Mingle and Tingle

First time, really? Mine too. Using this sensation lubricate is a great way to start. There was no irritation for me or my partner and the lube went on with a smooth, thick texture and there was no nasty smells or tastes.
gentle sensation, low/no irritation
dries up quickly, packaging
Rating by reviewer:
useful review


This lube, designed for couples (though not limited to only that) is a sensation based product. The combination of the two seperatley packaged lube is designed to create warming and cooling sensations when they are combined. We use this as a kind of special occasion lubricate, not using it all the time and only using it when we aren't using any other toys or tools.

I would read the instructions/directions and ingredients carefully, as it may cause some irritation. I know I have a sensitive vagina, so we tested a small bit on the outside of my lips to see if there was any irritation before using it all over.

This lubricate is safe with latex condoms ONLY! But you can put a bit of mine and a bit of yours on your man's junk before putting on the condom, which means he gets the tingle as well.
    • Foreplay
    • Masturbation
    • Sex

Texture / Consistency / Thickness / Viscosity

It has a thicker, almost oily consistency compared to other lubes we use on a regular basis. Its texture is very smooth, without feeling like a gel. It doesn't pour well from the tube and as the tube is rather solid you can't squeeze it out either. You kind of have to wait for it to drip out of the container on to you hand.

Thank goodness you don't need much other wise it would take for ever.

The lube contains some ingredients that may cause irritation such as glycerine. For a full list of the ingredients visit the K-Y website. [https://www.k-y.com/YOURS%20MINE]
    • Oily
    • Sticky
    • Thick

Taste / Aroma

It is not a scented lubricate and doesn't have any smell other then a typical lube, slightly plastic as well as a slightly plasticy taste. I wouldn't use it if you intend of continue oral play. It's not an off putting taste or aroma but isn't not designed to be arousing in that sense.
    • Light taste
    • No taste


We have had (and opened) the bottle about 2 weeks ago (don't keep past 3 months). It does dry out so we tend to use it only to start our sessions.

You don't need much, the instructions suggest 3-4 drops, we do use a few more, about 7 or 8 or about the size of a 10 cent piece for you Australians on here. Using more does not stop the product from drying out though or make the sensations last longer. You will need to reapply the lube if you want the sensation to last until the end. For me or us, it's really just something to get our motors running.

The tingle does take a little while to kick in, but once it does, BOY, does it kick in. My husband and I feel much the same sensation, a kind of cooling/warming tingle. The sensations lasts for around 10 minutes for me, unfortunately my husband gets a bit distracted and can't remember how long it lasts for him, but it definitely doesn't last the whole time. As I have mentioned it does dry up after a while so we don't use it when I need help getting wet, as it simply isn't a "wet" lube.

It is compatible with other lubes if you need to use other lubricates for sex. Using this product with other lubricates does not dull or stop the tingling sensation but we do apply this product first. This lube definitely cleans better than other products we use, and it doesn't dry out my skin or make me feel sticky after I have washed it off, like some other products we have used. I don't need to use soap which is great as my vagina can be quite sensitive when it goes to soaps and body washes. A great side effect is for some reason it has made my husbands pubic hair really soft, which I love.
    • Dries up too fast
    • Gets sticky
    • Reapply often


I love the design and look of the packaging but in a practical sense, it kind of fails. The push cap doesn't open completely and the plastic is too firm, so you can't squeeze the product out. With the thickness of the lube, it can take a while for the liquid to make its way out the tube. I love the colours and particularly the fact that the female lube isn't pink. The design is sleek and minimal, which would make it quite easy to travel with, simply slip into your toiletries bag. The there is no leaking from the packaging (when the cap is closed) and we leave the tubes, laying down in the toy box in my bed side cupboard. The tubes don't get slippery, a pet hate of mine, cause the package doesn't leak.
    • Discreet looking packaging
    • Minimal
    • Travel friendly

Special Features

This product does create a nice cooling/warming sensation that's a great way to start some intimate time alone or with a special someone. But it definitely doesn't give you the reaction suggested in the advertising, no rockets take off or explosions rock the earth. Its just a nice subtle sensation design so you can experience something a little different.
    • Cooling
    • Tingling
    • Warming

Personal comments

It is our first time using a sensation lube and all in all, besides a few packaging flaws we are happy with what we got. I was a bit nervous about using a lube like this as I know how badly I can react to something like this, so to be safe we did do a small test patch first. After reading a few reviews on here I am now quite excited to try some more.
Follow-up commentary
I still love this lube and we used it quite a bit. It’s been a while since we opened it, so the small amount left in the bottom of the tube will go in the bin. As we got close to running out, this issue with the package increased. The plastic that the tubing is made out of it quite firm, which makes it really hard to squeeze, so you do have to wait for the product to drip out of the tube, and with less lube in the tube that wait got longer.

It's still a great sensation lube, even after repeated use, so don’t worry about the effects wearing off if you use it often. We are going to look into more sensation lubes this time around, so this won’t be in my toy box for a while, but it will definitely be a go-to lube if we can't find one we like more.
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This review was edited by
  • Woman China Contributor: Woman China
  • Rank:
    6.4 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 351
Subscribe to comments
  • Contributor: GONE!
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: SneakersAndPearls
    Sounds like they need to redesign the packaging!
  • Contributor: MrsHouseWife
    I agree SneakersAndPearls, even using a softer plastic for the tube would be better.
  • Contributor: kims89
    great review!
  • Contributor: dsumrow1
  • Contributor: CaliGirl
    Great review
  • Contributor: slickwillie
  • Contributor: sugar&spikes
    thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Thomas90
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: meluaz69
    nice review thank you
  • Contributor: ska
    nice review. thank you
  • Contributor: DvlMan
  • Contributor: Upyourreviews
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: pussy licker
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: drock
  • Contributor: ruger7mm420
    thank you
  • Contributor: dsumrow1
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