K-Y mines and mine

K-Y yours and mine is an amazing water-based lubricant that provides you with two sensual sensations. One lube is warm and the other is a cooling sensation. Although it can get flaky after sex, and putting too much on may sting, it always takes me to my pleasure zone.
Feel great together!
Also feels great on other places.
Gets flaky after play time is over.
Too much can be painful.
Rating by reviewer:
somewhat useful review


K-Y yours and mine can be used on your significant others' favorite extremities or lubing up your favorite play toy. These lubricants are excellent for each party or used in different places on yourself. These are wonderful lubes for warming up for the big moment or for cooling down after the huge explosion to arouse yourself again. This is a water based lubricant but one gives off a menthol feel so if you are extremely sensitive to that sensation I would not recommend it.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Foreplay
    • Masturbation
    • Sex
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Good for anal

Texture / Consistency / Thickness / Viscosity

It feels like oil in your hand without the nasty feel afterwards. K-Y yours and mine will, however, flake off if you do not wash it off within an hour of having sex. These two lubes feel sensational. While one can cool down your nipples, the other can heat up the inner goddess inside you. It is extremely easy to pour with a push top lid. Unfortunately, if you do not always makes sure the lid is shut tight, the lube will go everywhere.
    • Oily
    • Slick
    • Thin

Taste / Aroma

I never actually put K-Y yours and mine in my mouth for the fear of it hurting my tongue or throat. Even though these lubes do amazing things to your body, they have no signature smell. That's right, it odorless.
    • No smell
    • No taste


K-Y yours and mine, in my experience, lasted up until I had taken a shower to wash the lubricant off. After I finish with my shower there is no residual lube and no funky smell. The only problem with these lubes is that if you squirt just a little bit too much, it will sting. Other than that one con, I would still say it is an amazing product.
    • Long lasting
    • Needs to be washed off with soap and water
Follow-up commentary
I still buy this lubricant, but it is expensive in other stores! I really enjoy both the sensations when they are combined together. I had seen the commercials for them and thought they were so funny, but after I had used K-Y Yours & Mine I had the same sex hair and reaction. They also make condoms with K-Y Yours & Mine lubrication inside of it, it feels amazing. Not to get off subject, this is still one of my favorite products. The cooling and warming sensations bring joy to my bed and to my sexual adventures. It's been hard for me to look for other lubricants to provide me with the temperature play that this lubricant provides me. My fiance very much enjoys this lubricant with me during foreplay and sex!
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This review was edited by
  • Melan!e Contributor: Melan!e
  • Rank:
    6.1 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 249
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  • Contributor: Thomas90
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Zandrock
    Thanks for sharing. Have you looked into the mentor program. It could help you add more detail to your review.
  • Contributor: MrWishyWashy
    Thanks for sharing!
  • Contributor: katat
  • Contributor: misterazor
    i've been wondering about this stuff.
  • Contributor: redmango
    Jeez I am reading this review and it's horrible! My mentor did a wonderful job helping me add detail to my reviews!
  • Contributor: MrClark
    Thanks for reviewing this!
  • Contributor: Lilith Bealove
    Thanks for reviewing this? I have always wondered about how these work. Although, I do wonder how it 'can be painful.' Is it too intense? Is it the ingredients?
Discussion Posts Last Update
commercials 10
Do they? 7
Ky yours and mine 33
I've used this for a long time.... 2
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