Fantasy dildo
by Whipspider rubberworks

I Like to Go Jellyfishing!

The Jellyfish is a really fun whimsical dildo. If you're apprehensive about getting a realistic dildo, try out the Jellyfish. It has a fun look but is very realistic in feel. It's silicone, waterproof, and just plain fun! I like having it in my collection just because of its whimsical look. I only wish it had more of a curve to it, but it's still super fun to play with!
Whimsical Design
Realistic Feel
No Curve
Texture maybe too much for some
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


Whipspider Rubberwork's Jellyfish is one fun and whimsical toy! It has a realistic feel without the look of a penis. I love its whimsical design! Both men and women can use the Jellyfish because of its flared base. It can be used anally and vaginally. Be sure to sterilize it between uses if you are going to switch orifices.

I'm really happy with the Jellyfish! I love how realistic it feels and the cool design. I highly suggest it if you're looking for a new whimsical dildo!
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Couples
    • Everyone
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
    • Campus/roommate living
    • Tub/shower/pool
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Anal
    • G-spot
    • P-spot

Material / Texture

Silicone is very safe to use. It rates a ten out of ten on Eden Fantasy's Safety Scale. It is hypoallergenic and non-porous. This means it can be sterilized and shared with a partner. Simply boil it in some water. The Jellyfish is very textured. It has veins along the shaft that makes it slightly bumpy. If you are sensitive to texture, this will be too much for you. The texture feels very realistic. I'm usually not a huge fan of texture, but I really like it. The texture is certainly not for beginners. If you like texture, you'll love the Jellyfish! The Jellyfish is plush and also quite flexible. Here's a photo showing it bent.

The Silicone has a slight smell, but it's nothing too pungent. It does have some drag to it so be sure to use a lubricant. Like most silicone toys this does tend to attract hair and lint. I didn't find any seams on the Jellyfish.
    • Bumpy
    • Flexible
    • Not porous at all

Design / Shape / Size

The Jellyfish is very average in size. It is 7" in length with an insertable length of 6". It has a diameter of 1 3/4" and a circumference of 5 1/2". Even though it is average in size, I recommend it to average to advanced users and not beginners. There's lots of texture on it!

The design of the Jellyfish is really beautiful. The top head is pink with a flowered design on top. It's very hard to see it, but it's there. The head is pronounced and can be felt internally. The shaft has little tentacles all the way down. It can definitely be felt internally.

The flared base is big enough to be used anally. The base itself is very blue.

At the bottom of the base, there is a stamp for the company. It looks like a spider.

    • Partner play
    • Realistic
    • Whimsical / artistic


The Jellyfish can be used anally and vaginally. It's a too big for me anally so I only used it vaginally. Before use, I warmed myself up and put some lubricant on it. The texture on it makes it a little more difficult to insert. The Jellyfish has a great realistic feel to it. I loved thrusting it in and out. The pronounced head felt good popping in and out. My only wish is that it had more of a curve. It would hit my G-spot a lot easier if it had a curve. However, I still really like it. It's my favorite straight dildo to date. It felt great pairing it with a clitoral vibrator.

Because of the flared base, you can use the Jellyfish with a harness.
    • Comfortable
    • Easy to use
    • Lots of variety in function

Care and Maintenance

To clean your special Jellyfish, simply wash it in warm water and soap. Fluid can get stuck in the grooves, but it's not too hard to clean off. If you wish to sterilize it simply boil it in some water for a few minutes. You may also wash it in a 10% bleach solution. This is a silicone toy, so don't use a silicone lubricant!
    • Easy to clean
    • Easy to store


The Jellyfish comes in a ziplock plastic bag. It comes with a little informational sheet. It talks about the Whipspider Rubberworks company. It explains how to clean your Jellyfish and not to use silicone based lubricants. It also mentions that silicone is very easy to cut with sharp objects so be sure to keep this toy away from sharp things. I like using simple plastic bags to store the dildo.

    • Good for storage
    • Minimal
    • Not discreet
This product was provided at a discounted price in exchange for an unbiased review. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: mrs.mckrakn
    Good luck!!! I just voted for you
  • Contributor: ksparkles16
    Thanks so much everyone!
  • Contributor: eeep
    thanks for the great review. Love all the pics.
  • Contributor: CuriousPixie
    Great review and pics!
  • Contributor: Ly-Ra
    Good review, thank you!
  • Contributor: Bullfroggy and Rose
    thanks for the review
  • Contributor: KinkyNicki92
    Great review! Thanks for sharing!
  • Contributor: amazon
    Nice review. Thanks!
  • Contributor: MK434
    Nice review!
  • Contributor: Rory
    Nice review! Thanks!!
  • Contributor: eri86
    I'm all for a dildo being inspired by a jelly fish. But for it to actually look like a jelly fish is a bit much for me
Discussion Posts Last Update
The Jellyfish from Whipspider 3
Likability? 16
Are there any larger Jellyfish? 4
Is the Jellyfish safe and worth it? 8
Jellyfish comes in GREEN too!! PLEASE EDEN! 7
Have you modified a Whipspider Rubberworks' Jellyfish? 9
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