On & On & On

I'm giving On 2/5 stars because it really was not a hit for me at all. However I think that it might be a home run for some ladies. Either way, don't let this review scare you off, if you're looking to try something new by all means, give On a chance. This is the first time I have come across the unique buzzing feeling I found with On and it's worth experiencing!
Long lasting, Easy to dispense, Minimal ingredients
Will stain sheets, Not latex friendly, May be too strong even for advanced users!
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


On is a natural arousal oil for women. On is a clitoral stimulating product that increases blood flow in the clitoris and creates a warming sensation followed by a unique buzzing feeling. While most clitoral stimulating products create either warming, cooling, tingling sensations or sometimes a combination of all three, On is warming with a very unique buzzing sensation. It's not even comparable to the tingling sensation that other stimulating products give, it's a distinct buzzing sensation very similar to using a small bullet vibrator.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Masturbation
    • Mood enhancer
    • Sex
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Clitoris

Texture / Consistency / Thickness / Viscosity

Although On is oil based it isn't as runny as I expected it to be. It's isn't thin and watery but it also doesn't have a gel like consistency, instead it's somewhere in the middle. The consistency of On makes it easy to apply it where it needs to go, directly to the clitoral area. You should avoid applying it anywhere else, On is not a lube and should not be used as such but more on that later. On isn't messy, a little goes a very long way so the major point that I can't stress enough with this one is to start with one drop and work from there. It doesn't feel oily or greasy to the touch, instead On feels silky, smooth and I had no issue with it leaving any residue. On is almost clear but has a light yellow tint to it and being that it is oil based, be careful not to spill any since it will stain your sheets.
    • Smooth
    • Thin
    • Velvety

Taste / Aroma

On isn't flavored because it isn't meant to be edible. Tasting a small amount would probably cause you no harm however it will cause your mouth to buzz because the effects of On can only be felt when it comes into contact with mucus membranes. The scent of On isn't the lightest scent but at the same time it isn't overpowering. It's a natural almost woodsy type scent, it smells like cinnamon but not cinnamon candy more like the cinnamon that you'd find in your spice cabinet. It isn't personally my favorite scent but it isn't unpleasant and since it's overpowering it wasn't something that bothered me enough to effect my opinion of it.
    • Not edible
    • Okay smell


On is one of the longest lasting clitoral stimulating products that I have ever used and I have tried my fair share. That being said, my first experience with On was nowhere close to being a good one. I do often say in my reviews that a little goes a long way, I really can't stress that enough with On.

The first time I used it I suppose I had the attitude of "go big or go home". I've tried more than a handful of clitoral stimulating products in the past: gels, balms, oils...I'm always looking to try the newest ones to see what makes them different from what I've tried previously while holding onto my favorites. I started off with 3 drops of On and it all went downhill rapidly from there...for the next 45 minutes.

I'm a big fan of cooling instead of warming, On is warming and it does get quite intense. The recommended use is 1 drop and after waiting 2 minutes if you want to apply 1 more drop you are then safe to do so. For me, On created a very odd unique buzzing, tickling sensation that felt very similar to using a small bullet vibrator against your clitoris. This was not the tingle that I'm used to and there was no cooling at all, at that point I wish there was because I could've used it! The warming got more and more intense so if you like warming and you like your sensation intense then this very well could be a hit for you but for me it wasn't.

After my attempts to get relief in the form of very cold water to wash it off failed I only had one option left...wait. On really went on and on and on, lasting 1 hour! After 1 hour the sensation drastically dropped, the warming subsided and I didn't feel the need to sit on an icepack.

On another day I decided to give it another chance after I realized that I overdid it the first time. It was an intense warmth and the same buzzing sensation but it didn't intensify orgasm, instead I didn't get anywhere with it. I don't know why, I could chalk it up to not being a fan of clitoral products that create a warming sensation but even though I found the buzzing sensation fabulously unique, it distracted me. It was constant and it intensified so that combined with the intense warming feeling just felt like sensation overload and it really did nothing for me.

I've tried it several times since just so that I was giving it a fair chance and I have yet to have any luck with this product but I am glad that I tried it because the buzzing sensation was unlike anything I've ever felt in a clitoral stimulating product. I felt the effects of On about 45 seconds after applying it and the intensity seemed to gradually increase reaching full intensity in 10 minutes. Although I'm not a fan of warming products, I like to give everything a fair chance so I have tried warming products in the past and they were nowhere near as intense as this. This gets close to being hot, it heats up quite a bit and I don't consider myself overly sensitive because the cooling clitoral products I like do get quite icy!

