Cute Vibrator, But Not For Everyone

I would suggest this item for extended foreplay or if you prefer clitoral stimulation as opposed to straight up insertion. I would not suggest that this replace your go-to vibrator, though on initial review that might seem like a good idea. Overall, I would have been disappointed if I had not received the toy for free. But I'm sure there will be occasional use for it.
Easy to clean
Easy to use controls
Material is comfortable and stimulating
Collects particles like a magnet!
Nubs don't make sense/uncomfortable
Very, very girthy
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


The Twisted Hearts Seduction massager is perfect for women craving clitoral stimulation solo or in partner situations. It is not comfortable or recommended for vaginal insertion as the protrusions are uncomfortable; however, it can be used for up to an inch of insertion. With 5 1/4" long and 1 5/8" in diameter, this toy is not for the faint of heart but can be excellent in extended foreplay scenarios.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Females
    • Solo
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
    • Tub/shower/pool
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • All over body

Material / Texture

The Twisted Hearts massager is made of phthalate free TPR and ABS plastic, a type of rubber that is malleable but provides pressure simultaneously. TPR is described as being a little more porous and I noticed that after cleaning it smelled a little like the mild soap that we used to clean it. It was very easy to wash despite the grooves and the nubs; however, I can see small particles would easily accumulate on the surface while storing the massager between uses. She liked that the rubber was soft and that the massager wasn't jarring like harder rubber massagers. It was also comfortable to hold for extended use and did not wear on your hand or wrist.
    • Smooth
    • Somewhat porous

Design / Shape / Size

The design of this device makes sense, but is a little larger than I had initially expected. The massager is 1 5/8" in diameter and can be uncomfortable to use without lube (Doc Johnson suggests silicone or water based lubricant). Additionally, it is only recommended that an inch be used for vaginal insertion as full insertion can be painful. She found this to be the case, as the protrusions are quite uncomfortable. After an inch of insertion, the nub did not quite reach the clitoris which was a little disappointing. For us, it was also a little too large due to the diameter of the end. It probably will not replace your usual vibrator and I do not suggest that virgins or beginners use it as a first toy. Overall, wonderful for the nipples or clitoris, but a little disappointing otherwise.

You can get this toy in two colors; red/pink or purple/white. I have the red/pink version and don't believe that it is very discreet. It could easily be concealed in a cigar box, but if discovered it would be quite obvious what it was. Due to its ability to collect particles I would not suggest it for travel.

Functions / Performance / Controls

Vibrations are most strongly felt in the end of the massager (opposite the control) and can be felt less and less down the base of the shaft. If the tip is 100% vibration, the base of the shaft is about 20-25% vibration. The vibrations in the tip paired with the TPR rubber are probably the best feature. The vibrations can be intense and the TPR adds to the stimulation. The nubs make sense until use, at which point they come up short of their desired targets and seem unnecessary. The nubs are the worst feature of this toy. The controls are found on the base of the massager and are very user friendly. They are easy for a partner to manipulate or for manipulation by the user.

I have noticed that after cleaning the massager that if the base/controller is screwed on too tightly, the toy will not vibrate. It needs to be loosened about a quarter turn to start working again. The Twisted Hearts is waterproof; however, she is a little apprehensive to use this in the water after we discovered that it won't work if the base is completely tightened, but we may get adventurous. This toy is not very quiet. It is not something that could be used while others are in close proximity.
    • Easy to use
    • Not very discreet

Care and Maintenance

The toy is made of TPR which is phthalate-free, latex free and hypoallergenic. One downside of this toy is that it collects particles from everywhere. I cleaned the toy 10 minutes ago and upon being on my desk has collected pet hair, lint and dirt without moving. I would suggest cleaning immediately before use to combat this effect. I keep my toy in a hard plastic toy box to keep it clean. I store it with my other toys without any sort of packaging. I had considered keeping the box that it came in, but it is large and clear plastic. It would have been essentially on display at all times. This toy can be used with silicone and water based lubricants.
    • Difficult to store
    • Easy to clean


The packaging was a clear covered box with red/pink frosted sides and back. If the box was left around there is no doubt what was previously housed in it. However, it does appear to keep the vibrator particle free. If you are living by yourself or have your own space storing it in the box would not be a bad idea. If you are in a dorm or have snoops for housemates opt for different, more discreet storage.
    • Not discreet
Follow-up commentary
Originally we gave it three stars. Sadly, we have determined that this was a generous rating after experiencing similar toys. Also, we have discovered that it is a battery hog, and doesn't pack the punch for very long. The most irritating development was that it was a lint magnet, and somewhere between the sink and the bed (5') it still is covered in fuzzy little horrors.

One star.
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This review was edited by
  • Shellz31 Contributor: Shellz31
  • Rank:
    6.7 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 385
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  • Contributor: SMichelle
    Great review.
  • Contributor: Ghost
    What a cutie! Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: Missmarc
    thank you very much for the reivew
  • Contributor: Kaltir
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: giftdgecko
    You're welcome!
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Using unconventionally designed toys. 5
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