewellery. If you're new to nipple clamps they are gentle in their introduction and if you're an expert then the gorgeous beads can be tightened a LOT and are begging to be tugged while staying firmly in place- apart from the rubber top occasionally!
Easily adjustable mid play, cheap and pretty.
The rubber top can come off easily when you tug too much.
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extremely useful review
As a first pair of nipple clamps|Beaded nipple clamps I absolutely adored these. They are pretty, easy to use and adjustable in terms of how much you want it to hurt.

I leave the nipple clamps on my bedside table and they look like earrings that I forgot to put away after a night out. I love the gorgeous red and black beads - they are sexy without being overly girlie. When they are clamped on I love moving around and watching the beads dangle like earrings do when you move your head.

When my partner first put them on me I was apprehensive. I love my nipples tugged and teased but I wasn't sure how badly this would hurt. When I opened my eyes I realised they were already on and the sliding clamp could make it tighter or looser depending on how advanced I was. I tightened it a bit more and my partner tugged on them a little and they didn't fall off. We started laying around and he pulled on them harder and I loved it. I was moaning and writhing and it felt so good to have them pinched just the right amount. I thought I was getting sensitive when the right nipple hurt more and realised that the rubber on the top had come off. Only the metal part clamped my nipple and that made the bit slightly harder. It didn't hurt too badly but as I wasn't prepared for it I just popped the rubber top on it and continued on.

I've tried it as tight as I can manage and there's still plenty of room to tighten it further. I know I can take a fair bit of pain to my nipples so for those hardcore ones out there you might still like this even if they are pretty looking :) The actual clamp has not slid off my nipple through any play but I've had the rubber top come off on occasion. It is easy to stop and just slide them back on but if you don't like any interruptions then this might become a big problem.

If you're allergic to any metals I would do more research on this toy, but my body is very sensitive (I reject nickel) and I didn't react badly to the clamp directly on my nipple. It's easy to clean with just a damp wash cloth over it now and again.
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  • Contributor: marshmallow
  • Contributor: Jimenko
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: ILikeShinyThings
  • Contributor: Piña Colada
  • Contributor: CadmiumKitty
    thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Jujubee
  • Contributor: MALVINA
    Thank you
  • Contributor: iabicpl09
    Thank you
  • Contributor: iabicpl09
    Thank you
  • Contributor: MK434
    Nice review!
  • Contributor: unoriginalgirlyid
  • Contributor: Peres2013
  • Contributor: meowmeowmeow
    thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Jax Jackson
  • Contributor: anobscureallure
    Thanks for reveiwing!
  • Contributor: xgreatlovex
  • Contributor: Pete's Princess
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: freeport
    Thanks for the review!
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