
To be horribly blunt, if a cock tastes so nasty that you feel you need to coat it in flavor, there's not much on the market that is going to help. Although soap and water can go a long way...
If he likes the sensation, then give it a go.
If I wanted to suck on a minty stick, I'd go to the candy store.
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useful review
I don't know. But any product that proclaims "it also makes oral sex more enjoyable for both parties" really puts my back up. Because it's not saying "oh my God, the most fun thing you can possibly do with (most of) your clothes on has just got even better." It's saying "ewwww, there's things there that smell and taste funky... so cover them up with a chemically sheen, and maybe you won't feel like vomiting later."

Or words to that effect.

Which is a shame because this particular gel (and it is a gel, only marginally shy of the consistency of cum) is certainly one of the better tasting mints on the market, and one of the only ones that hasn't left my partner complaining afterwards of a tingling sensation that goes beyond a sexy glow. Which may suggest he's more sensitive than some guys, but believe me, there's few things worse than having him leap up to shower halfway through what you think is a romantic tongue bath. We've all heard the urban myth about the couple who creep upstairs at someone else's party, and what they think is K-Y turns out to be Bengay. I'm thinking it's not so myth-y after all.

Back to Crazy Girl. On a taste scale, it's not quite Lifesaver delicious, but it's certainly not the half-chewed sugarless gum-alike gloop of some of the oils I've been invited to sample. (That's a very polite way of putting it, isn't it?). That said, it does still pack a lingering aftertaste, and really, if you need to use mouthwash after going down on your man, at least have the decency to wait until after.

I've also been assured, from the male point of view, that it feels a lot better in very small doses, lightly applied to just a few certain spots. So don't just empty the tube out onto his cock and hope the minty goodness will do the rest.

And why would you want to, anyway? It's his flesh that you're sampling, and his taste that you crave. Save the condiments for the dinner table, and mint sauce tastes better with lamb.

Plus, do you really want to be sprayed with light green cum? (Because you certainly won't want to swallow it.)
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  • Contributor: Undead
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: CindyH
    fantastic review thanks
  • Contributor: Do emu
    I don't mind changing things around with flavored lubes. Thanks for sharing!
  • Contributor: pizzahut
    Thanks for sharing!

  • Contributor: brevado
    Great review
  • Contributor: Feisty
  • Contributor: XxXxX
    Great job, thanks for sharing!
  • Contributor: AbbyLover
  • Contributor: AbbyLover
  • Contributor: PassionCpl
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: MK434
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: FemmeFlo
    Thanks for reviewing.
  • Contributor: LoneOokami
    Thanks for the info.
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