Ako's Almost There

Ako is a wonderfully designed and built toy. She is lacking in the power department, but not as much as most would think. She can still surprise you with the punch she packs, and she's whisper quiet. With velvety soft, body safe silicone, she's sure to do her best when it comes to pleasing. Ako isn't my favorite, but she's definitely worth the learning experience and quality.
Quiet, waterproof, well-built
Cap comes off easily, lacking some power.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
Ako is an "almost" perfectly designed outie-vibe. She's small, discreet, and packs a pretty decent punch for the size and price-tag.

This little vibrator is coated in a luxurious, velvety smooth silicone that feels amazing to touch. Due to the texture, is also has a tiny bit of grab, without ripping your flesh off or eating lint. Even with a water-based lubricant, you can still pinpoint where you want the vibe to go without it sliding off of you at the speed of light. Because Ako is made of silicone, she's easy to clean, easy to store, and completely safe for your body.

However, Ako isn't intended for penetration. Due to the size and shape, she is definitely not safe for anal, though some entrance teasing is okay, as long as no penetration is involved. This vibrator can easily be lost.

The vibrator is quiet, but not silent. In a quiet room you can definitely hear the vibrations going, but if there is any other source of noise with you, it's hard to detect the sound of this vibrator. She does have power, and a surprising amount of it. I can't recommend this toy to a power-queen, or even those who prefer slightly more intense vibrations.

When it comes to power compared to the size and price tag, Ako is definitely worth the buy. At least if you're looking for a discreet, quiet vibrator. If you're looking for something that requires power, look elsewhere, because Ako is only going to be a tease. On another note, Ako is amazing for applying pressure. You can grind this into your pelvis as hard as you want without a loss of power, which is one of my favorite things about this toy.

The ease of use is nice. Ako has 3 control buttons. Holding the "+" button will turn the toy on. A slightly longer press will increase the vibrations. (One whole second hold will increase the power, a quick press doesn't seem to register.) Holding it down will raise it to maximum intensity. Holding the "-" will turn the toy off. Slightly long presses will turn down the intensity. The middle button cycles through your vibration modes. The 12 modes are interesting, but for my personal preference, I don't use them.

Another thing with the vibration patterns is that they are not memorized. If you turn Ako off, when you turn it back on, it will be at the default, plain vibration setting.

When it comes to being waterproof, this could be an amazing quality. However, if things get a little intense, it's very easy to pop the cap off of Ako and allow water to flood in. I can't recommend using Ako in the bath or shower, because I have popped the cap off multiple times. Because you have to twist the cap a little on Ako to take it off, it's very easy to remove it when you're in the heat of the moment.

The fact that Ako requires two AAA batteries doesn't bother me. I use rechargeable batteries, and this vibrator can last a very long time on them. After 2 hours on high, it will have lost no power.

As for Ako's design, I love it. The tip comes to an angled point, both at the tip of the toy and the underside. This does allow for a lot more pinpoint stimulation. The controls, for me, are conveniently located, though those with smaller hands or shorter fingers may find it a little difficult. It is nicely contoured for a woman's body, but for hands free, it's not going to lie flat.

The vibrator is a very well, built toy. It's sturdy, and I never feel like I'm going to break it. I just can't say Ako is in my top 3 favorite vibrators.
I have had Ako for several months now, and though I don't use her often, she still sits beside my bed, tucked away from view.

My primary use for Ako is to get me aroused. I can reach an orgasm with Ako, but due to her smaller vibration pattern and lack of power for my taste, it simply takes too long.

The experiences with the Ako vibrator are very nice, though not amazing. I find that the type of vibrations produced don't numb me. It's not exactly buzzy, nor is it rumbly.

However, due to Ako's texture, I've decided I wanted to get another PicoBong toy. I'm just in love with the smooth, velvet touch it has. It does have good power, but not quite enough.

There are other toys out there that perform as well as Ako for a much cheaper price-tag, but I am happy with the fact that not only do I get a quiet vibrator, but a good quality one as well.

If the cap didn't always pop off so easily, and Ako had a bit more power, it definitely would be my favorite toy. For now, Ako is just going to be my bed troll. My relationship with Ako is a love/hate kind of thing.

When it comes down to it, I do not regret my purchase even a little bit.
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This review was edited by
  • Wicked Wahine Contributor: Wicked Wahine
  • Rank:
    5.4 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 608
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  • Contributor: Wicked Wahine
    Hooray, you have crossed over into an extremely useful rating (at least as far as I'm concerned)! I really liked the last review of your's that I edited, but this one had just enough more info to elevate it above the other. Great job
  • Contributor: Wicked Wahine
    I just nominated this review for the rumble, good luck!
  • Contributor: Sincerely yours, N
    Thank you so much for the review! I agree with Wicked Wahine - it was extrely useful! I've always been kind of interested in this toy but I have a Lelo NEA and think I don't need the Ako. I'm glad it was great for you; if only that cap was a bit better and power a bit stronger!
  • Contributor: Rossie
    Thank you for the nice review.
  • Contributor: HostileUmbrella
    thank you for the review uwu
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