Yee-Haw - Ride 'Em Cowboy!

Being both girthy & lengthy enough for a nice stretch without venturing into the realm of "too much of a good thing", Buck's dual density silicone will rock your world!
VixSkin silicone, nicely tapered with flared base, realistic feel, A-Spot and G-Spot orgasms
He's not attached to a hard, warm male body. Oh, and his size might not be suitable for everyone.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


I absolutely LOVE VixSkin products and Buck has already carved a place for himself in my life. Don't get me wrong, I still love VixSkin Johnny, but his balls make him not-so-user-friendly with my Liberator Wing (a pain to have to unzip the cover to get him in place). I almost talked myself out of buying Buck, but I thank my lucky stars that I didn't. He has already come out to play so many times since he moved in that my pretty purple O2 Cush has begun to turn green with envy. I may even have to move Buck to a different drawer to keep him away from Johnny - don't want any fights breaking out!

Buck is great for vaginal play (both solo and partner), and his flared base makes him safe for anal play as well. He's o-ring compatible, too, so in my book that makes him an ideal playmate.

I don't think you need to be a size queen to enjoy Buck's size. His length and girth may not be for everyone but if you're up for a fun challenge, he's your man. The inherent give in the luxurious VixSkin silicone and Buck's tapered head help make him more user-friendly than dildos of similar size that are made of less forgiving material(s).

In this review I'll be making several references to VixSkin Johnny and Tantus O2 Cush because I own both these dildos, and they are similar in girth and insertable length to the VixSkin Buck.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Couples
    • Gender play
    • Solo
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Anal
    • G-spot
    • P-spot

Material / Texture

VixSkin is a wondrous premium silicone material by Vixen Creations and scores a 10 out of 10 on the material safety scale. Buck is a dual density silicone dildo, which means he's firm (but not hard) at his core while being soft and pliant on the surface. He's non-porous and odor-free, as well as easy to clean and sterilize (see care and maintenance section below).

Buck has more girth than the O2 Cush (2" vs 1.75") yet he doesn't feel larger due to the fabulous texture and give of the almost-squishy outer layer. The head of Buck is soft - it has no firmer core - and tapered which makes penetration comfortable and enjoyable.

What makes VixSkin such a great material is how it feels, both in your hands and in your body. The outer layer is such that when you grip Buck it moves over the firmer core, similarly to a real penis. It's difficult to describe to someone that is unfamiliar with VixSkin, so let me just say that the feel and movement of VixSkin is worth every penny you pay. The front of the package says it all: "Worth Every Inch"

And then some!

Buck has texture due to the veins running across its surface. You can feel them with your hands when handling him, but not so much during penetration. While I can't actually feel the veins internally, I can tell that the surface isn't smooth and, for me, it adds to the realism and pleasure.

Buck topside
Buck underside
Buck left side
Buck right side

As with many other silicone toys, there is some drag to the outer layer so you'll probably want to have your favorite water-based lubricant handy when Buck comes out to play.
    • Harness compatible
    • No odor
    • Not porous at all

Design / Shape / Size

VixSkin Buck is a realistic, veined dildo with a slight curve, and a glans that is defined but not pronounced. He tapers nicely from 1.5" at the tip to 1.7" below the glans to a girthy 2" at the base. He stands 7.5" giving you 6.5" of insertable length to play with.

While slight, the curve is more than enough to hit your G-Spot, A-Spot and P-Spot. The glans is well-formed yet pliant enough to hit the right spots and hit them well. It also allows for both harder, faster thrusting as well as slow, deep thrusting without worrying it'll catch on your pubic bone.

A 3-3/8" flared base allows a solid grip for solo or couples play, and makes Buck O-ring compatible. Be sure that your harness can handle a full 2" shaft and some heft - my Buck weighs in at a full 12 ounces.

Below is a photo of Buck with a few other dildos for comparison. From left to right: VixSkin Spur, VixSkin Buck, Tantus O2 Cush & VixSkin Johnny.

Buck comparison

Studies show that the average penis is 5.1" to 5.9" in length and 5" in circumference. Buck, with an insertable length of 6.5" and 6" circumference, is obviously well above average in size, so he will not be everyone's cup of tea.

As much as you'll want to take Buck on all your travels, there's no way to disguise what he is from TSA; an awesome, solid cock.
    • Partner play
    • Realistic


Since Buck wasn't my first VixSkin dildo, my expectations were understandably high. I should've known that, like any good rodeo champ worth his salt, Buck would come out of the gate raring to go. He most certainly did not disappoint!

When Buck arrived, I pulled him out of the container and my heart dropped - his base was so much bigger then the base on my Tantus O2 Cush! The reason I bought Buck was for use in my Liberator Wing so I was upset that I'd miscalculated so badly. It would defeat the whole purpose of buying him if he was going to be a hassle to mount like the dildos with balls! After realizing just how good Buck felt in my hands I was determined that we'd work it out somehow.

Well, with a 3-3/8" circumference base it's a very tight fit but where there's a will, there's a way...

