Definitely a go-to lube.

This is a great versatile lube. I would recommend it for any kind of play that doesn't involve using your mouth.
Very clean, doesn't run, and is very long lasting.
Tastes awful.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


This is my boyfriend's and my go-to lube. We use it for everything. If we've been having multiple sessions a day and my own juices just aren't doing it anymore, we reach for the bottle of Maximus. If we're feeling up for a little anal play, we reach for the bottle again. In the mood for a killer hand job? Yup, grab that much used bottle again. This lubricant is great for just about anything, as long as it doesn't involve your mouth. (The taste is awful, but I'll get to that later.) However, this lube does contain parabens, which I know some people dislike. I myself am not bothered by it, but I know it could deter some people. Personally, I love using this lube for anal play with him. It's also great that this is water-based, because we have a lot of silicone toys, so we need to be conscious of the lubes that we use. The pump bottle is great as well. Sometimes we only need a little bit of this stuff, and a little goes a long way. It's nice to not have it in a bottle where you open the cap and it goes all over everywhere.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Foreplay
    • Masturbation
    • Sex
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Good for anal

Texture / Consistency / Thickness / Viscosity

This is a pretty thick lube. It comes easily out of the pump and stays where it's supposed to. I usually try to get some just on my fingertips so that I can place it precisely where I want it. It doesn't spread all over everywhere; I have yet to accidentally get this on the bed sheets. It's not greasy or stringy, but instead it's thicker and very slick. It isn't sticky or too watery, and it doesn't leave any weird greasy feel. It's great because even after it starts to dry, which I've always found is after play time is over, it still doesn't feel sticky or greasy. It just kind of goes away.
    • Slick
    • Smooth
    • Thick

Taste / Aroma

This products one downfall is the taste. It doesn't have any smell which is great, but it is very bitter, in my opinion. It's not labeled as edible or "kissable", so I didn't expect it to have any kind of flavor, but I wasn't quite expecting it to be that bitter either. You can definitely not go from vaginal to oral with this without wiping it off. Fortunately, just a wipe with a paper towel will get the worst of it off, but it's still not really pleasant. If you're rather determined, the taste does go away after the initial yuck, but I still don't really recommend getting this stuff in your mouth.
    • Bad taste
    • No smell
    • Strong taste


This stuff is great, it's absolutely my lube of choice. I've never had a problem with it drying out, which I find remarkable for a water based lube. It performs well through vaginal and anal intercourse, as well as solo play. With anal, as you know, it's really important to have a slick lube, or otherwise great unhappiness is going to ensue, and this stuff is just great for it. You can really put as much on as you want, and as long as you're not globbing it all over the place, it's not going to run and make a mess everywhere. I attribute how well it lubricates to the high glycol content which helps retain any moisture that your body already has, instead of just adding artificial moisture. As I said before, one of my favorite things about this lube is it just kind of goes away. It doesn't leave you feeling sticky or anything, so you don't immediately feel like you have to get up and shower, and can enjoy the afterglow for a little while. When you do go to clean up, you don't feel like you have to wash with soap and water; there's really only a minimal amount of clean up needed. It doesn't flake off once it's dry either. I have yet to quite figure out what it does, maybe it absorbs into your skin? I'm not sure, but either way, it does its job well and doesn't leave a massive mess when you're done. It's very toy friendly, you don't have to worry about it breaking down silicone toys since it's water based. It performs just as well on toys as it does on the body. The formula also helps prevent the spread of bacteria, which is awesome in general but particularly awesome for toys.
    • Absorbs into skin nicely
    • Feels natural
    • Long lasting
Follow-up commentary
This is still the only lube that we use. My one complaint that I notice now that I'm a bit more objective is that it does dry out fairly quickly when used anally. It's not like five minutes in you're dying for more lube because you're dry as a desert, just slightly noticeable after a while that you need more. So if you like your anal play sessions long and uninterrupted by having to reapply lube, you may want to go for a longer lasting silicone lube instead. Just make sure you aren't playing with silicone toys. Also worth noting is that in a year of fairly regular use, we've gone through a large bottle and a half of this stuff, so it does last a pretty good long time. Definitely worth the investment every six months.
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This review was edited by
  • Kindred Contributor: Kindred
  • Rank:
    6.7 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 1214
Subscribe to comments
  • Contributor: ToyTimeTim
    Good review.
    My favorite water based lube.
  • Contributor: ZenaidaMacroura
    This is my favorite lube. Definitely gross to get in your mouth, though. Good review.
  • Contributor: Xavier7
    I'd love to try this lube. Good review.
  • Contributor: Waterfall
    Nice review! I need to invest in some more lube, Im running out of my favorite kind and have been waiting to try this one.
  • Contributor: Airen Wolf
    Yet another stellar review for Maximus! Is this stuff amazing or what??
  • Contributor: LikeSunshineDust
    Thanks for the review. It's my favorite lube as well
  • Contributor: Liz2
    Great review! Maximus remains my "go to" lube for everything, I/we even got over the taste issue.
  • Contributor: TeaganChase
    I cant wait to get this stuff!
  • Contributor: jcprice02
    Good review. Thanks.
  • Contributor: ajwonder
    cool review
  • Contributor: mammas place
    excellent review
  • Contributor: Master DarkWolf
    Good review...
  • Contributor: DreamWolf
    Great review!
  • Contributor: PassionCpl
    Thanks for the review. We've been using Sliquid Sassy Booty since discovering it but will probably order this soon for a full-on comparison
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