Liberator Liberated My Sex Life

Looking to enhance your experience in the bedroom and make positioning easier? The Liberator Wedge is perfect for making positions both comfortable and longer lasting. If you have problems holding positions for long periods of time and having to reposition or losing the mood because you're sore and can't hold yourself up anymore, the wedge is a great addition to your bedroom adventures. Don't believe me? Try one and see for yourself!
Comfortable, easy to use
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


The Liberator wedge is a sturdy piece of sex furniture that is great for experimenting with new positions and making old familiar positions, such as doggy style and missionary, easier to perform and more pleasurable. This piece of furniture is excellent for couples, both heterosexual and homosexual, and can be used in the bed, on the floor, or on the sofa. Aside from enhancing sexual play and pleasure, the wedge is also a rather good back support to prop yourself up on if you're lying in bed reading or watching television. With a variety of uses and ease of positioning this furniture is great for anyone.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Everyone
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Bedroom / on a bed
    • Campus/roommate living
    • Play party

Design / Craftsmanship / Material

The wedge itself is made of firm, heavy foam. The foam does not give even when there is pressure applied to it. The fact that the foam is so firm is a plus because this is an indicator that it will not lose its shape over time and can withstand use repeatedly over time as well. The foam is inserted into a nylon cover to be protected from any foreign materials, such as liquids, that could potentially absorb into the material and ruin it (by ruin I mean cause it to smell, deteriorate, etc.). The nylon cover is smooth and a bit slippery in order to grip the microfiber cover that goes on top of it. The nylon cover itself is thin and covers the entire foam insert with ease. There is no struggle needed to get the cover off or on whatsoever. There is a strong zipper along the back of the cover that fits over the high end of the foam insert. This zipper does not come apart easily and stays in place well, even through rather rough use.

Once the foam is inserted and zipped into the nylon cover, the microfiber cover is then placed over the nylon cover. The microfiber cover is soft, smooth, and comfortable as well as absorbent and fits easily over the nylon covering the foam insert. Again, there is no struggle needed to either remove or place the microfiber cover from or onto the nylon. This is the material you are going to want to use when you get to business as it will catch any fluids and protect them from contaminating the foam. The foam cannot be cleaned, so be cautious and make sure to use this product properly.
    • Firm
    • Multiple ways to use
    • Well made / sturdy


Now that you've figured out the things that make up the wedge, let's talk about the dirty. When you can't get enough of your partner's love and you don't know why, the wedge makes it easy for you to get the party started or better yet get it a bit livened up. The wedge provides for a variety of positions. Ever have trouble performing doggy style without falling down and having to reposition over and over again? Ever get tired of having to hold your hips up during missionary? Ever get tired of laying flat on your back while you're being ridden? Here are some tips on how to use the wedge to enhance these positions and even enjoy your romp a bit longer.

Doggy Style: Have your partner kneel on the bed, or wherever you choose to use the wedge, to where he/she can bend his/her waist over the high end of the wedge so that the belly is laying flat against the slope. This will help your partner stay up in position without straining the arms or legs and will also provide comfort so that your partner can enjoy the ride without worrying about falling and killing the mood.

Missionary: Have your partner lie on his/her back with the backs of the knees resting along the edge of the high end of the wedge. Make sure your partner's head is flat on whatever surface you're using this product on or resting on a pillow so that it is comfortable for him/her. Make sure that his/her feet are resting flat on the surface. The wedge keeps your partner's hips elevated and alleviates the strain on your partner's hips and legs to allow him/her to enjoy the sensation.

Ride em' Cowgirl/Cowboy: If you are the one wanting to be ridden, lie along the slope of the wedge with your head head the high end. Have your partner position him/herself on top of you and let him/her go to work. You'll be able to face your partner, hold your partner, and make the romp a bit more personal instead of having to look at the ceiling.

Solo: If you don't have a partner, or even if you do, but like to prop up in bed and read a book, the wedge provides excellent support for your back and alleviates any strain on the arms and neck that you might have from not being elevated.
    • Aids in positioning
    • Comfortable during use


I was a bit disappointed by the packaging, or lack thereof, that the wedge came in. It came packaged in a simple plastic bag with no instructions on how to wash the cover or care for the product. The wedge is also a bit cumbersome to store or travel with, so I suggest just keeping it on the bed or in a closet if you have room.
    • Discreet looking packaging
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  • Contributor: Ms. Summer
    thanks for the review i always wanted one of these
  • Contributor: thisisadeletedaccount
    Thanks so much for the review!
  • Contributor: digit88
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