Leaving so soon?

If you're like me and other lubes make you cringe because of all of the weird ingredients in them, or you have some majorly sensitive lady parts you need to look into this lube. It's natural, hypoallergenic, and vegan. It's free of all those gross parabens and glycerin and is gentle on those with delicate ecosystems. It feels very natural, but I'd consider it more of a compliment than a replacement for natural moisture.
Natural ingredients, vegan, hypoallergenic, feels natural
Dries up quickly, thin, needs frequent reapplication.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


Sliquid H2O is a godsend for all us ladies out there with delicate ecosystems. It's not going to to cause a ruckus in your girl parts and cause you embarrassing trips to the pharmacy. That's always a fun time, right? I know other lubes make me cringe with their lists of sketchy ingredients but this one does none of that. I don't have to worry about it burning, having to run to the bathroom to wash it off before it screws up my flora, or it getting incredibly gross everywhere. Perfect lube status, here. In those aspects at least.

Sliquid H2O is great for vaginal sex or toy play. It may not be the best for anal play since it's on the thinner side and replicates natural lubrication, but there is Sliquid Sassy Booty Formula which is made for for that use and has a thicker, more gel-like consistency.

This lube has a lot going for it in the ingredient department. It's 100% vegan and not tested on animals so none of our little animal friends were harmed in the making of it. The hypoallergenic formula is great for everyone, especially those with high sensitivities to chemicals. Latex and toy material safe. Paraben and glycerin free, and made up of natural ingredients. Health nuts rejoice!

The ingredients on the product page are a little different from what's on the bottle:

Bottle: Purified water, plant cellulose from cotton, cyamopsis (guar conditioners), potassium sorbate and citric acid.

Product page: Purified H2O, sorbitol, cellulose, polyquart 007 (that last one sounds like an undercover Pokemon.)

The plant cellulose is what gives you your glide. Guar conditioner is found in lots of beauty products and is a highly respected skin conditioner. Potassium sorbate and citric acid are both natural preservatives. Add in some purified water and that's all you have here. Simple, gentle, natural, and great for lady parts.
    • Foreplay
    • Masturbation
    • Sex

Texture / Consistency / Thickness / Viscosity

This stuff is slightly thin and not the slickest stuff on the market, but don't think of it as lube. Think of it as back-up lady juice. It's the most natural feeling of all of the lubes I've ever tried. It's not super drippy and doesn't run all over the place, just like real lady stuff, but it's easy to dispense out of the bottle with a little squeeze. You don't end up getting a whole messy handful at a time, but it doesn't take forever to get the tiniest drop, either.

I have some mixed feelings about how thin it is. Sliqid Sassy is usually my go-to lube and I purchased this one second, so I already had a bit of a bias when it came to texture. It's a lot thinner than the Sassy formula, and a little bit too thin for my tastes. It also dries up pretty quickly and the bottle says to reactivate you can add a little water. Spit works, too, but I have mixed feelings about having to use that when I'm already using lube. It also seems a little inconvenient to have to add water to the mix when it starts to get a little less than slippery. Why not just use more lube? Or something that doesn't dry up as fast? Beyond me. It's the price you pay for having gentle lube.

When you introduce some friction to it it does tend to get a little frothy for a second. No real harm there. It's not like you're using soap as lube, is barely noticed unless you're staring up close or slathering it all good on a toy. The frothiness dissipates rather quickly.

After this lube dries up you won't even know it was there, just like natural lady juices. No having to wash it off or having weird slimy feelings afterwards.
    • Smooth
    • Thin
    • Velvety

Taste / Aroma

There's really not any smell to this. It does have a slight plant-like odor, but not really plant like. Nothing sweet or floral. Nothing you'll notice unless you stick some up your nose. Taste is sort of the same way. It's not going to kill you if you eat it. It doesn't taste bitter or sweet. It doesn't taste bad, but it doesn't taste good. All in all, nothing much that would really fit into this section.
    • No smell
    • No taste


The first time I used this stuff I had made the mistake of not completely drying a toy off. The water in it made it even thinner. "Hey! Come back! I need you!" When used, it felt really natural, but it wasn't an obvious lube feeling. I could have used a little more and maybe should have, but the dime sized amount did a fair job of making things slick with a silicone toy. After a few minutes it was pretty much done for. Now, this may kinda suck, but if you have your own moisture going on down there it will extend the life of this lube a little. You can think of this as a compliment to your own lubrication instead of a replacement. It adds a small bit of oomph to everything.

After everything was said and done there was really nothing left behind. It was like I hadn't even used any lube which is a much appreciated feeling. Sometimes if lube dries up on you it leaves a sticky greasy feeling behind. None of this at all. Once it dries up it's done for. Great for those of us who want to get up and go do other things or just lay in bed and do nothing. When lube dries up on toys it can often get flaky and crusty and gross. When this one dried up (because I was partaking in other activities) you wouldn't have even known it was there.

Because it dries up so fast and is so thin you may need to use more of this than you would other lubes. The 4.2 oz bottle will last you a little while, but you may have to restock often if you use this a whole lot. I know my Sassy is about 1/4 of the way gone after only using it about 10 times and it being a thicker formula.

The Sliquid Sassy and I really get along, so that one's still my favorite. It lasts much longer than this and disappears in the same way. It's also suitable for anal, but not too thick, so it remains my favorite all-purpose lube.
    • Absorbs into skin nicely
    • Dries up too fast
    • Feels natural
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  • Contributor: xOhxSoxScandalousx
    Great review!
  • Contributor: dsumrow1
  • Contributor: TheirPet
    Thanks for sharing!
  • Contributor: looloo69
  • Contributor: britanny0620
    Thanks for the review
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