Might I Suggest Something A Little Less Horrible?

This product wasn't my thing: it was uncomfortable to insert, difficult to enjoy sex with, and more trouble than it was worth, overall. However, not all experiences are the same. Every vagina and penis are going to have different results with this product, so who knows? I recommend trying if you're looking for something new but I do think this specific price is too expensive for the product.
* Some males may prefer this than a male condom.
* Provides protection from pregnancy and STDs.
* Can be uncomfortable to some.
* Thickness can really decrease sensation.
* Expensive!
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
I was introduced to female condoms at an early age, and they have always perplexed me. The concept is logical: why should a condom have to be worn by the male partner? Wouldn't it be easier and more comfortable if the condom was worn internally? Honestly, the answer I have found is an absolute "no."

Females condoms are lubricated with a water-based lubricant and are non-latex. That being said, I do recommend that if you or your partner has a latex allergy you give these a try if you have few options. The female condom is not *as* safe as male condoms, even if used properly. In addition, some comfort-related issues come to mind with this product that may contribute to your choice in sexual protection.

The condom is inserted into the vagina by squeezing an o-ring that is inside the pouch and manually putting it in place. Another o-ring stays outside of the vagina, to keep the condom from slipping inside. Even the process of inserting can be a problem for some females. The o-ring is sometimes difficult to stay in place and it can be damn uncomfortable to put in, even painful at times.

During sex, the female condom tends to slip around in my experiences, which no doubt terrifies me because it seems like it's going to get pushed inside and become useless as a safety device. Not to mention, the thickness of the condom makes sex really...boring, almost. I would say that sensation-levels are highly effected by the thickness and feel of the condom for the female. As I cannot personally comment on the feel of the female condom for males, I imagine it isn't as good as other birth control/STD protective products. To be frank, the idea of trying to have sex with a garbage bag comes to mind. Especially if the female has a larger vaginal canal, the fact that the condom is loose inside leads me to believe it doesn't feel as good for males, either.

I don't mean to completely discourage this, as everyone's experience seems to vary. Above all else, I recommend you always have protection against pregnancy and/or STDs so if you haven't tried this and you want to explore more options for birth control/STD protection, by all means do so. However, I would suggest maybe trying to find these at a clinic, women's/LGBT center, or sex education workshop because I have often found these available for free. EdenFantasys is usually really good with prices in my opinion, but this seems way over the top to me.

There are loads of products to protect you from pregnancy and STD-exposure out there. This is just one of them. If you need other options, you can research products online or speak to a doctor about ones that will work for you. I wish you all luck in finding the product that works for you. Remember: safety first!
Follow-up commentary
I tried these on several occasions over the years and I can't do it. These really just aren't comfortable for me to wear--and I don't mean "inconvenient," I mean "kill-the-mood" kind of discomfort. Sorry, guys, male condoms it is!
This content is the opinion of the submitting contributor and is not endorsed by EdenFantasys.com

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My Reality female condoms 3 pack tags
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Anyone
    • Can be worn during intercourse
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
  • Body / part areas
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    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Genitals
  • General
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    Other tags that are useful and descriptive for this product.
    • Condom
    • Non-latex
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  • ~LaUr3n~ Contributor: ~LaUr3n~
  • Rank:
    7.4 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 580
  • Graduated students: 77
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  • Contributor: brevado
    Nice review
  • Contributor: burtnuh
  • Contributor: Aishiteru
    Thanks for the info.
  • Contributor: Cynthia Jordan
  • Contributor: redeagle
    the title made me lol! thanks for the review
  • Contributor: dontbackdown02
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: GONE!
    Thanks for the honest review!
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