Shaved or not shaved, that is the question!

Contributor: Eva Schwaltz Eva Schwaltz
I keep it trimmed but not shaved. It gets too itchy when all the hair starts to grow back.
Contributor: InNeedOfABuzzzz InNeedOfABuzzzz
Rarely leave anything there, and if I do it's almost bare!!! I love the clean and sexy feeling of a clean landing strip. My guy has never had anyone who completely shaved until me and he absolutely LOVES it so of course I'm gonna keep it up now!
Contributor: purple579 purple579
i tell my man shave or else....
Contributor: frell frell
I shave in fact I went and had laser to get rid of it. I had quite the 80's bush going and hated it. Course after I lasered I got myself a friend with benefits and he loves a landing strip. Figures! So now I leave a little patch what little is left anyway ( laser doesn't get 100% ) and shave the rest. It's not much I can't even put a little Hitler mustache together but I leave what little is there for him.
Contributor: LavenderSkies LavenderSkies
Contributor: Lucky21 Lucky21
She stays mostly trimmed with a little hair. She doesn't actually shave all the way, but when she wants it all gone, it's time for a wax.
Contributor: One true love One true love
Sometimes I shave it all but, most the time I do different styles.......
Contributor: Vixen2000 Vixen2000
Originally posted by Naughty Student
I had a discussion with a few friends and we were discussing how pornography was so detrimental to everyone's self-esteem (bcs they portray the ideal of what a man and a woman must look like) and we talked about who liked shaven or hairy pussies. ... more
I remove all of it myself by sugaring (similar to waxing, but better and less painful). I just started doing it recently and it has taken sex from really great to mind blowingly amazing new heights! I love it and I feel turned on by my own body and I never really was before. My husband also loves to be able to see and feel everything. It feels very empowering to me because I got my pubes when I was like 7 and I hated having hair there. I will never go back!
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by Naughty Student
I had a discussion with a few friends and we were discussing how pornography was so detrimental to everyone's self-esteem (bcs they portray the ideal of what a man and a woman must look like) and we talked about who liked shaven or hairy pussies. ... more
We BOTH just feel cleaner that way...and it makes ORAL so much nicer. Period.
Contributor: ConnerJay ConnerJay
Landing strip 75% of the time. I Get bored with it and shave naked the rest of time!
Contributor: allinonekid allinonekid
I keep shaved bald almost 100% of the time. I HATE body hair
Contributor: Sinfully Sinfully
I typically shave it all.
Contributor: hyperballad hyperballad
Reading about the hell some people put themselves through to be "clean" is so frightening omg.
Contributor: SiNn SiNn
Originally posted by Naughty Student
I had a discussion with a few friends and we were discussing how pornography was so detrimental to everyone's self-esteem (bcs they portray the ideal of what a man and a woman must look like) and we talked about who liked shaven or hairy pussies. ... more
depends on my mood really
Contributor: GoneBabyGone GoneBabyGone
I hate shaving. I did it regularly for a long time, but I ended up with rash and it always itched really bad when it was growing back in.

I shave my labia sometimes, but mostly I keep everything neatly trimmed and nice and short.
Contributor: (k)InkyIvy (k)InkyIvy
Every once in a great while, I decide to shave... So, I do it, and then I remember how much I regretted it last time! Ugh! The razor burn, the itching as it grows back, the discomfort during sex...
I'd much rather keep my (and my partner's) pubic hair trimmed down than shaved! It's far more comfortable.
Contributor: Lindsey123 Lindsey123
I shave every week to week and a half. Completely. I hate hair.
Contributor: Mistress Jezebel Mistress Jezebel
Landing strip ftw
Contributor: biancajames biancajames
I was totally shaved for years, but recently I've been keeping a love patch and dyeing it fun colors!
Contributor: duff duff
I trim
Contributor: sweetiejo sweetiejo
Originally posted by Naughty Student
I had a discussion with a few friends and we were discussing how pornography was so detrimental to everyone's self-esteem (bcs they portray the ideal of what a man and a woman must look like) and we talked about who liked shaven or hairy pussies. ... more
Well i do shave most of mine off except for a few spots i wouldnt feel comfortable with a rozor being that close to. but i do it mainly because my guy prefers it he doesb't make me or anything silly like that he just is more often to go down on me when i am.
Contributor: Darklyvan Darklyvan
Originally posted by Sammi
I hadn't done it in a long time, but when I did as a surprise, my husband liked it so much I decided to keep it that way. I't been shaved for a few months, and I don't mind it that way at all. Now if I could get him to
my wife got me to by saying that if I did not she would not continue to shave
Contributor: kittychilla kittychilla
i need to shave again. u//u
Contributor: Nazaress Nazaress
I do what I want to do because it's MY body and I should be comfortable with it and enjoy it. If my partner doesn't like it, they shouldn't be with me. They should accept me for who I am and who I want to be. That being said, I trim because a lot of hair bugs me but I refuse to shave. I don't want to look like a little girl and I'm not going to be in pain and look awful with red bumps all over my vagina in order to do so.
Contributor: Squidget Squidget
Originally posted by Naughty Student
I had a discussion with a few friends and we were discussing how pornography was so detrimental to everyone's self-esteem (bcs they portray the ideal of what a man and a woman must look like) and we talked about who liked shaven or hairy pussies. ... more
I prefer shaving myself completely (as completely as I can, anywho!). My boyfriend told me that he likes when I do it, but I do it because I like how it feels.
Contributor: Squidget Squidget
Originally posted by Nickisonehere
It annoys me if a girl doesn't shave, although I suppose a 'landing strip' of sorts is okay. I'm disinclined to go downstairs if there's hair down there, though.

Also, somewhat amusingly, I started using nair (or one of ... more
I wish I had luck with Nair! I tried it on my legs and it left me with horrible burning red spots that took weeks to heal. After that, there's no way I'd try it anywhere near my lady bits. I know there are other products out there, but I'm a little afraid to try them now...
Contributor: geliebt geliebt
I shave. Usually leave a landing strip or something. I've always felt WAY sexier without pubic hair, and during an extended hospital stay/period of bed rest where I couldn't shave, it sucked I never felt RIGHT! I prefer that my partners shave, as well.
I must say that I hate it when other women say they don't shave because they don't want to look "like a little girl." It's my business what I do with my pubic hair. You feel free not to shave, and as long as that works for you, great! But I feel insulted when people say that. There's a difference between the genitals of a child and those of a grown woman, other than the presence of hair... I hate to rant, I just can't stand it :\ Live and let live, yes?
Contributor: PDXlady PDXlady
I don't shave at all in fact (pubic hair, armpits, legs) I get crazy bad razor burn when I try to shave my pubic hair so I quickly gave up on that. I also prefer the look of hair. I'm a fan of body hair in general, not excessive body hair necessarily just like an average amount. I don't understand the connection between a lack of body hair and attractiveness.
Contributor: Ahatmadeofshoes12 Ahatmadeofshoes12
This poll doesn't list all the options in between shaving and not shaving. I can't shave without it causing skin irritation so bad I want to rip my skin clear off my body so I trim instead of actually shave. Personally I like the presence of some hair anyway but I don't like it bushy.
Contributor: kawigrl kawigrl
sometimes I shave