Booty bumper kit sex toy review

Overall, the Booty Bumpers are a definite four since the silvery flakes may be a defect in my particular toy alone and the smell and taste may dissipate with time. They are very nice, very fun toys.
Nicely filling, non-threatening, soft, fun, suction cup, waterproof, good for beginners and up
Debris attracting material, silvery flakes, smells strongly, tastes odd
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
I have to say, of all the toys I have and have seen in person, the Booty Bumpers|Booty bumper kit - Suction cup dildos are probably the least threatening. They come in three bright, soft colors like children's bath toys and have a similar smell to them. The smell is not overwhelming, but it is rather easy to detect, especially right out of the box.

I inspected each one curiously. They had a decent amount of weight to them, even the smallest, which was unexpected but not unappreciated. Slightly squishy but firm in the middle, these are very nice toys. They're soft enough and colorful enough that they would be very non-threatening to a nervous beginner. However, they are firm enough and big enough to satisfy those with a bit more experience.

I noticed that they have a strange but entertaining detail of a urethral hole in the top. It doesn't really do anything to the feel of insertion, but it does give it an almost off realism, especially for something so brightly colored.

One thing I did notice was that the green one had something silver and metallic imbedded in the material near the bottom. I don't know what it is or whether it can come off or even if it is dangerous at all. It doesn't effect the overall performance of the toy though.

Along with a funny smell, they don't have the most pleasant of tastes either. Perhaps if the smell wears away, the taste will bland out a bit, but it really does taste the same as it smells.

I tried each bumper in turn. The smallest one was nice, a good start but hardly filling. I find I like the middle size the best; I can get that one all the way in without any discomfort and ride it easily. The green one is just a tad longer than I like, and it can become uncomfortable to sit all the way down on if I don't have a perfect angle, but it is over all the most filling. While the two other bumpers are completely round, the biggest, however, has a round head but an oval body, which seems to help it go in easier. It is odd to look at in contrast to the other Booty Bumpers.

I tried the suction cups of several surfaces including hardwood floor, glass, porcelain, tile, and whatever toilet seat covers happen to be made of. It did not stick to well to the hardwood, but they were very hard to remove from the other surfaces. They are very nice to ride or use with a hand and fairly easy too, though the bases are quite flimsy. Without being suctioned down, you might want to be careful about sucking it in to deep.

The biggest point I noticed was the material the Bumpers are made of attracts any particle of dust or debris it can, which makes it very hard to keep clean short of keeping them in Ziploc bags.
Follow-up commentary
It's been a while since I wrote this review but the only things that have changed are for the better.

First of all, the smell has almost completely disappeared. The taste is still kind of strong, but not as bad as it was before. The silver metallic specks are gone and all the toys are still in top condition.

I have changed favorites, now the smallest one is closest to my... Well, it's actually pretty far from my heart, but it's still my new favorite. It's small enough that I can easily walk around and move about even do mundane things with it in. Believe me, everything becomes more interesting when you change a variable like this. It's even comfy enough to sit for prolonged periods of time with it in since it's not so long that every time I move it tries to slip away.

While I still greatly adore the other two, I use them mostly for more serious play in the shower. I did find that the suction cups can stick (if not very well) to fine grain wood surfaces like that of furniture or at least the kind that I have. Though smooth glass like surfaces still seem to be the best.

I hear a lot about rubber being hard to keep up and keep clean but I find that as long as after I wash them I put them into a plastic bag they stay fairly well clean. Still among my most used toys.
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: Toying Couple
    Good review RWN.  These look interesting for use in a harness and we like the fact that there's three colours and sizes to choose from, whatever the mood!
  • Contributor: RWN
    Thank you. I hope you can have as much (but hopefully more with a second person) fun as I had.
  • Contributor: playfull mama
    would these be good to start out with? my hubby wants to try anal and so far i havent been able to very well, weve just tried him and a lot of lube, lol so.... looking for something i can use to get used to it .....
  • Contributor: RWN
    They might be a tad big for a beginner, if your husband can take three fingers easily then it would be a good next step. Though, if he's having trouble stretching even three fingers then it would be better to start with something smaller. I hope that helps.
  • Contributor: Nashville
    This is what Eden says about Sensafirm: "These materials are very porous, making it difficult to clean and easy for germs and dirt to hide. Should be protected with a condom. They are extremely sensitive and should be cleaned following every use with warm water and toy cleaner or antibacterial soap. Toys made of these materials should be stored in dark cool place." Hope that helps, being a porous material that could account for the taste, why they attract so much debris, and why they started to fall apart. Materials like these tend to break down a LOT faster than say silicone, so covering them with a condom will save you from bacterial infection and will prolong the life of your toys.
  • Contributor: Sera
    These are great. Excellent review.
  • Contributor: XXXXXXXXXXXXX
    Nice review. thanks
  • Contributor: LittleBird
    Good review.
  • Contributor: krisvida
  • Contributor: Forever17
    helpful review thanks
  • Contributor: Mew
  • Contributor: Allstars316
    Good review
  • Contributor: jalolo
    thanks for the review!
Discussion Posts Last Update
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SensaFirm as anal toy 10
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