What no clips!

For a beginner set, this works well. It is comfortable, easy to adjust, and safe if your partner gets scared. But the non-detachable cuffs is a pretty big negative for me, and depending on your doors this might or might not work for you.
Adjustable length, velcro for safety, comfortable cuffs.
Can't change out cuffs, must have small gaps on doors to work.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


Want to tie someone up but don't want to have it on the bed? Do you need something that isn't permanent so visitors (the one's that would be shocked) don't notice? Do you want something that would be great to take on the road with you for a weekend getaway or vacation? This set is for you then!

This 4 cuff set from Sportsheets is great to satisfy all these requirements. There are 4 totally separate cuffs, with adjustable tether, and plastic tube set which allows you to place these under or over any door with tight gaps at the top and bottom. The tight gap is important so when the restrainee is pulling and tugging against the cuff that the tube won't pop out from under the door. I believe this set is more suitable to beginners, even though intermediate users could enjoy it as well. The reason for this is because the cuffs are permanently attached to the D-ring without any way of separating. I consider myself to be somewhat intermediate, in that I would like to be able to use my Liberator cuffs, and go from being attached to a piece of Liberator furniture to these cuffs on the door or vice versa.
    • Bdsm
    • Light restraint

Design / Craftsmanship / Material / Size / Fit

One thing that I noticed on the packaging before I opened it up was that the cuffs were detachable via a small clip. I got really excited with this, thinking that I could use either leather cuffs or my cuffs from Liberator. Great thinking, right? But when I opened up the packaging, they had changed the design. They are connected via a D ring, with no way to detach it unless you bought 4 additional D rings, then clips to go along with it, and you wanted to start sewing.

The tethers adjust via a plastic buckle like on a backpack, and go from 8 inches from plastic tube to cuff at the shortest, to 14 inches at full extension. The cuffs themselves are secured with velcro, which is great for adjustability and quick release, but not great for those that want their partners to have no way to escape. The cuffs are 2 inches wide, and are a soft faux fur on the inside. The cuffs can go down to about a 2 inch diameter with just a little bit of velcro secured, and 3 1/4 inch diameter at the maximum without exposing any velcro to the wearer's skin. I consider myself to be above average in size, and these fit me comfortably, except that the ankle cuff barely fits around my ankle with no velcro trying to pull out my hairs. Luckily the part that would be exposed to my skin isn't the rough part of velcro, so it wouldn't hurt if I loosened the cuffs some.

The plastic tube that goes behind the door is 4 1/4 inches long, and about 3/4 of an inch in diameter. If you order this and it doesn't work for you because of a large door gap, you could always slide the plastic tube out and replace it with something slightly larger, like a piece of wood or a firmer piece of plastic. My tether I am looking at has a small gap between the tube the the nylon which would allow for this.
    • Adjustable
    • Velcro


I was the first one to be restrained, and my wife started with my arms only. With the cuffs securing via velcro, I was quickly secured to the door so my wife could have her way with me. With my arms restrained above my head, I could immediately tell that my arms hanging was going to start hurting pretty quick. My wife then loosened the straps slightly so I could move my arms some, and I semi-rested them on the top of the door jam. They did restrain me well, and the thought of "I'm secured to the door" allowed my wife to tease me horribly. We never secured my ankles this first time, but the cuff around my wrist never hurt. A nice thing with how close we had the cuffs together, was that I was able to turn around for a spanking as well.

Care and Maintenance

There are a few different materials for these cuffs, but since they are all attached permanently, besides the plastic tube at the bottom, I would recommend only spot cleaning these. They might get a little sweaty if it is hot, so you could probably just leave them hanging out to get rid of any smell. Otherwise, I don't see any reason for needing to clean these. We have had our Liberator cuffs for a few years now, and have yet to have a reason to clean those.


The packaging was a simple clamshell plastic container which just pops open, no tools required! It has a piece of cardboard inside with images of the product in use on the front and the back. On the front is a man and woman, with both in lingerie and the woman secured against a door. On the back is where I saw the clips that I thought allowed you detach the cuffs, and then a few images to help you install the product. For now I have the cuffs still hanging on the door, and I am keeping the packaging since it is resealable and good for taking on the road to prevent them from getting tangled up. The packaging also says that this was made in the USA, and the instructions included on the packaging are also placed in French, Russian, German, Spanish, Italian, and three other languages which I have no clue to, and no clue of their flag next to their text.
    • Good for storage
    • Minimal
    • Recyclable

Personal comments

After having watched a Midori video about bondage, my wife noticed these and thought they would be fun. A few months passed, and these appeared on Eden. I thought they were interesting, but I had been purchasing a lot of bondage items recently, so I passed them up. Then they went on a massive sale, and I was placing an order and looking for something small, so I couldn't pass them up. Her reaction when I pulled them out of the Eden box was of excitement, and I went to set them up one day before she got home.

I put them on our closet french doors, and since the door handles are in the center, I put them to one side. This works well, and allows me to rest my back against the door without a door handle in my lower back. To put them on, especially the bottoms, I somewhat positioned them loosely then pulled them tight after the door was closed. The door we use is just a pull to open, so I could get myself loose if I pulled really hard, but tugging on them doesn't pop the door open, so it works.

You need a fairly secure door to place these around, and one that locks would be ideal. Since we only have two doors in our playroom, and the locking one is a door in a small hallway, I put these on our closet French doors. In order for the ankle cuffs to work, you need to have smaller than a 3/4 inch gap so they don't pop out with hardwood or tile floors, and even smaller if you have plush carpeting. I have pretty thick carpet, but the door gap is right at 1/2 inch, so they work, but barely. If I pull I can tug the plastic tube out from under the door.
Follow-up commentary
I still like this kit, but it just hasn't gotten much use since we purchased it. I left it hanging on the doors for at least a month while they were ignored, before I decided to take them down. I am not going to get rid of them, but I don't expect much use for a while. Maybe again in the future we will use them.
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  • Contributor: newfoundlust
    Thanks, nice review.
  • Contributor: leatherlover
    Thanks newfoundlust!
  • Contributor: Ms. Spice
    it seems like such a fun product, awesome review
  • Contributor: married with children
    great review, thanks for sharing. I would get a set of these, but I am afraid of the hollow core door breaking on us.
  • Contributor: tigerkate
    Great review! These do look pretty fun and interesting.
  • Contributor: leatherlover
    Ms. Spice- it is pretty cool and enjoyable.

    Sloppy Donkey- as long as the restrainee doesn't attempt to break away with the cuffs, it will keep them in place. I would say it is more psychologically restrained, not so much as physically.

    tigerkate- Thanks for reading.
  • Contributor: ~LaUr3n~
    I got so frustrated with these not working with our doors! Great review
  • Contributor: Missmarc
    Thank you for the review, I been wanting to get this. I am worried about my door not able to hold it in place though.
  • Contributor: dinglebat
  • Contributor: DreamWolf
    Great review!
  • Contributor: geliebt
    Lovely review, thank you kindly
  • Contributor: Apirka
    Thanks for sharing! These look like a lot of fun.
  • Contributor: mrs.mckrakn
    very helpful ty WL
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