Fireworks and holidays — do they go great together?

Contributor: Petite Valentine Petite Valentine
I had a blast (no pun intended) at a Fourth of July fireworks show last night. However, a small child (5yo or 6yo I think) seated not too far from me had a complete meltdown. He was absolutely terrified, physically struggling with his parents — yes it took the two of them to hold him — in an attempt to escape, and screaming as though he was being knifed repeatedly.

I got home, and one of my friends was posting FB updates on her normally cheerful pets who were peeing everywhere in fright, howling and hiding under furniture.

It made me wonder, how do others feel about fireworks? I love to watch them now, but when I lived in a metropolitan area (and had pets) it made me want to shoot people since they would set them off ALL NIGHT LONG, usually for several days leading up to July 4th.

eta: the (just because) in the poll should be preceded by "OTHER"

AND, I didn't mean to add the "IF" on the end of the "NO" choices. d'oh!

Proofreading FAIL!
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
YES! I love fireworks displays IF
Petite Valentine , Gunsmoke , PassionQT , wetone123 , Ansley , Jul!a , Dusk , dv8 , sasweetheart89 , Waterfall , aliceinthehole , alliegator , v23 , The Mother of a SiNner , slynch , Lily Night , Scott Ghost , hjtee , Lucky21 , toysforall
Yes, I like them, but I could still enjoy the day without them IF
Darling Jen , sasweetheart89 , alliegator , zeebot , *HisMrs* , DeliciousSurprise , padmeamidala , phunkyphreak
Yes, I like them, but pets/kids hate them IF
wetone123 , Rossie , deletedacct
I am indifferent IF
deletedacct , Coralbell , married with children , melissa1973 , padmeamidala , A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) , EdenG
No, I don't care for them IF
No, I don't like the noise and smoke caused by fireworks IF
indiglo , Enci
No, the noise and smoke is too upsetting for my kids/pets IF
.... they are handled safely.
wetone123 , Jul!a , deletedacct , Darling Jen , sasweetheart89 , Waterfall , aliceinthehole , alliegator , v23 , zeebot , slynch , DeliciousSurprise , Lily Night , A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) , phunkyphreak , hjtee
.... they are handled by professionals only.
Petite Valentine , Gunsmoke , PassionQT , wetone123 , Ansley , Jul!a , Dusk , dv8 , Darling Jen , sasweetheart89 , The Mother of a SiNner , padmeamidala , Lucky21
(just because)
The Mother of a SiNner , Ivy Wilde
Total votes: 73 (36 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: MaryExy MaryExy
I'm conflicted. I don't like the big fireworks shows personally, they're too crowded and loud. At the same time, though, I have animals that are scared of them, so I don't want them going off in my neighborhood. If I had to choose, I would say hosting fireworks at a public place far away from residences is best, to about traumatizing kids, pets, etc. who don't like fireworks.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
I mush prefer fireworks be handled by professionals. It's 1:33 PM and these idiots are still setting off fireworks in the apartment complex. And I happen to live in a place where you can SEE the big shows from your porch. It baffles me how many people get hurt and or try to hurt other people with fireworks and I suspect the decision to make the smaller explosives legal in our state will be quickly reversed.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
I love watching fireworks displays, and to me it's never really been a big deal where they were at. I do have friends with kids and pets who are scared of the noise and I wouldn't have a problem traveling a little farther to get to a place that was a little more isolated so that people didn't have to hear anything they didn't want to. Or at least not have it be as loud.

As for who's handling them, if it's a large display I want professionals handling them. There are so many things that can go wrong that to have that many explosives being handled by somebody who doesn't know what they're doing, I just can't get behind that. That being said, if somebody who isn't a "professional" but has put the time and effort into learning how to do things safely and isn't putting on a huge show, I don't have a problem with that either. But the key word there is "safely." I'm talking about the people who are in a large empty back yard or field and make everybody stand back and take as many safety precautions as possible to make sure that nobody gets hurt. The asshats who shoot things off around people and cars and crowds are super lucky if they don't end up getting somebody seriously injured.
Contributor: Dusk Dusk
I'm a huge fan of fireworks, but I enjoy them being set off by professionals in a proper setting. Out here in Texas they are not only illegal in our county but we're also under a burn ban and a severe drought warning, and I was very nervous about all of the people setting them off in their yards and the street. Fires go up very easily right now, and I don't see how celebrating with fireworks is more important than people's lives and property.
Contributor: indiglo indiglo
I don't like fireworks, personally. And I especially hate it when people in my neighborhood do it. The noise makes the dog upset, and apparently I'm a scrooge. LOL Too loud, too obnoxious, and can be very dangerous.
Contributor: Rossie Rossie
Back in those days before we have our dog, we'll drive up the hills to watch the professionally done firework shows. Nowadays I dread July 4th, illegal fireworks are shooting up all over my neighborhood, and our dog is extremely afraid of them. He'll hide under the desk all day, and refuse to even do his business in the backyard. I had to feed him two valium pills yesterday, but they didn't have much effect on him.

