Very Intense, Very Loud

The Hitachi probably the most powerful toy you can buy. If you are looking for intense clitoral stimulation then this is the best toy. It however is very noisy, large, and bulky, has a power cord, and is not waterproof. So you have to decide if this is what you want. In my opinion a great toy for advanced users looking for more intense stimulation.
-Cord (never need a charge)
-Massages Muscles Too
-Not Waterproof
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The Hitachi magic wand was originally designed to be a massager. It was meant to vibrate and relax tight muscles throughout the body, such as shoulders, back, arms, etc. This is the first use of the toy and will work for both males and females.

The second use of the hitachi is use as a sex toy. People found the vibrations from the hitachi could be quite pleasant when used to stimulate the genitals. Most often the hitachi is seen as a clitoral vibrator for women. This is not really a beginner toy, because the vibrations are so strong and intense some people find they are unable to use it.

After the hitachi became known as a sex toy attachments came out for the head. You can now find attachments which are penis sleeves, or arms used for anal or vaginal stimulation. So if you want to buy additional parts for your hitachi it can become an entirely new toy. These heads tend to dull the vibrations and make it a bit more beginner friendly

One of the major limitations of the hitachi is it's cord. It does need to be plugged into a wall, so that can limit its usefulness for some people.

It works well for teasing and getting your partner off and it also works well for solo masturbation.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Couples
    • Gag gift
    • Solo
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • On a bed only
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • All over body
    • Clitoris
    • Nipples

Material / Texture

The Hitachi is made out of plastic. The handle of the toy is a very hard plastic. The neck of the toy is soft and has some bend, and then the head of the toy is a softer and squishy plastic.

Plastic is a good material. It is non-porous, latex free, and pthalate free. And is compatible with all types of lubricant. Although the hitachi does not often need lubricant.

The most important texture on this toy is the head, because that is what comes in contact with your genitals. The head is a soft and squishy plastic. It is still firm, but it has a bit of give to it. The head is also completely smooth. I think this is a good texture for this toy. Because there is so much power behind the toy and because it is used to massage the body as well then a nice smooth and plushy head really feels good and works well.

There is no smell to the toy and it tastes like plastic if you lick it. The same taste you would get if you licked a Tupperware container. The texture of the toy is good for beginners, but the power of the toy is more for advanced users (unless you are using it as a massager, then it is very beginner friendly).
    • Flexible
    • Not porous at all
    • Smooth

Design / Shape / Size

The Hitachi Magic Wand is a well designed toy. The design is very simple and plain. You have a long handle and then a head. There is nothing overly special about the design, but it works well.

The head is a nice size it fits nicely between the labia and sits on the clitoris. The size is also big enough to cover some good area when massaging muscles.

The toy is quite large and quite heavy though. It can be difficult to maneuver at times, especially because it has a cord. This could be problematic for some people, especially if you want to use this toy while standing or other interesting positions where you would need to support the toy more than on a bed.

The size is more for advanced users. Just because of the size it can be difficult to use. It is quite big and bulky and I would suggest something smaller for a first time user.

The toy is not very discreet. It does not look like a sex toy, but I think a lot of people recognize the Hitachi. It also is very big and when you turn the toy on it is loud. Like head through a door and partially down the hallway loud.
    • Ergonomic
    • Partner play

Functions / Performance / Controls

In terms of functions the Hitachi has two settings. High, and Very High. Both settings are very intense. Technically it is a Low and a High setting but in terms of clitoral vibrators it really is a high and very high setting.

The location of the vibrations is in the head of the toy. The handle vibrates slightly, but the vast majority is in the head. This is nice because you really get all of the power of the hitachi in a nice concentrated spot.

For most people the "low" setting is going to be intense. The high setting is going to be very intense and often times too intense for many people. My girlfriend even finds the "low" setting to be too much to handle sometimes.

The controls are easy to use. There is a switch that flips from Low to Hi and is easily seen and accessible.

The Hitachi is not waterproof, so you do have to be careful cleaning it, and it cannot be used near water.

The Hitachi is also very noisy. Its sound carries past doors and throughout a house. So it is not a very discreet toy at all.

In short what you get with the Hitachi is a large bulky toy that is noisy and not waterproof, but is the most powerful and intense in terms of vibrations. You will have to decide if that is the kind of toy you want.
    • Easy to use
    • Not discreet at all
    • Powerful

Care and Maintenance

The toy is quite easy to take care of. After use just pull out an alcohol gel or a soapy cloth and wipe the head down. The wipe the head again with a damp cloth. You do not want to submerge this toy or run water over it.

In terms of storing I would just store it as is. The toy has a hard plastic case and is quite durable and would not break in my opinion.

The toy is made out of plastic so it is compatible with oil, silicone, and water based lubricants. It does not really need them though, and would have to be careful not to get any lubricant dripping down towards the motor, because that could short circuit it.
    • Easy to clean
    • Easy to store


The Hitachi comes in a cardboard box that shows people using it as a massager. That was its intention so nothing about the toy gives off a sex toy vibe at all. Other than the fact that some people are familiar with the Hitachi's "off label" use.

The toy is well packaged, comes bubble wrapped, and with some instructions. Overall it is a nice box. Really it is comparable to any electronic device you would buy from your grocery store.

The box is big and the hitachi does not really need storage, so I threw away the box.
    • Discreet looking packaging
    • Recyclable
    • Very informative

Personal comments

There is a lot of rave about the Hitachi and although it is a great toy it is not where I would start. The vibrations really seem like they would be too much for many people and the noise makes it less than discreet. I think this is something to add to your toybox after you have had some experience and ideally have your own place.
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