Not too bad for beginners

Overall the toy was a great deal for the price. If it had been any more and I purchased it I would feel a little cheated. If you, or you and your partner are thinking about getting into some toy play I do recommend these as a decent starter as they can help you figure what sizes work best before you spend a lot more on something that just does not satisfy.
Cheap, different sizes to choose from.
The smell, the texture of the material.
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
When I picked these up, my girlfriend and I had only done anal sex and some finger play. We had not yet moved onto the use of toys. We were at our local shop and we both saw these on the shelf. Picked it up and took it home. We have currently used them about 5 or so times now.

The place I think best to start is with the positives. Sadly there are not several. The biggest plus with this set is the price. You get three different sized plugs for just about twenty dollars. Not too many deals like that always running around. The second plus for them is that they are a great set of different lengths and we both found them to all be perfect on the diameter. The variety of the lengths was great since one day we might prefer the seven inch and another day prefer the four inch.

Of course a balanced review would not be complete without the negatives. They biggest problem I have with these is the smell. Even after all the washes I have put these toys through, the weird rubber-fruit concoction still lingers. The second problem I have is more concerned with the material and that no mater what i try to dry the toy with after washes it likes to catch on anything it can. With washcloths it just grabs all the little bits of lint it can, and even with something like paper towels it will just snatch onto little bits.

The last bit I can say about the toys is that they do not work well without a condom, and this again just stems from the fact that they are rubber or as the package says "Sensafirm". Obviously you should always use some sort of protection when swapping porous toys between partners anyways, but for these toys the condom just made the lubing up process just so much more of a breeze.
Follow-up commentary
Since it has been a good few months since my partner and I picked up the kit, I figured it was high time for a little update on them.

The smell has BEGUN to finally start dissipating from the toys. The fact that I am saying that after having the product for so long is kinda sad. But moving on from that point...

The toys have served us well all these months. I suppose we both turn to the large green one for our anal and her vaginal plays. The others while nice, just did not wind up being our favorites. We both enjoy the availability of the green one's length so that we can grab an end of it and go to town. With the other two they are so multipurpose. They are good for simple plugs. Considering that being a simple plug is their intended purpose they are doing a good job at that I suppose.

Over all, after all these months we have not regretted getting the booty bumper set, it is still great for the price, and fantastic for beginners even with its downfalls.
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  • Contributor: Naughty Student
    Have you tried the suction cup property yet?
  • Contributor: Cock Wrangler
    Be careful with those bases, another reviewer had one disappear inside him- they do seem a little small for such flexible material.
  • Contributor: Jimbo Jones
    Condoms are great for clean up as well. I was going to bring up the account of some one losing them inside despite the base, but CW beat me to it. That could be a very scary thing. Is there a length that you or your partner prefer, or does it just depend on your mood? Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: XXXXXXXXXXXXX
    Nice review. thanks
  • Contributor: krisvida
  • Contributor: bayosgirl
  • Contributor: Forever17
    great review
  • Contributor: Mew
  • Contributor: freshbananas
    Thanks for the reivew
  • Contributor: Allstars316
    Great review!
  • Contributor: underHim
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: Devz
    Thanks for the review.
Discussion Posts Last Update
Is the material of these toys safe? 6
SensaFirm as anal toy 10
How is the Feel and Texture? 4
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