Stimulating Lube for You and Yours

I really like this lube and have been using it for a year now. I still love the sensations that it creates whether with my husband or on a toy. The combination of the warming and the tingling sensations help to bring me to orgasm even quicker. A little goes a long way and it lasts a long time. Do not eat it and make sure to wipe off your hands after you apply it.
Great sensation when combined, long-lasting, can be used as couple or solo play.
Can get sticky, tastes bad, wipe hands off after application.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


The K-Y YOURS+MINE Couples Lubricants is the go-to lube for my husband and myself. This lube is ideal for couples in that it is technically two different lubricants that each of you put on yourself which feels slick and depending on if you are purple or blue will feel a warming sensation (blue/yours) or a tingling sensation (purple/mine). However, when Tab A meets Slot B, BA-BAM! The two mix together and create an arousing experience that is sure to enhance your orgasm. It is due to this feature that I use it for vaginal sex. It just makes the whole experience for intense and brings me to climax quicker than a lubricant without sensation enhancers.

While the K-Y YOURS+MINE Couples Lubricants are designed with the couple in mind it can definitely be used during masturbation. I love to rub a couple of drops of the purple/mine lube on my clitoris to awaken me and get my own juices going for manual masturbation, but if I am in the mood to use my favorite vibe, I put the blue/your lube on the toy itself and it creates the same sensation as it would with a partner. Because it is a water-based lube it safe to use on pretty much any toy, but not recommended for shower or bath sessions.

You could use The K-Y YOURS+MINE Couples Lubricants for anal play, but I personally did not like the sensation it created. For some reason it seemed a little too intense and distracted me from the play itself. I did not enjoy using it during oral play at all and my husband always double checks to make sure I have not used it before going down on me because he really does not like the taste.
    • Masturbation
    • Mood enhancer
    • Sex

Texture / Consistency / Thickness / Viscosity

The K-Y YOURS+MINE Couples Lubricants is a bit of an oxymoron. While it is thin, slick, smooth and even water-based, it is a little bit thicker than other water-based lubes that I have used, but it is still thin. Use care when pouring it out; it flows out quickly. It does not have the velvety texture that I loved about my previous lube, but it does get things good and moist. Due to it being water-based, the viscosity is low and it does not create any friction between you and your partner or toy. In fact, I suggest that you take care with how much that you use. Start with the suggested couple of drops and increase it from there. Like with many lubes, a little goes a long way and a lot makes you feel like a hallway with a hot dog getting thrown down it.

The only downside is that you really do need to wipe your hands off after applying because otherwise it will get everywhere, including places you do not want it to be. Also, IF your natural lubricant juices do not start flowing it can get tacky and cause more friction. That is why I added the sticky tag even though normally it can be quite slick. Other than that, I LOVE this stuff.

Because it is technically two lubricants, here are the ingredients for each. Always check lubricants for ingredients that you may be allergic to, trust me it is not fun.

Yours/Blue: Glycerin, Propylene Glycol, Maltodextrin, Honey, Methylparaben, Sucralose.

Mine/Purple: Water, Propylene Glycol, Polysorbate 60, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Benzoic Acid, Menthyl Lactate, Methyl Salicylate, Fragrance, Sodium Hydroxide.
    • Slick
    • Sticky
    • Thin

Taste / Aroma

The K-Y YOURS+MINE Couples Lubricants are not a flavored lubricant and to be honest I had to go brush my teeth after having a taste of it during sex, so it kind of killed the mood for about two seconds. It is not that it tasted bitter or revolting, it just is an off, unpleasant taste that I did not want to keep passing back and forth between us. So, I do not recommend using it for oral sex.

As for the smell, the Yours/Blue lube does not really have any sort of smell unless you really put your nose up to it and inhale, but even then it smells like tap water. However, the Mine/Purple lube does have a smell that is almost a menthol scent, but not quite. It is hard to describe, but there is an aroma nonetheless. It is not an off-putting scent or anything that will kill the mood, but you can smell it if it gets near your face.
    • Bad taste
    • Light smell
    • Strong taste


When using The K-Y YOURS+MINE Couples Lubricants for the first time use just a couple of drops at first and only increase the amount as needed. Remember, these are two lubricants and each of you is putting some one with the intention of combining the two of them. A little bit goes a long way and you are not trying to prep a water-slide.

