Gagging Good Fun!

A good, fun, sweet tasting lube that get's the job done better then ever. Nothing to empty your wallets over, but a fairly good investment may for a beginner blow jobber, or someone who is less than thrilled about giving. Sticky icky sweet messes will happen! But who said that is always a bad thing?
Tastes good, does it's job
Possibly too sweet, VERY sticky
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
I received this as a gift from a friend of mine. And to be honest, at first..I was quite skeptical. I'm not a big fan of flavored lubes because of the way it makes your mouth feel and I was never a fan of blow jobs! I guess that's why I was given this! Haha! I was very happily surprised by how much I enjoyed the Good Head gel, but I can truly say, it's not my favorite. When I was told what this product could and should do for our oral experience, I got very excited! But then when I actually used it, I was only mildly thrilled.

I personally think this lube is more for the person GIVING rather then the person receiving. I was very surprised by the sweet taste. I probably wasn't expecting it to taste as good as it did. I would have to say that flavor wise, I probably enjoyed the Sweet Strawberry and the Juicy Passion Fruit the best. Very tasty, but VERY sweet! Which is kind of nice for people who don't enjoy giving a blow job as much as their significant other likes getting it, or even for beginners. Plus, it's tastiness distracts you from a tired jaw or your gag reflexes without numbing anything. My least favorite was definitely the cinnamon, but I also think that it was the most effective. I tried the "drops on the back of my throat" method and although the taste of the cinnamon was less then amazing, it helped the most with deep throating. I also the the Mystical Mint was most helpful for that reason. Fun colors, fun flavors. Good for an adventurous night.

The actual feeling this product left in your mouth was the same no matter what flavor : Thick and Lube-y. But what do you expect? It is what it is. I would also advice you to try and keep it in the area it's supposed to be in : your mouth. I tried using it as a regular lube for some extra play and let me tell you, what a mess! It was thick, sticky and a big pain in the butt to get off. And it wasn't just my hands that I had a problem cleaning. I felt like that slimy synthetic feeling would never leave the back of my throat! Like I said earlier, I think this product was definitely more for me. Eventhough at the end of it all, my husband could tell that I was going deeper then I had ever gone before. But really, was it the product itself? Or was it the distraction of the sweet taste and feel of the product? Oh, who knows..I would use it again either way! No sign of any staining either, that's always a plus.
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  • Contributor: spicywife
    I'm a fan of good ol' honey. It can be sticky of course, but it tastes good and works great for us. Plus we always have it in our kitchen cabinet Smile

    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: LicentiouslyYours
    Do you know if this is sweetened with sugar or a sugar-free sweetener? It sounds like it was really sweet and all that potential sugar just makes me think YEAST!

    Did the cinnamon and mint flavors have a desensitizing effect on your throat? You said they helped with deep throating, but earlier said there wasn't a numbing effect.

    Thanks for the honest review!
  • Contributor: eXciteMe
    honestly, i'm not sure how it's sweetened..i even looked for the bottle for you, and can't seem to find it. sorry! but right, it's not numbing..but you know that feeling you get in your mouth when you chew minty or cinnamon-y (lol) gum? it's not quite numbing..kinda tingly, but its THERE. well, imagine gum in liquid form and then pouring it down your throat lol. not quite sure how to describe it any better then that! you can still FEEL's just, different feeling. hope that's helpful! Smile
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