Cosmic Lube

This lube is a step above the old school Astroglide. It's a little thinner and even more runny but I found this lube more enjoyable overall. Water-based and easy to use.
Paraban free, very slick, lasts longer
Very runny, liquid like
Rating by reviewer:
useful review


Astroglide is as old and reliable as the dinosaurs it seems. But here's something new: an astroglide formulated with more natural and less preservative and reactive ingredients. This cool little bottle of lube can be used for just about anything while hopefully putting your worries about petrochemicals and rashes at ease.

Texture / Consistency / Thickness / Viscosity

This is a lot thinner than regular Astroglide. It's pleasantly thin and a bit runny, kind of gets everywhere but its light and doesn't get in the way of fun. It's slicker too and in my opinion has a nicer texture, just as runny but less likely to gunk up on you.

Taste / Aroma

It smells a bit more chemical than regular Astroglide but it's not really noticeable. The taste is actually pretty strong and you won't want to be drinking a lot of this stuff.


This lube works even better than regular Astroglide. It's slick enough and seems like it lasts longer, I also think it reduces more friction and transfers more feeling. I really enjoyed using this lube and it only needed to be reapplied very often. It does leave a bit of a residue however and you'll want to take a shower after using this stuff.
Follow-up commentary
This is still goo, and still great. I am using it up slowly by myself. Buy it if you see it. It's worth the 6 bucks.
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This review was edited by
  • Kkay Contributor: Kkay
  • Rank:
    5.5 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 52
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  • Contributor: Loriandhubby
    Thank you so much for sharing your review!
  • Contributor: Jimbo Jones
    Interesting that you feel like it works better than original Astroglide. I don't like Astroglide all that much, but I may have to give this more consideration. Thank you for the review.
  • Contributor: Lano4ka
    Thanks for sharing
  • Contributor: MrWishyWashy
    Thanks for sharing!
  • Contributor: spunkmonkey
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: megan1987
  • Contributor: faust
    nice review
  • Contributor: GO
  • Contributor: xoxoxoxo
    great review thank you so much
  • Contributor: goback2urmammy
  • Contributor: Rod Ronald
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: LoveBug721
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