This is designed with couples in mind, so make sure both of you do not use the same type. Otherwise the next thing you know, your purple is empty and your blue is full. The combination of the two lubricants is to create an even better sexual experience than without it. Believe me, the combination can only enhance your sex, not hinder it. The only downside is that it can get sticky during summertime sex or if your natural lubricants are not functioning at all.

Don't have a partner handy? Who cares? Whip out your favorite vibe or dildo, apply one lube to you and the other lube to your toy and have a climatic experience alone. Also, on the lubes themselves it does say "Him" on the blue bottle and "Hers" on the purple bottle. DO NOT WORRY IF YOU APPLY THE WRONG ONE! You are going to have a great sensation either way. The gender labels are just a cute addition to the two lubes.

When you are done using these it is best to wash them off with soap and water, but if absolutely necessary you can wipe it off easily with a towel to be able to attend to whatever interrupted your playtime.
    • Gets sticky
    • Long lasting
    • Needs to be washed off with soap and water


When I went to my local drug store to restock on my lube, I was very disappointed that they no longer carried it. Being that the hubby and I had been anticipating this night for a while we really needed to buy something, so we thought we would give The K-Y Yours+Mine Couples Lubricant a try. I am so glad that we did! After taking turns with some oral play on each other, my hubby broke out our new lube. As he squeezed the bottle, some of the lube accidentally poured onto my stomach inviting a playful moment of caresses and tickling. Then he began to rub it all over my clitoris and vagina. I could kind of feel a tingle when the lube was in my stomach, but down THERE I could really feel the tingling sensation described on the package. It was not a tingling burn like menthol products, just different. It seemed to awaken me and really got my juices flowing. I loved the slickness of it over my skin as he stopped to watch me play with myself.

Finally, he let me put some of the other lube on him and I loved being able to stroke him without worrying about friction or tackiness. Once he was good and lubed up he could FINALLY enter me and that is when the lube worked its best! It helped create a sensation that is warm, tingling, and invigorating. I could feel my body was ready for climax much sooner than expected and it had to be from the sensations created by The K-Y Yours+Mine Couples Lubricant because it has been working like this for us for the past year.
Follow-up commentary
I have used the K-Y Yours+Mine lubricant set for over a year now and I think it is time for a change. I do not know if the last batch we bought was a bad batch or if our bodies are just adjusting to the product or what, but it does not seem to work as well as a lubricant anymore. I find myself having to use more and more each time we use it, instead of the little bit we originally used. The sensations tend to be hit or miss if we get the combination of the two applied in fair amounts, but usually you can only feel the sensations created by my lube. I really have loved this product over the past year, but it may just be time for a change. I would still recommend it for people to try, but just not as a main go to lubricant.
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This review was edited by
  • Kitka Contributor: Kitka
  • Rank:
    6.8 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 198
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  • Contributor: Isabel0329
    Great review!
  • Contributor: Geogeo
    The price is too high for those cons, thanks for reviewing.
  • Contributor: skeeterlynn
    thank you for the review
  • Contributor: married with children
    great review, thanks for sharing.
  • Contributor: Ms. Summer
    Great review. Thanks.
  • Contributor: julia.
    Thanks for the review! Really helpful.
  • Contributor: Robby's wife <3
    need to try
  • Contributor: Ryanne
    Thanks for the review these are pricey and leak
  • Contributor: Sirena
    I have never had problems with them leaking, but at my local store, they are about $10 cheaper than advertised on here, as much as I hate to say it.
  • Contributor: slickwillie
    good over the counter lube.....but there is better....
  • Contributor: drock
  • Contributor: drock
  • Contributor: tortilla
    thank you
  • Contributor: ruger7mm420
    thank you
  • Contributor: dsumrow1
  • Contributor: Sylvan
    great, informative review!
  • Contributor: bog
    Helpful follow-up review, and good review. Thank you!
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