Roughly Sensual

I can't imagine anyone that enjoys bondage, or is even just considering the idea, being disappointed by this rope. It gets the job done, and gets it done right. Whether you're a beginner or advanced, it is an amazing, ideal buy to help you explore that side of you. I would definitely recommend this to everyone.
The length is a generous 35 feet, and the silk material is amazing durable and comfortable.
You have to leave the rope at 35 feet. If you cut it or remove the clasps, it will unravel.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
Despite bondage as being thought of as something for a more "advanced" couple, this amazingly soft, beautiful, silk rope is the perfect selection whether you are experienced, or just starting to experiment. As my husband prefers darker colors, I chose the black, and was not disappointed. It was as aesthetically pleasing as it was physically. Many times we've looked for the perfect rope and found the blacks to be very dull, or to dull quickly with use.

The silk material provides the exact opposite experience and added a wonderful look to a wonderful experience. With a generous 35 feet you can start out with something as simple as binding the hands or feet, or take things farther with a comfortable chest harness, or more elaborate harnesses. There is enough here to make a nice hobble or gauntlet, whatever you are interested in.

If you have the hardware, this rope would be great for suspension, though you would need to order more than one length of rope to have a safe amount to do so. For myself, I was more than happy that the 35 foot provided is more than enough to reach under a queen sized bed and up the sides for your wrists. Since I lack a headboard that is practical for involving in bondage, I was delighted with this. A simple cuff takes seconds on each end, and when we are done, I could conveniently tuck the ends of the rope under the mattress on each side respectively as to keep it quickly accessible for the next use.

The lightweight silk not only makes this a very durable, frictionless rope, but it provides you and your partner with the quiet comfort you need to make a session last. If you prefer, you can easily tighten the restraints for a more rough feel, as the silk slides slickly along itself to better facilitate adjusting the slack or tension you're looking for. Thus it is also much easier to remove after you are done with it. It also makes it rather simple to clean. I've had my fair share of rope that I've gotten oils and such on, and wiping them off can be a tough time with a rough length of rope. With the smoothness of the silk, it is quick and easy to wipe anything off that you may get on it.

I would highly recommend this product to anyone new to, or advanced in, the bondage lifestyle.
Follow-up commentary
What is there to say that I haven't already said? This rope is still holding up VERY well, and we still get a lot of use from it! When we bought cuffs we even skipped the ankle cuffs, just because we love using this so much that we didn't want to phase it out! The color is still vibrant and the rope still silky and clean, despite the vigorous use. I still recommend it to anyone interested in bondage and looking for a great place to start.
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My Fetish Fantasy japanese silk rope tags
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Bdsm
    • Can be worn under clothing
    • Light restraint
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
    • Bedroom / on a bed
    • Play party
  • Features
    [ ? ]
    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Travel friendly
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • All over body
This review was edited by
  • Sir Contributor: Sir
  • Rank:
    6.8 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 440
  • Graduated students: 10
Subscribe to comments
  • Contributor: *Huxley*
    Great review!
  • Contributor: SamsDelight
    We have been looking for a good rope and thanks to your review I know which one I will buy next. Thank You.
  • Contributor: Kaltir
    @Huxley - Thank you!

    @SamsDelight - Thank you too! I'm glad I could help and hope you enjoy this as much as we still do;-D
  • Contributor: sexyk515
    helpful review
  • Contributor: MeliPixie
    Thanks for reviewing! I prefer cotton to silk myself, I find that the sink has a lower burn speed, and that makes me and my boy less comfortable using it. Great job!
  • Contributor: chidoll
    Great review. The rope looks gorgeous. Silk!
  • Contributor: kinksters
    great review!!
  • Contributor: Lady Marmelade
    Awesome review. I want it!
  • Contributor: ichigostrawberry
    Thanks for the review! Really want this!
  • Contributor: Britt&Daniel
    thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: ichwillwaffels
    Good review
  • Contributor: faust
    nice review
  • Contributor: (Re)tired Stripper
    Thanks for the review! I love to see someone else enjoying it as much as I enjoy this product. Good job .
  • Contributor: Cherry21
    awesome review!!
  • Contributor: AnotherPrettyFace
    Great review. Thanks for the info regarding bed sized
  • Contributor: Greenleaf
    Thank you for reviewing!
  • Contributor: ILikeShinyThings
    Great review!
  • Contributor: xxxbluexxx
    great job!
Discussion Posts Last Update
'Silk' bondage rope listed under 'suspension kits' 8
green 10
fetish fantasy series japanese silk rope -- not silk 8
diameter 4
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