Ugly Pussy

Contributor: Ex-prude Ex-prude
The extremely flabby ones in porn kind of freak me out. I'm kind of squeamish, and I just can't look at that. No offense to anyone who has that! Just not for me.
Contributor: CinLuvsBre CinLuvsBre
I love my girls pussy!! Yummiii!
Contributor: sexykiss sexykiss
porn out there makes it hard for real woman i see where your coming from but i think they are beautiful
Contributor: pasdechat pasdechat
Honestly, it had never even crossed my mind that a woman's vulva could be "ugly" until I heard that some women have their labia surgically reduced. Even afterward, I couldn't understand it. I'm not a huge fan of cosmetic surgery generally, but if you must have it done, I just don't understand having surgery on an area of the body that a) most people won't ever see, and b) objectively, isn't really "attractive" to begin with. Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I tend to think that genitals--male or female--are (objectively, as I said) sort of strange looking, so I don't know what standard for beauty you could apply to them. When I watch porn, I hardly ever think, "wow, that's such a good-looking penis!" even when the man in question turns me on. And not once have I heard anyone complain about the appearance of his/her girlfriend's genitals.
Contributor: Pinkshirt Pinkshirt
There are some that are not so attractive like the saggy ones.
Contributor: FHeemz FHeemz
"I think most women have beautiful bodies, but there are some exceptions."

Yeah, there are some that are hideous, but they are a very small minority. Genitals look weird all the time, and they are all somewhat different. You may not have a pornstar pussy but chances are yours is just fine. As far as I'm concerned, if I'm privledged enough to see your pussy, It would take a helluva lot for me to turn it away.

Please dont get surgery. <3
Contributor: Billie Bones Billie Bones
A.C.A.B (All Cunts Are Beautiful)
Contributor: luvslukin luvslukin
The VAST majority are absolutely beautiful, but periodically when looking at porn, I see a pussy that just makes me go EWWWWWWwwwwwwww!
Contributor: mikeysPlace mikeysPlace
I've seen some in a medical survey that quite frightened me. Other than that survey, never seen an ugly vagina! Send me a pic and I'll let u know.
Contributor: Missmarc Missmarc
Originally posted by Eden C.
Is there such a thing as an ugly pussy? I personally think my vulva is hideous, but then I thought about it and realized that most genitals are sexually arousing, but not aesthetically pleasing. I am attracted to women, but I hate looking at my own ... more
There are definitely some ugly vulvas out there.
Contributor: CuteDee CuteDee
Porn pussy usually looks gross... Especially the girls with the long, flappy lips. Yuk!
Contributor: SavingMyself SavingMyself
I definitely think there is such thing as an ugly vulva.
Contributor: joelb42 joelb42
Originally posted by liilii080
I agree with this. Different isn't good or bad, it's just different and beautiful.
I agree with this so much.
Contributor: dirtythoughts:) dirtythoughts:)
I personally dislike the appearance of my vagina but don't think I would ever get surgery to change it. My man loves it, ugly or not , so why worry.
Contributor: KrazyKandy KrazyKandy
I love my pussy and no one can convince me that it's hideous. No ones pussy looks alike so trying to have the "perfect" pussy is just silly.
Contributor: *Camoprincess* *Camoprincess*
I personally feel very self conscience about my vagina I hate it an once I get the money I "MAY" look into plastic surgery for it.
Contributor: Risque Risque
As long as the health is good and no smell I don't think I would ever even consider it being ugly or not.
Contributor: MrsHouseWife MrsHouseWife
Like most women, I have had body issues, including "hating" and I mean hating my libia. Details? - I have one inner lip, that is a lot longer then the other and it normally hangs past my outer lips. It wasn't until I met a guy that described it as the most beautiful thing he had every seen, that i started to realise it wasn't a big deal and if my partner liked it, who am I to disagree.

Thanks for the post. I think its a great discussion
Contributor: Rey Rey
hrmmm they can't all be stunning, i spose!
Contributor: Timaree Timaree
I am a big fan of mine personally and have only received praise for it, often peppered with explanations of how previous vulvas have been less appealing. And rather than making me feel better or flattered, I feel bad for those other females- that people are so judgey about a part of their body that they don't really control (its appearance, anyway) and that works just fine, regardless of looks. link
Contributor: sw33t1zm3 sw33t1zm3
Originally posted by Eden C.
Is there such a thing as an ugly pussy? I personally think my vulva is hideous, but then I thought about it and realized that most genitals are sexually arousing, but not aesthetically pleasing. I am attracted to women, but I hate looking at my own ... more
man i work in the health field and i seen some nasty pussy.... i once saw a pussy that the outside looked like a mans scrotum... gross it was from shaving to much
Contributor: JennSenn JennSenn
I tend to not like the look of genitals in general so I didn't bother voting. I don't think there's anything wrong (unless they're like diseased or something) and I would never say "oh you're ugly" but I just don't find them aesthetically pleasing or arousing on their own. It's why I keep away from the more realistic looking dildos.
Contributor: edenguy edenguy
Love thy vulva, I say
Contributor: magicmaxx Mr.Mrs magicmaxx Mr.Mrs
my wife has a beautiful pussy and I love it
Contributor: So Long Ya Doofuses! So Long Ya Doofuses!
I am reminded of the Vagina Monologue "Because He Liked to Look at It" (mostly because I was the one performing it for a production). Having confidence in one's vulva, or one's own genitalia in general, can help a lot with self-confidence. My rule of thumb is if it ain't unhealthy, don't fix it!
Contributor: MilyxXxD MilyxXxD
Contributor: Sima-pusya Sima-pusya
I don't see how a healthy pussy can be ugly.
Contributor: LadyDarknezz LadyDarknezz
Mine is very tiny. In fact, it bothers me that it is sometimes, but my Dom has been training me to appreciate it a lot more. I do like looking at it now and I find it to be quite beautiful. I'm petite, and so is my lady bits down there. I've come to accept that.
Contributor: Ly-Ra Ly-Ra
Originally posted by Eden C.
Is there such a thing as an ugly pussy? I personally think my vulva is hideous, but then I thought about it and realized that most genitals are sexually arousing, but not aesthetically pleasing. I am attracted to women, but I hate looking at my own ... more
If it's healthy, any pussy is nice to look at.
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by Eden C.
Is there such a thing as an ugly pussy? I personally think my vulva is hideous, but then I thought about it and realized that most genitals are sexually arousing, but not aesthetically pleasing. I am attracted to women, but I hate looking at my own ... more
A healthy pussy is attractive because of the idea behind it. As for all the cosmetic surgery, I am SO against it. Why is it that women have all this work done?