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Nexus Sr. is by far my favorite cock, and has become an essential item in my toy box! It's decently easy to use, and though it does need a harness for more serious fucking, it has an amazing array of uses that go beyond conventional strap-on sex, such as pack-and-play and blowjob fun! An essential product for any gender play or strap-on enthusiast!
Easy to clean, flexible and versatile, harness-compatible, excellent g-spot toy
Not "strapless" (harness necessary), difficult to store, not discreet
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


I absolutely LOVE this toy. I bought it as my first very own "cock"/dildo after my partner and I split and she took the one we had been sharing with her. I had not previously tried a double-ended or dual dildo, but I did know I liked strap-on play in both the "active" and "passive" (those terms are so outdated, I am sorry world) roles. I quickly fell head over heels in love with Nexus Sr. and I highly recommend it.

It has a very natural fit for me and is very versatile. I have a vagina that is on the smaller end of the spectrum and cannot take very thick toys; however, I found the fit of the smaller wearer end to be absolutely perfect and the curve is such that it really does hit my g-spot every time. The larger end is one I rarely receive without lube or foreplay, but it isn't out of the question for me to be able to take it. I also like the length of the larger "giving" end because it allows one to build up a nice drive while fucking.

I find, however, that though this is a wonderful toy and I adore it, it is most definitely not "strapless" and you will need to purchase a harness (which can be a bit tricky as it needs to be backless; I chose the Renegade Leather Harness and it works decently well). If you are looking for something to stay inside you with no hands or straps, this isn't really it, however, for me, this isn't a problem, since it stays in well enough for simple foreplay (on one's back) and I usually switch to a harness when I want to fuck. However, one thing that I have found is that Nexus Sr. can, with practice and care taken, be used as a pack-and-play cock by wearing it with a harness and tucking the head of the toy under one of the straps. It is certainly not subtle, but it can be done and for some that is a very fun route to take! I have also found it lovely for blowjobs as one can often feel the movements of your partner's mouth more acutely due to the double-endedness.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Everyone
    • Gender play
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
    • Campus/roommate living
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • G-spot

Material / Texture

I enjoy the fact that Nexus Sr. warms up slightly once one has been playing with it for a while. The silicone texture combined with this warming feature definitely makes the material feel reasonably skin-like, which is a nice feature. The toy has a nice bend and spring to it: it's flexible enough to not be poking you or your partner during sex, but also firm enough to give a nice fuck. And, like I said above, this flexibility makes it possible to also use this toy as a pack-and-play cock with some practice and the right pair of pants! The toy doesn't have much of a taste or odor other than usual silicone. I also really enjoy the placement of the ridges on the wearer end, and have found that those can be quite pleasurable and fun even without a partner present.
    • Flexible
    • Harness compatible
    • Smooth

Design / Shape / Size

One major flaw in the design of Nexus Sr. is that is is definitely not strapless (or at least, wasn't for me), as the advertising claims it is. For me, this toy tends to succumb to gravity quite easily, and if I am not on my back the toy merely slips out of me. For those who are looking for a truly hands-off toy, this might not be your best bet; however, if you are okay with using a harness, then this is a perfectly delightful option as it allows a more stimulating version of strap-on sex for the wearer.

However, despite the flaw of not being very "strapless," Nexus Sr. excels in plenty of other ways. The ridges on the wearer's side are expertly placed, and I have found that they stimulate my g-spot very nicely! The base of the toy (connecting the two ends) is also very well proportioned and can be used to stimulate the clit while fucking without a lot of maneuvering or angle-changing.
    • Partner play


If I were to rate the performance of this toy based on what I thought it would be when I ordered it, I would say it was only 2 stars or so. However, if I were to rate it based on how it's performed for me, that's an entirely different story. Since I have bought Nexus Sr., I honestly can't imagine how I ever got off without it. It is a permanent staple of my sexual experiences both with a partner and solo, and I have never felt more "at home" or comfortable with a cock as I have with this one. So does the Nexus Sr. perform as designed? Well, no, not quite - but it does have a multitude of other amazing qualities that have been thus far neglected in the reviews and literature on this toy. First of all, it's great for blowjobs. The double ends means that the wearer can really almost feel the giver's mouth. Secondly, it makes a reasonable pack-and-play cock, which are hard to come by in the dildo market.
    • Easy to use
    • Lots of variety in function
    • Not very discreet

Care and Maintenance

This toy is insanely easy to care for. I generally take it to the shower with me and rinse it in hot water and with regular, unscented hand soap, because I have roommates who might get uncomfortable if I started boiling a cock in the middle of the kitchen. However, you can also do just that: boil it. However, if you use condoms with this toy (and provided you are not sharing it among vast amounts of partners) you can keep it relatively clean without having to wash it after every use. (Side note: I'm not advocating not washing this or any other toy, one should always take care to prevent the spread of STI/STDs.) The material is such, however, that it can sometimes collect little fuzzies from blankets and such. It's nothing a rinse won't cure, though! One disappointment I had, however was that the packaging for this toy is a large, clear, plastic cylinder. I have taken to storing this toy in the cylinder for lack of a better option, but I do wish they had sold it with some sort of bag or case as the cylinder is bulky, awkward, and not very private or discreet.
    • Difficult to store
    • Easy to clean
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This review was edited by
  • joja Contributor: joja
  • Rank:
    5.8 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 181
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  • Contributor: ksparkles16
    Great review!
  • Contributor: sixfootsexxx
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: loveme
    great review!
  • Contributor: xkandicake
    Thanks for the detailed review. :]
  • Contributor: LavenderSkies
  • Contributor: hanjonatan
    thanks for a very helpful review!
  • Contributor: sugar&spikes
    thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Genderfree
    Question: I do not know if you have experience with other dildos similar to this one on the market that have a "bulb" on the receiving end instead of a cock shaped thing like this one does. Do you think that that comparably makes the difference on if this is able to be used without a harness or not?
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