Unbelievably Unsatisfing

Not what I would expect from the description, very disappointing especially for the price. Bottles leaked when on their sides or stood on caps, and there is no way to stand the bottles upright with caps up. I wouldn't recommend this product.
Works well as lubricant
Bottles look nice
Doesn't provide additional sensations
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This a lubricant set for him and her. This product is designed to be used by both partners and is supposed to increase sensations for both partners when combined.

It is designed for couples to use together.
    • Sex

Texture / Consistency / Thickness / Viscosity

It did leave a slightly sticky residue afterwards. It felt fine and did its job as a lubricant at providing increased lubrication during intercourse.
    • Sticky

Taste / Aroma

No noticeable or distinct smells or orders. Never tried oral sex when using this product so no comments on taste.


It lasted long enough as a lubricant, but it certainly didn't create any special sensations form me or my spouse, which made it a very expensive lubricant. It washed up easily enough with a wash cloth and warm water. It worked well as a lubricant but it didn't provide any additional sensations as the descriptions would indicate.
    • Gets sticky
    • Needs to be washed off with soap and water


Packaging is attractive but doesn't stand up with the cap up. When laid on its side or stood up on the caps it leaked, leaving behind a mess and wasted product.
    • Can be opened with one hand
    • Leaky container
    • Recyclable

Personal comments

Wasn't impressed with this product at all. I've used other K-Y products and they work fine, this one just didn't stand up to its description and expectations. It worked fine as a plain lubricant, but if you want just plain lubricant there are many others that you can buy for much less. This product didn't create any additional sensations as described in the description or packaging.
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This review was edited by
  • PassionCpl Contributor: PassionCpl
  • Rank:
    5.9 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 115
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  • Contributor: PassionCpl
    Thanks for the review. However, there's really not much info to go on here. Maybe you could describe things like texture, how long it lasts, ingredients, etc.

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