Strongest vibrating wand
by Vibratex

Wham Bam, Thank you Ma'am!

Hitachi = Reliable Orgasm Machine. I don't go for this if I want to have a long self-love session, but I reach for this any time I want a guaranteed orgasm. It also works great for a back massage, to work sore, tired muscles, or for dual stimulation with a nice silicone dildo. Be prepared though, this is very loud, and very powerful. Not for the faint of heart; or the very sensitive of clits.
Orgasms in seconds to minutes. Never runs out of power.
Large. Really loud. May cause numbness. Only two speeds. Needs extension cord.
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
The Magic Wand. I actually didn't buy this for my girly bits, but that is where it has spent most of it's time since it's purchase a year ago. It is ridiculously powerful. I could never, and I mean never, imagine putting this directly on my body (except for a shoulder massage, where it also works well!). I leave my panties on, roll up a fuzzy blanket, and put the wand's head on top. I'm flying in outer space within minutes. I also have amazing dual orgasms with the Hitachi and a silicone dildo, although it is difficult to arrange, since the I have to awkwardly position the blanket over my clit, while still ensuring the side of the head hits the dildo. However, if I get the blanket rolled just right, the head is large enough that the flat part works well to stimulate my clit through the blanket while the side vibrates against the dildo. I've had some fabulous combined orgasms by using the Hitachi + a silicone G-spot dildo.

If you don't have this, you are missing out. I know, it's not a looker. It's not beautiful or sexy. In fact, its big, bulky, made of clinical-looking white plastic, and its giant tennis ball-sized head is decidedly un-sexy. But that doesn't really matter once it gives you an orgasm. A mind blowing one. Perhaps many, in quick succession. Always earth-shattering and leave me beyond relaxed and blissfully happy. I mean seriously, I cannot say enough about how amazing the orgasms are, and the fact that they come so easily is incredible. I don't even have to be turned on to get off with this baby within minutes. I just turn it on, hold it in place, and get ready for take off.

A few caveats. This is an incredibly loud toy. I would never have imagined just how loud it was until I used it for the first time. It is not in the least bit discreet, at least in terms of noise. It also heats up rather easily, especially if you try to muffle the noise by using it under a blanket. It gets really hot (head included) after about 30 minutes, so I wouldn't recommend using it longer than that. Once it gets hot, it needs time to cool off, so if you are into long sessions, you'll need to take breaks every so often. (I have rarely used the Hitachi longer than 30 minutes at time, mostly because I've had quite a few orgasms by that point, and need a cool off period myself.)

Also, the cord is quite short, and it only works via AC power (no rechargeable battery). Unless you have a perfectly located power outlet, you'll need to use this with an extension cord. It also only has two speeds: "low", which is insanely intense, and "high" which is way too overwhelming for me. I never use the high setting for sexual purposes, and rarely use it for massage. Low is really all you need. I wish there was a setting below "low", or even a dial that could variably adjust the speed (I've heard you can buy one of these as an add-on, but the wand is so large in and of itself that I didn't really want to add any additional bulk, so I can't vouch for their effectiveness).

If the Magic Wand were a sexual partner, it definitely wouldn't be the gorgeous guy (or girl) who would take you to a romantic, candle-lit dinner before some sensual foreplay and love making. This is the one you'd call up late night, turn off the lights, and get down to business. However, it would perform so well, that even though you wouldn't want to go out as a couple, or admit to your friends that you even had sex, you'd call back the next day for another quickie. And the day after that. In fact, you'll never want this to leave your bed. It's that good. It really does look like a simple back massager, so I think you could get by with leaving it just sitting around your room & people probably won't guess what you are doing with it (unless they use one themselves). It is also very sturdy, so you'll likely have this for years to come...and come you will!
I leave my Hitachi always plugged in, tucked in the nook between my bed and the wall, covered by a pillow. I want him to be ready anytime I have some private time and I'm feeling frisky. They key word is, private time - I mean, if someone is in the next room, it isn't private. This baby is loud. I mean, really loud. I'm pretty sure people can hear it through my blanket, and through a closed door if they are sitting in the next room, or standing in the hallway. I only use this if I know people aren't in nearby rooms, and I either turn on some music or put the fan on high. It also gets hot if used under the covers, so unless I am desperate to use it while housemates are around & need some extra sound muffling, I try to keep it above the sheets.
Follow-up commentary
I've had it for 4 years, and it is still going strong! Seriously, I respect this baby more every day. Even though my love affair with the Eroscillator has taken some time away from old faithful, I still love my Hitachi. The vibrations are so low and deep, I feel like they travel through my pelvis and stimulate every single nerve ending. The only thing that has changed over four years of use is that the head has become stained. I don't use the Hitachi directly, I put a blanket in between my naughty bits and its tennis ball sized head. Well, one side of the head is now stained kind of pink. I can't get it off, but I've come to appreciate it as an artsy decoration. I might invest in a silicone cover for the head, since it seems to be slightly porous. So, if you will be using the Hitachi for skin-to-head contact, I would recommend either getting a silicone cover, or using a condom so that you can clean it effectively.
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My Magic Wand Original tags
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Massage
    • Masturbation
    • Solo
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Bedroom / on a bed
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • All over body
    • Clitoris
    • Genitals
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  • Joie de Cherresse Contributor: Joie de Cherresse
  • Rank:
    5.9 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 211
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  • Contributor: Love Perpetua
    Thanks blonde1216
  • Contributor: Greenleaf
    Thank for the review!
  • Contributor: Love Perpetua
    Thanks for reading Greenleaf!
  • Contributor: LoveBug721
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