So simple, yet so awesome

We've wanted some liberator shapes for a long time. I always was hesitant and really didn't see how something so simple and so small could make a huge difference in our sex life. I have to say though that the wedge is a great addition to our bedroom and if you're considering it, buy it. Only worry is that it might make you a liberator addict, I think it's made us ones!
Many positions possible, easy to clean, small enough to store easily, discreet look.
Microfiber a bit hard to hold onto in certain positions.
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extremely useful review
Are you finding that your ass is drooping a bit too low into the mattress during sex? Find your hips keep sinking lower and lower during doggy style? Maybe perhaps your partner would just like a better view of your lovely parts while giving you some oral attention. If any of these is the case you might want to pick up a Liberator Wedge. It's only 24 inches by 14 inches but this beautiful microfiber wedge can do a whole lot of good in the bedroom.

The wedge lifts you up 7 inches off the bed, couch, floor, or whatever it is that you're on. 7 inches might not sound like a lot but it's actually the perfect height for quite a few sexual acts. It also means that the rest of your body won't be in too awkward of a downward position. 24 inches wide will be a perfect size for most as well, it gives you enough space to cover your body even if you're not petite without having a whole lot of excess.

The microfiber cover is super soft and feels great across your bare skin. It's completely removable too, so if it gets messy you can just throw it in the washing machine. There's a nylon cover underneath that protects the inner foam core. So don't worry about lubricants or juices ruining your new foam wedge. I got the black one and it's absolutely gorgeous. It also is pretty unassuming, so we don't even need to hide it when we're not using it. If the children ask us what it is we just tell them it's a pillow to lift up the head when you're sleeping. (Which by the way is another use for this!) We just keep it near the bed against the wall so that it's always in close proximity. Once you try the Liberator Wedge you'll want it near you at all times too. It makes its way into just about every sex session we have, even if it's only for a few minutes.

For those of you who are a bit heavier and are worried that the foam will cave in, don't worry it's pretty dense so it can hold a lot of weight. It doesn't hold its shape 100% though. I did have an issue with it sinking in a bit if my hips were right on the edge of the wedge or if I put my elbows into it. It wasn't enough to really make a huge difference, but I did lose a bit of height. Also if you have a plush bed you might find that it sinks in a bit. We have a pillow top mattress and I felt I was losing maybe an inch or two of the height from it sinking into the mattress. Using this on the floor works out much better for me, but that is hard on the husband's knees.

The wedge comes with a booklet that gives you some washing instructions and also some information on different positions that you can do with your new Liberator shape. There's a few pages for each shape and it did give us some basic ideas but what it did most was make me want a WHOLE lot more Liberator pieces! There are some really beautiful designs and as I flipped the pages there was a lot of "oohs" and "aahs" from me.
So what can you do with a Liberator Wedge? Well there's a lot of things you could do but here's what I like it for.

First and foremost I like to use the wedge to hoist my hips and ass up to allow for better g-spot stimulation while my husband kneels in front of me. If you try it without the wedge and then switch to the wedge you can instantly feel a difference. It is amazing what 7 inches can do, it really is. I found it best to put my hips on the edge of the wedge and let my ass hang over just slightly. This gave my husband the best access and allowed him to thrust into just me and not into the wedge itself. You can also use the wedge on the edge of the bed in the same basic manner. This would be especially helpful if your partner is quite a bit taller than you as it'll give you that little extra boost.

Next we have the wedge assisting with some doggy style penetration. Side note: When I really think about it I hate that term yet I use it often. Something for me to ponder later. Anyway, when using this doggy style it's a little more awkward for me, especially when using it on the bed. The wedge had a tendency to want to scoot across the sheets and I found it hard to hold onto the microfiber. What we found to work best was for me to hold onto the headboard and use my elbows to hold the wedge against my thighs. That allowed me to be able to rest my hips a bit which makes the position a lot more comfortable especially if you're going to be there a while. You can also lay over it completely with your hips over the wedge and your torso holding the wedge in place and kind of laying your head down on the bed. This proved to be a pretty amazing position and one that is hard to do without the wedge holding my ass in the air.

There's many, many other ways to use the wedge, but these are the primary two ways that we have used it. But really anywhere that you could use a little extra support or want a deeper angle the wedge will help you get there. We've gone through the booklet and have looked on the Liberator website, (which also has videos by the way) and gotten some ideas and some of them are pretty awesome and easy to maneuver but a few have been a bit awkward. I think we just need to practice them more and get used to the different angles though. One that we tried that did not work out so well for us was having my husband lay over the wedge and then me getting on top of him in cowgirl position. It felt very awkward like I was tumbling down on him. I just didn't like the inverted positioning that it offered. This was of course just a personal thing for me and I think others might like the different angling that it offers.
This product was provided at a discounted price in exchange for an unbiased review. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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    • Sex
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    • Bedroom / on a bed
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  • Contributor: Airen Wolf
  • Contributor: Kayla
    I wuvs my Wedge. Makes sex amazing. I know the microfiber is hard to hold onto, but it's seriously amazing how steadfast two pieces of the Liberator shapes stick together with the microfiber. Plus, it's soft.
  • Contributor: joja
    Thanks for the info about sliding during doggy style! Great detail.
  • Contributor: Miss Madeline
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Miss T
    Thanks for the great info!
  • Contributor: lnf77
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: meganthomas
    Your review made me want this even more!
  • Contributor: Lady Neshamah
    thanks for the review
  • Contributor: GTXecutive
    Thank you for the informative review!
  • Contributor: jacki
  • Contributor: BlooJay
  • Contributor: MissCandyland
    I want this sooo bad!! Thanks for the review!!
  • Contributor: thisisadeletedaccount
    Thanks for reviewing!
  • Contributor: SourAppleMartini
    Thanks a lot!
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