G spot vibrator

It's the Great Pumpkin Vibrator!

A great color, great size, and fantastic vibrations make this one a winner! If a few minor issues were adjusted, I would give it 5 stars.
Relatively short battery life
Handle vibrates
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
Lately, the more excited I get about a toy, the more of a let down it is. Even though I'd been eyeing this vibe for months, I was terrified that it was not going to live up to its reputation. I was delighted to find that it did. If I could design my own vibrator, this would be close to what I would dream up!

The G4 Big Boss is a vaginal vibrator that can also be used on the clitoris, but shouldn't be used anally. It's made of silicone and has just the right amount of give; firm yet flexible. However, since it is silicone, it should be kept away from other silicone toys and only water based lubricant should be used with it to prevent the material from degrading. It's waterproof, so clean up is easy with soap and water.

The packaging is really quite cute. On the outside is a cardboard sleeve with tasteful, but non-discreet photos and general information. Once you remove the sleeve, there is an inner silver box that is just lovely, and I'll probably be using it for storage. Inside of that box is the vibe, and underneath a piece of cardboard inside is the charger.

The controls, I have to say, are really quite awesome. It has three buttons: + (turn on/increase power), - (turn off/decrease power), and * (cycle through vibrations). And the buttons light up! To illuminate the buttons, all you need to do is brush your hand by them, and they light up for about 2 seconds.

To recharge the Big Boss, locate the Fun Factory logo on the handle, on the opposite side from the controls. The magnetic charger goes right on top of the logo. Fun Factory suggests charging often to prolong battery life.

The size is just about everything I could have hoped for. It's uncommonly large without being so big that it looks like a gag gift. It's filling and satisfying without feeling like you have to force it (although I do recommend lubrication during use). By my measurements, it is approximately 9 inches from the tip to the base of the handle (about 7 insertable inches), 5.75 inches around the widest part of the head and also 5.75 inches around the widest part of the shaft.

Along the shaft are some impressionistic lines, sort of fancifully giving the impression of where veins would be on a real person or realistic dildo. I don't notice them during use, so they really only add to the aesthetic quality of the vibe.

Speaking of aesthetics, I need to say that the Big Boss does something that few vibes I've come across do: look fun without looking ridiculous or cutesy. There is not one heart impression or speck of glitter anywhere! Fun Factory really did this one right. It's shaped enough that it gives the definite impression of a penis without being so realistic that it's creepy. It gives off a fun, funky vibe without going too far and making it look like a toy that Barbie might own. The bright orange, like a radioactive pumpkin is unlike any other toy that I have, with the exception of my orange Teneo Uno, also made by Fun Factory. I love, love, love the look!

The curve, combined with the shaped head, is just about perfect for hitting my G-spot. I'm one of those people that needs definite pressure on my G-spot, and the Big Boss is just stiff enough to provide that. Add that to the vibrations...oh, the vibrations! That's another thing Fun Factory really got right here. Usually, G-spot vibrators are so weak to me that if I use another vibe on my clitoris, it completely drowns out whatever is going on with my G-spot. Not the case here! The vibrations are so strong that they can compete with any external toy that I have. As a point of comparison, if Hitachi is a 5 in vibration strength, the Big Boss is a solid 4.5-4.75. In short, a-freaking-mazing!

I took off one star, and now I'll explain why. One, the vibrations go right down into the handle and make my hand feel funny. I'm not a huge fan of that feeling. That makes it lose half a star. Then, the vibrations on high only last 20-30 minutes before the power starts to decrease. Not die, just decrease. That's another half star.

The bottom line is this: even with the two problems I have with it, it is hands down the best vibrator I have ever owned period.
Follow-up commentary
I still absolutely love my Big Boss. It doesn't show any signs of wear, is easy to care for, and the battery is still going strong with no charging issues. I'm more in love with the ridiculous-but-awesome orange than ever. Not only that, but I've found that the way the handle is shaped allows me to constantly change the position of my hand when it gets cramped without losing my grip on the toy.
This product was provided at a discounted price in exchange for an unbiased review. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Who / How / What
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    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Masturbation
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    • Anywhere
  • Body / part areas
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    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Clitoris
    • G-spot
This review was edited by
  • Zombirella Contributor: Zombirella
  • Rank:
    6.8 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 373
Subscribe to comments
  • Contributor: Ayumi
    Great review. I've been looking for weeks for a rechargeable toy that is still affordable. Although you say the power dies down a little, it still beats coming up with batteries.
  • Contributor: K101
    Thanks for sharing! Loved the photos. This looks so smooth and fun. I've really wanted to try one of these, but they're all far, far too large for me! Huge disappointment. Every once in a while I'll wishlist this one thinking 'maybe, just maybe I could manage' and then I'm brought back to reality. Lol. What a shame because it really sounds and looks like an awesome vibe! Hate to hear that the battery doesn't last long, but I figure the nice vibrations do make up for it a little.
  • Contributor: Kate
    i've heard great things about this vibe, makes me think i need to wishlist it soon. thanks for including pics, great detailed review!
  • Contributor: AwesomeAmanda
    Great review thanks.
  • Contributor: dsumrow1
  • Contributor: Sharon A
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: Upyourreviews
    Great review!
  • Contributor: ArcaneBlast
    Thanks! This is really adorable
  • Contributor: souviet
  • Contributor: gloomybear
    thanx for the review!
  • Contributor: Martiniman
    Thanks for the great review.
  • Contributor: Real or memorex
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: ashboo32
  • Contributor: panthercat23
  • Contributor: LavenderSkies
  • Contributor: Bignuf
    Thanks for a great review.
  • Contributor: chicmichiw
    Holy wow! Thanks for the comparisons
  • Contributor: petname
    Nice, I haven't seen it compared to the Hitachi before! Really puts it in perspective.
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