Spring Cleaning Hits the Trunk

All-in-all, I've had a good experience with the Colt. It has its pitfalls, but it does the job well and feels like a quality product. I can't say I was thrilled with the less-than-discreet packaging, available for your judgement on the product page, but as my mother always told me, it's what's inside that counts… Though I don't think she was referring to the Colt anal douche!
Effective anal douching system with multiple spray patterns, attractive looks, and a great price!
Minor design issues and less-than-stellar materials make room for improvement.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
As the classiest sex shop on the web, I think it's fair to assume that most EdenFantasys customers are well versed in the work of Antonio Vivaldi, particularly his suite The Four Seasons. One could thereby surmise that when our asses are at play, not but the sweet scent of spring wafts through the air, riding gently on the unforgettable tones of La Primavera (Spring) playing out our rears. In reality, this may not be true, but it is a goal worth aspiring to! This is where the Colt comes in.

The Colt anal douche is, as the name implies, a fully-reusable anal douching system made up of four basic parts: A large flexible bulb to hold your liquid of choice, a thin removable stem for insertion, a ribbed sleeve providing pleasure and an alternative spray pattern, and a screw-on cap which directs the flow of water when using the sleeve.

The bulb is made of latex, has a flat base for standing, and measures in at about 10" around, so you're getting a fair bit of capacity. It is thick and firm, but with enough give to express a controlled stream of liquid during the cleaning process. The removable stem is made of a hard plastic, comes in at around 3" in length, and is very thin. This is ideal as it allows for comfortable insertion regardless of prior anal experience. The stem attaches to the bulb through friction, and projects a straight stream of water up your bum. The sleeve fits over the stem, adding an extra 1-1/2 inches of length, some extra girth, and a ribbed texture for enhanced pleasure. A small screw-on cap fits atop the sleeve and directs the flow of water. When fully depressed, the cap leaves a small gapped ring around the top of the sleeve, thus causing the liquid to flow out in a fountain-like fashion around the circumference of the toy. Neat, huh? It's a very clever and effective design which aims to more thoroughly clean the rectum walls.

So now that you know how the tool is assembled, let's talk a bit about functionality and the potential pitfalls of this design versus that of other reusable douches on the market:

The plastic stem is a hallmark of most douches, and this one is no different. Being made of nonporous material, it is easy to clean, however you will want to be careful with it due to the shape. The tip of the stem is not a bulbous sphere, as is sometimes seen, but rather a flat tip with slightly rounded edges. If inserted too quickly, without enough lube, or at the wrong angle, you could accidentally stick yourself and cause a good amount of discomfort, so be careful where you point that thing!

With the sleeve in place, your primary concern will be the screw-on cap. Before using, be sure that it is tightly secured to the main body of the sleeve. I've seen some people recommending that you turn it out once or twice to increase flow, but I couldn't disagree more. It's far more important that the toy remain safe and usable, so screw it good! (No pun intended.)

The bulb, as I mentioned, has very thick walls and, when full, can be difficult to depress for those not possessing moderate hand strength. Additionally, being made of latex, there are two main concerns worth noting: First, those with latex allergies will want to avoid this one entirely due to safety concerns. Second, being a porous material, latex can be difficult to clean, particularly as you cannot effectively wash the inside of the bulb. Simply put, you'll want to consider soaking this little guy in a bath of warm soapy water after each use. That said, let's consider usage and how we can leverage proper technique to calm your cleanliness concerns.

When it comes to keeping a reusable douche clean, the most important thing is to minimize any potential backwash. The best way to do this to perform a few "dry runs" when you first get the toy, familiarizing yourself with the bulb's capacity, how best to squeeze it for steady discharge, how much you will be able to squeeze out without interruption. "Without interruption" is the real key here, because as soon as you release your grip on the bulb, it's going to want to suck in anything and everything near the tip of the stem. This could include dirtied fluid, fecal matter, or… Let's just say "pinch" and "ow!" By keeping up a steady outgoing stream of liquid from the time of insertion to the time of exit, you'll ensure that virtually no backwash or bacterial matter gets into the bulb, making cleaning a whole lot easier so you can get right to the fun stuff!
Of course, there are numerous reasons people douche: Some do it for pleasure, some for kink, and some just to keep a clean rear. I fall into the last group, as part of my aforementioned aspiration to add new meaning to Vivaldi's La Primavera! (I'll keep you posted.) While potential health benefits and hazards are as controversial as they are undecided, the benefits for anal play are clear: Not only will you enjoy safer passage, free from debris and other nasties, but the taste and smell will be considerably more pleasant, particularly for those who enjoy rimming. Probers, pluggers, and peggers alike, will all benefit from a Colt-clean tush; even if your equipment happens to be attached to another "toy" of yours!
Follow-up commentary
Fresh off a summertime cleaning, I'm happy to say that I'm still a big fan of the Colt. While I can't say that I was tremendously impressed by the quality of materials when I first took it out of the box, it's held up admirably through a considerable amount of use, and I have to offer it some credit for working as advertised.

I haven't gotten as much use out of the ribbed attachment as I initially expected, in part due to its multi-piece construction, but mostly because I don't find it to be a necessary part of the process. The needle-style tip goes in easily without lube and does the job just fine for me.

While I continue to dream of a magnificent space-age machine, all forged of stainless steel, with a jungle of silicone nozzles for the exclusive purpose of cleaning out my rear...the Colt will do just fine for now!
This content is the opinion of the submitting contributor and is not endorsed by EdenFantasys.com

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  • removedacnt Contributor: removedacnt
  • Rank:
    6.8 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 148
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  • Contributor: Falsepast
    I agree, the materials could be better
  • Contributor: AbbyLover
  • Contributor: Jenny Smith
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: Kristi :)
    thank you for the review.
  • Contributor: treehugger
    Very... interesting review, haha.
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