Add a Little Cherry on Top

I really feel like the taste of this lube will be the deciding factor for most people. If you are one of those people (like me) who really just loves artificial cherry flavoring, then you will probably like this product. If you hate the idea of a product that tastes like cough syrup, then I doubt you'd like this lube. Even though it has some down sides, I'll probably buy another bottle when my current bottle runs out.
--fun to use with a partner
--tastes great
--greasy texture
--starts to feel sticky after a while
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


I purchased this lube to use with my boyfriend. I really think it is a great lube to use with a partner because of the fact that it is both scented and edible. My boyfriend and I use this as our 'go to' lube when we want to add a little flavor to oral sex. Before, we were using flavored condoms, and I found that the flavor on those disappeared pretty rapidly. The flavor in this lube is very strong and lasts a long time. It's also pretty easy to add a couple more drops if the flavor does start to diminish.

When we use this lube, we always put a towel down first, because it can get a bit messy. A little bit can go a long way, so we always start out with a small amount and add more if necessary. I have noticed that after some time, the lube does lose some of its slipperiness, so I do typically end up adding a little bit more as time goes on.

On occasion, I have used this lube by myself when I was masturbating with a vibrator. It worked just fine for me, but I almost felt like it was a waste to use flavored lube when no tasting was being done!

I also wanted to mention that in the item description, it says that this can be used as a massage oil. I've never actually used it for a back massage, and to be honest, I'm not sure it would work all that great for that purpose. As I mentioned before, the lube does get a little stickier as time goes on, and I don't think that would feel all that great during a massage.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Bridal gift
    • Foreplay
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Oral

Texture / Consistency / Thickness / Viscosity

Despite the fact that this lube is water based, it has a sort of oily, greasy texture to it. The bottle has a tiny hole that only lets out a small bit of the lube at a time. So long as you are gentle with the bottle, it's easy to pour out just a few drops, which is really all you should need to start. The lube thins out and spreads easily, so a couple of drops can go a long way.

I do feel like this lube starts to feel stickier the more you use it. When I am using it for oral sex with my boyfriend, my saliva helps to keep things going smoothly, but if I switch to doing a hand job, I usually have to add a couple more drops as I go along.

One downside to the texture, for me, is that when my boyfriend uses it on me, I feel like I need a shower afterward. The oily feeling can be a bit gross once all the fun is done. Although, because it is water based, it's not too hard to wash off.
    • Oily

Taste / Aroma

I absolutely love the taste of this lube, and so does my boyfriend. However, I should mention that we both also really like the taste of artificial cherry flavoring (which, in my opinion, tastes almost nothing like real cherries). The taste of this is similar to cherry cough syrup, a cherry tootsie pop or jolly rancher, or any other blatantly artificial cherry flavored item you can think of.

The aroma of the lube isn't that strong. I can tell that it smells like cherries, but the real power is in the taste. The taste is very strong, which is why I always use the lube sparingly. It could easily become overpowering if you use too much.
    • Smells good
    • Strong taste


I was happy with the performance of this lube, especially given how inexpensive it was. I will admit, I don't have a lot of experience with a variety of lubricants, but I like this one better than the bottle of WET brand lubricant that I owned before (which used to pill up a bit like rubber cement after a while).

When I was using this lube, by myself, with a vibrator, I found that just a few drops was enough to slick me and my toy up, and I didn't need to add any more later.

For oral sex, I also found that a little would go a long way. A couple of drops gave off a very strong taste, and it really helped keep things moist when giving my boyfriend a blow job. When using it for a hand job, I did find that it would start to feel stickier after a while, but adding in a couple extra drops along the way, fixed that problem easily.

I would have to say that clean up is the thing I like least about this lube. The texture is greasy, so it's not the most pleasant thing to have on your skin once playtime is over. When it's just on my hands, a simple hand wash with soap and water is enough to clean it off, but when it's in my genital region, I really feel the urge to take a shower once I'm done.
    • Gets sticky
    • Needs to be washed off with soap and water


I really like the bottle this lube comes in. It's vaguely heart-shaped, which I think is cute. The cap is nice too, because it helps control how much lube comes out at once. It would be hard to accidentally dump out too much from the bottle.
    • Can be opened with one hand
    • Easy to use / dispense
    • Would make a nice gift

Special Features

According to the bottle, there is supposed to be a warming sensation when using this lube, but personally, I did not feel anything like that. I've read some other reviews where people thought the warming sensation was strong and some even said it was too intense. I'm guessing that the reaction varies on a person to person basis. But I was a bit disappointed because I didn't feel any kind of warming sensation at all when using this product.
    • Warming

Personal comments

Using this lube always makes me think of eating an ice cream sundae with a cherry on top. Smile!
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  • ~LaUr3n~ Contributor: ~LaUr3n~
  • Rank:
    7.4 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 580
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Subscribe to comments
  • Contributor: ~LaUr3n~
    Excellent review! Just be sure to warn about ingredients if there are concerns
  • Contributor: CynicallyYours
    thanks for the warning about the greasy feeling! i think that makes it a no for me.

    great review!
  • Contributor: KnK
    It tastes like cough syrup? :/ Disappointing
  • Contributor: P'Gell
    Good review, but do mention the glycerin and many of us are sensitive or allergic to it.

    I'm glad you liked it. But, as I am not a fan of sticky, flavored, glycerin lubes, I think I will not buy this one.

    Keep trying different lubes, you'll be surprised at the quality of many of them. (IMO, right now, the Sliquid line is one of the best.)
  • Contributor: Danielle1220
    Good review
  • Contributor: LadyLefaye

    I didn't actually know that glycerin could cause an allergic reaction, so I didn't think to mention that in my review. I personally did not have any kind of negative reaction to the materials used in this lube.

    I'll have to check out the Sliquid line, because I do actually need a new bottle of non-flavored lube.
  • Contributor: fghjkl
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Pandahb
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: Breas
    Finally I found a review that agrees with me that it tastes yummy! I like it too! Thanks for reviewing!
  • Contributor: Jenni Shelton
  • Contributor: karay123
    Excellent review! I should give it a taste... er, try!
  • Contributor: Master DarkWolf
    Good review...
  • Contributor: DreamWolf
    Great review!
  • Contributor: lovebites
Discussion Posts Last Update
Would this warming lube be too much for sensitive skin? 6
flavors? 3
Cherry Flavored? 9
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