I wish my neighbors have the courtesy to have fun with their fireworks for an hour or so, rather then continue shooting them into the sky and making loud bangs after 11:30 pm.
Contributor: Rossie Rossie
Originally posted by Dusk
I'm a huge fan of fireworks, but I enjoy them being set off by professionals in a proper setting. Out here in Texas they are not only illegal in our county but we're also under a burn ban and a severe drought warning, and I was very nervous ... more
Saw a news report last night, a house in our neighboring city was totally destroyed because the owner was blasting fireworks in their yard. Idiot!
Contributor: Coralbell Coralbell
I don't like fireworks that much. I don't hate them, I just don't really see the appeal and don't find it very interesting to sit there and watch them. I went on Canada Day with my boyfriend since a group of his friends were going. We watched for a bit at the start but just ended up making out instead. We had to drive to the other side of the city, spend 10 minutes finding a parking spot, and then walk 15 minutes to get to where the other people were sitting. Then do the whole thing in reverse when they were over. It just seemed like a big hassle.
Contributor: Annemarie Annemarie
I love fireworks, but one of my dogs has to be drugged to make it through the night (we keep both of our dogs at home, for that reason) because of fireworks in the neighborhood. It's havoc on kids and animals. If I had children under the age of 10 or so, I'd make them wear ear plugs.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Originally posted by Rossie
Saw a news report last night, a house in our neighboring city was totally destroyed because the owner was blasting fireworks in their yard. Idiot!
Another Darwin Award winner!
Contributor: Enci Enci
I think fireworks can be quite lovely, but the noise... not so much. My pets aren't bothered, luckily, but the constant crashing and booming makes me grumpy
Contributor: Waterfall Waterfall
I like fireworks, but I get a little nervous if people are not paying full attention to what they're doing. I just don't want anyone getting hurt.
Contributor: alliegator alliegator
I love well done firework shows. I also have good memories of going with my family to the high school to watch the local police/fire department set off a show, then afterwards taking our own little fountains and sparklers and a bucket of water into the field to set them off. As long as people are safe I think they are cool. It is annoying when neighbors are setting off screaming hornets and the like at 1am.
Contributor: married with children married with children
I like fireworks, but feel they are a big waste of money at the same time.
Contributor: v23 v23
Originally posted by married with children
I like fireworks, but feel they are a big waste of money at the same time.
Contributor: The Mother of a SiNner The Mother of a SiNner
Originally posted by Petite Valentine
I had a blast (no pun intended) at a Fourth of July fireworks show last night. However, a small child (5yo or 6yo I think) seated not too far from me had a complete meltdown. He was absolutely terrified, physically struggling with his parents — yes ... more
and if im far enough away i dont have to hear them
Contributor: Ivy Wilde Ivy Wilde
I do worry about fireworks spooking my horses. However, unless someone right next door is setting them off (like one of our neighbors did last new year's eve, grrrrrr...), the horses really don't seem to be bothered by them.

Mainly what I worry about is the fires that can be started by them. This isn't the only year when fireworks have been banned because of drought and fire hazard conditions. And this isn't the only year that idiots have still set off fireworks and started brush fires. Fortunately, no big fires were started this year.
Contributor: hjtee hjtee
I think they are nice. They at most, where I live they only happen about once a month. So for the scared children/ pets, I usually just take them to the basement where it's quieter and play some music.
Contributor: EdenG EdenG
Originally posted by Petite Valentine
I had a blast (no pun intended) at a Fourth of July fireworks show last night. However, a small child (5yo or 6yo I think) seated not too far from me had a complete meltdown. He was absolutely terrified, physically struggling with his parents — yes ... more
I use to love them as a kid, but it is upsetting that it can traumatize pets! Then the environmental concerns and not to mention the cost the city spends just to have a 10-20 min lil' who-ha & potential dangers. I'm on the fence about it!
Contributor: toysforall toysforall
Love fireworks, but sometimes it's hard to get the kids to not be scared.