On is by no means a lube and should not be used as a lube! On should only be applied to your clitoris, I wouldn't dare try to use this anywhere else (like as a lube) because I can't imagine that it would feel nice at all and I probably would need to sit on an icepack! I did know what to expect before applying it to my clitoris because On only reacts to mucus membranes you can test it on the inside of your mouth before you use it down South! I did that but I have to say, I didn't really notice the warming sensation on my lip when I tested it out that way. However, if you want to get a feel for the buzzing sensation and experience it before applying it to your clitoris, this is the way to do it. Apply one drop to your lower lip, rub it in and you will soon feel your lower lip buzzing!
    • Long lasting
    • Needs to be washed off with soap and water
    • Not compatible with all materials


On comes packaged in a small black cardstock box with the ON logo in silver on the front of the box outlined with a hot pink border. The box is very small, not much bigger than the bottle that it contains. The packaging is discreet because of it's size but not completely discreet because it does clearly state on the front that it is a natural arousal oil for her. The bottle of On is 5ml/ 0.17 fl. oz and the same design from the front of the box is on the actual bottle. On has a cap that twists off to reveal that it is an eye dropper style bottle to dispense the product. I did like that about On because it makes it convenient to dispense very small amounts at a time since it's advised to start with one drop. The instructions are printed on the label of the bottle and read "Application: Apply 1 to 2 drops onto your clitoris. Allow up to two minutes for full effect- lasts up to 45 minutes. Reapply as desired." The tiny plastic bottle would be perfect to tuck in your purse and convenient for travel since it does not leak or get messy!
    • Does not leak
    • Easy to use / dispense
    • Travel friendly

Special Features

On is not only unique because of the buzzing sensation it gives to the clitoris but also because unlike many clitoral stimulating products, it doesn't contain menthol or peppermint. On relies mostly on cinnamon extract to create that intense warming sensation, which of course is why you it has the distinct cinnamon smell. On is an oil based product so it is not latex friendly and will stain your sheets. It's hypoallergenic, paraben free, free of petro-chemicals and L-Arginine free. The ingredients of On are as follows:
Proprietary Essential Oil Blend including: Sweet Almond Oil, Cinnamomum Cassia, Vitamin E; Silica, Phenoxyethanol and Ethylhexyglycerin, Rosemary Oil Extract. While On isn't a certified organic product and doesn't claim to be organic, it's list of ingredients is short and simple.
    • Buzzing
    • Intense
    • Warming

Personal comments

I've tried many clitoral stimulating products, a few that I have written reviews on, ones that I am in the process of writing reviews on and ones that Eden doesn't even carry.

As I will mention in my summary, nothing compares to On. Did I love it? No. Will I use it again? No. Do I recommend it? Yes.

Now that may sound confusing but it was such a unique feeling that I think it's worth experiencing. I don't think everyone will love it, I consider myself advanced and adventurous when it comes to products such as this and it wasn't a win for me.

If you've never tried a clitoral stimulating product, I wouldn't recommend On as your first one because in all honestly it's so intense that it might put you off trying other products that are similar. If you have experience with either cooling or warming sensations or you've tried a clitoral stimulating product before, give On a chance. If you're an old pro when it comes to clitoral stimulating products...proceed with caution for your first On experience and as long as you don't approach it with the over eager attitude that I had when I thought "go big or go home!" your first experience with On should be a unique one that you'll remember.

On is an intense liquid vibrator and if you've previously used clitoral stimulating products, I very much doubt you've felt anything like it before! While it may not win everyone over, I can say that it's a unique product that provides a sensation that I haven't felt before with other similar products.

If it had been cooling instead of warming and the buzzing feeling was less intense I may have liked it more. Under similar products I have listed the other clitoral stimulating products that I've tried, some that I have already reviewed and some that I am working on reviewing but I am only mentioning them because they are also considered as clitoral stimulating products, the sensations caused by On were truly one of a kind!
Follow-up commentary
I still don't like this one. As I mentioned in the review, I'm not a fan of warming sensations and that's not going to change. This did create that unique buzz sensation not to be confused with tingling and for that reason, I would still recommend for that different sensation.
This content is the opinion of the submitting contributor and is not endorsed by EdenFantasys.com

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  • darthkitt3n Contributor: darthkitt3n
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  • Contributor: MALVINA
    thanks a lot
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