On the flipside, the 3-3/8" base is a plus when using Buck manually. Plenty big enough for my husband's hands but still fits comfortably in mine. I especially appreciate the "extra" space between the edge of the base and the base of the shaft since I often grasp just the edge (with my thumb, index & middle fingers) when thrusting vaginally.

In the past I've been happy using the Tantus O2 Cush with my Wing, but I knew that a VixSkin would be even better. I was right. The Cush is a very nice dual density silicone dildo, but both its core and outer layer are noticeably firmer than Buck.

I really enjoy double penetration with my husband and a toy so, Buck has seen more threesome action than one-on-one and none of us is complaining. I get pretty turned on when I go down on my husband so it really turned up the heat to ride Buck (mounted on the Wing) at the same time. I hadn't tried this with the Cush because I worried the angle would be uncomfortable due to its firmness, but I didn't hesitate to try it out with Buck. He's definitely softer and more flexible, and I didn't have to stop to re-position or make adjustments. The result was simply... orgasmic.

When I'm riding Buck on the Wing and my husband is riding me from behind, the angles of penetration are different than when used as described above. We haven't gone crazy as far as positions (yet) but so far I've been impressed that Buck hasn't caused discomfort during any of the angles/positions we've used.

I'm also supposed to mention what's not so great about Buck. Frankly, I haven't found a downside yet. As mentioned previously, his size may be a deal-breaker for some but it seems to be the cat's meow for me.

All in all, I'm patting myself on the back for adding Buck to my stable of men.
    • Easy to use
    • Not discreet at all

Care and Maintenance

Like other VixSkin dildos, Buck is a breeze to care for requiring only soap and warm water after each use. Buck is a lint magnet, so I prefer to let him air dry before placing him back into the plastic cylinder he arrived in.

Vixskin is a premium silicone that is non-porous, so it is body-friendly and can easily be sterilized by boiling for at least three minutes, washing with a 10% bleach solution, or put into your dishwasher on the top rack.

Water-based lubricants are best because silicone-based lubricants may degrade the Vixskin material. I know that some folks will test a spot to if their silicone lube is compatible, but there's no way I'd risk damaging the newest man in my life. He treats me right, so I'm more than happy to return the favor.

It's best, if possible, to store Buck in the plastic tube he arrived in. If not, you should be sure to store him in another container or plastic bag in order to keep him clean as well as to prevent contact with other toys, including those also made of silicone.
    • Easy to clean
    • Easy to store


Buck arrived in a clear plastic cylindrical container. I strongly recommend that you store Buck in this container to prevent lint build-up as well to keep other toys (including those also made of silicone) from touching him.

Buck pkg

I often have trouble putting the black lid back on the container, but it's worth the hassle as the container is, of course, the correct size to store Buck and I'd rather not use a plastic bag unless I absolutely have no other choice.
    • Good for storage
    • Minimal

Personal comments

As mentioned earlier, VixSkin Johnny didn't easily fit in my Liberator Wing due to his balls. I'd been lusting after VixSkin Bandit for months, but told myself that I needed to stick to the game plan and since Bandit also had balls he wasn't up for consideration. After several weeks of going back and forth between VixSkin Buck and VixSkin Maverick (I was hesitant because reviews mentioned the pronounced glans could potentially cause discomfort & I had no idea if I'd find that feature painful or pleasurable) I finally decided on Maverick. Yes, I said Maverick.

A day of two later, I got an email from EF that my beloved VixSkin dildos were on sale so I immediately clicked on the link and got busy shopping. I put Maverick in my cart then, instead of checking out, I put Buck in my cart, too. I can't tell you why I deleted Maverick and bought Buck, but I can tell you that while I anxiously awaited Buck's arrival I was kicking myself for not getting Maverick after all. I just knew that I'd still end up ordering Maverick eventually and would be angry with myself for wasting money on Buck first.

Boy was I wrong! It was love at first orgasm. Personally, I find A-Spot orgasms to be the most satisfying even if they're not the stongest - and they're also the most difficult for me to achieve. So...

A few A-Spot orgasms later it was Mav-who?!?! I think I've even gotten over my Bandit-lust. I'm looking forward to getting a harness for my husband so we can try out some new DP combinations and positions. I have a feeling I might soon be shopping for a harness for *me* to wear in the not-so-distant future.


I don't have a harness... yet... so I can't tell you how good or bad Buck will behave in an o-ring. I expect he'll be fantastic, but I may be a little biased.

Hot sweaty nights with Buck - WOW!!!

Hot sweaty nights with Buck and my husband - AWESOME + DP AWESOMENESS!!!

Hot sweaty nights with Buck, my husband & Liberator Wing - DP HEAVEN!!!
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  • Ryuson Contributor: Ryuson
  • Rank:
    6.8 / 10
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  • Graduated students: 17
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  • Contributor: Mr. John
    Geat review. Thanks!
  • Contributor: LoneOokami
    Thanks for the info.
  • Contributor: The Vixen
    Wow, thanks so much for the fabulous review and photos! For weeks I had been debating whether I should get the Cush or Buck next to use with my Liberator BonBon. You review and pic helped immensely, you have no idea. I'll probably get the Cush eventually too, but I'm super excited for Buck now. Thanks again!
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