Water-based lubricant

Not for the impatient

Not yet gel was a good surprise. It is cheap, works, and you get a lot for the money. I would buy it and use it again. Don't lick it and don't get too much in the girl parts and you will be fine.
Works, makes me last longer.
Tastes bad, can make it too numb and numb the wrong thing.
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useful review
This stuff works. I didn't think it really would do what it claims to do but it did. If you are need of a quickie, forget you own this stuff! The way it works is you rub this on your cock before you are going to get down to business, and it makes it a little bit less sensitive. Make sure to rub it in good, and give it time to work before you have sex. I could still feel everything, but there was enough numbing of my dick to make it not feel as good as normal. This only lasted a little bit, maybe for 10 minutes and then all the feeling was back to normal and I could cum. It seemed like that by having sex a little longer my orgasms were a lot better, and I know they were for my wife.

The stuff in it that makes it work is benzocaine, it is the same thing that numbs your gums when your have a toothache. This is used a lot, and is safe. There is some cherry flavoring in it too but it tastes a lot like sore throat medicine. It tastes really bad and numbs your mouth if you lick where it was rubbed in the skin.

Every time we used it I could go longer, no matter what kind of sex we had or how good it was. It was just enough control to help me get my wife off an extra time or two. The only problem we had was getting too much on my dick and then getting it in my wife. She couldn't cum and it was kind of uncomfortable for her till it wore off. After that we made sure there wasn't much left on my skin and we never had anymore problems.
We really liked this, and might use it again. It won't be an every time thing, but it is really good when you plan on a lot of playing around before getting to sex.
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    Thanks for reviewing
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    Thanks for the review.
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  • Contributor: Darklyvan
    ty for the review
  • Contributor: MamaDivine
    Thank you for the review!
  • Contributor: CaliGirl
    thanks for the review
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