Sailing Away on the Sliquid Sea

Ahoy maties! Scoundrels take heed! There be booty to plunder in these here waters. A lick of the Sliquid and she'll be having her boat rocked right away. Yee can rub her down to her seaweed depths and perhaps you'll find a pearl or two... or three... String along and sing with me about the Sliquid Sea.
Doesn't dry tacky, Body safe, Thick consistency, Seaweed extracts
Can't use it in the water
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extremely useful review
So I'll admit it, I have a bit of a fetish and a fascination with sea creatures. The ocean is this vibrant sexy thing to me, so I got a little wet (excuse the pun) when I saw this Sliquid Sea oceanic lubricant.

What makes it so watery? Well first it is a water based lubricant. That makes it very versatile. You can use this lube to add a bit of slickness to your toys as well as vaginal, anal and manual sex. Water based lube is not going to react strangely with any of your beloved toys or beloved body parts! It can also be reactivated with a little bit of water if it starts to dry up. The one thing that water based lube isn't good for is watery sex. Water washes away water after all, so tub and shower play isn't really recommended. You could still use this lube at the beach though. Just know that if you venture into the waves this lube will go the way of the fishes, bye bye.

Now the special ingredient that makes this stuff extra oceanic is a combination of carrageenan, nori and wakame extracts. Fans of Japanese cuisine might recognize these as delicious varieties of edible seaweed. Nori is quite famous as it is the seaweed that gets pressed into mats and dried then rolled into sushi rolls! Wakame is a little more obscure but very delicious and worth seeking out as a food. In my opinion wakame is especially delicious in salad. Carrageenan is a product extracted from red sea weed that is used in baking. So, correlations between sex and eating out aside, why is there seaweed in this lube? Well, as Sliquid puts it, they provide the "natural healing properties of the sea." Nori is a natural moisturizer and prevents oxidation of the skin, carrageenan can reduce the transmission of HPV and is a great natural lubricant, while wakame contains B vitamins, reduces inflammation and improves elasticity of the skin.

This lovely melange of seaweed extracts is combined with Sliquid's classic H2O formula to make a lovely lubricant. The other ingredients are Purified Water, Plant Cellulose (from Cotton), Cyamopsis (Guar Conditioners), Potassium Sorbate and Citric Acid. Sliquid's products are very body safe. They're 100% vegan, glycerin free, paraben free, hypoallergenic and non-toxic.

This lubricant is more gel-like in consistency. That means that it stays where you put it and has a thicker feel. This can be especially beneficial as an anal lubricant as thinner lubes tend to run away from the back door.

One of my favourite things about this lube is that it dries without a tacky feel! Oh sweet Louise how I have wanted such a thing! The only thing left behind when this lube dries is a slightly moisturizing effect. It's wonderful. It also won't leave stains on your bedspread or night gown. Hooray!

There are no added scents or flavours to this lube which is a plus in my books. It has only a very faint taste and it smells very lightly of hair gel. I have not found either of these facts distracting during use.
As I said, I do have a thing for sea creatures so I feel pretty sexy when I'm reaching for this lube. I love the viscosity of it and the fact that it dries without a tacky feel. I've used it for vaginal, anal and masturbation and it has performed well with all three. It doesn't last quite as long as a silicone lubricant would, but reactivating or reapplying lube wasn't a big hassle. Thank god for saliva is all I can say.

I'm giving this sweet little number a 5 star rating. It's charming, it feels good and who couldn't use some extra vitamin B?
Follow-up commentary
This is the water based lube that I reach for now. I love how thick it is. It won't run off my fingers even if I'm grabbing some in the dark. It also doesn't leave behind a tacky residue which really makes all the difference.
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