I had a blast (no pun intended) at a Fourth of July fireworks show last night. However, a small child (5yo or 6yo I think) seated not too far from me had a complete meltdown. He was absolutely terrified, physically struggling with his parents — yes it took the two of them to hold him — in an attempt to escape, and screaming as though he was being knifed repeatedly.
I got home, and one of my friends was posting FB updates on her normally cheerful pets who were peeing everywhere in fright, howling and hiding under furniture.
It made me wonder, how do others feel about fireworks? I love to watch them now, but when I lived in a metropolitan area (and had pets) it made me want to shoot people since they would set them off ALL NIGHT LONG, usually for several days leading up to July 4th.
eta: the (just because) in the poll should be preceded by "OTHER"
AND, I didn't mean to add the "IF" on the end of the "NO" choices. d'oh!
Proofreading FAIL!
I got home, and one of my friends was posting FB updates on her normally cheerful pets who were peeing everywhere in fright, howling and hiding under furniture.
It made me wonder, how do others feel about fireworks? I love to watch them now, but when I lived in a metropolitan area (and had pets) it made me want to shoot people since they would set them off ALL NIGHT LONG, usually for several days leading up to July 4th.
eta: the (just because) in the poll should be preceded by "OTHER"
AND, I didn't mean to add the "IF" on the end of the "NO" choices. d'oh!
Proofreading FAIL!