Tenga Flip Hole

Easy to clean- The Tenga has a very innovative design allowing you to just open it up and rinse it out. This avoids all the mess and problems with other toys, including other types of Tengas. I have found that rinsing it once or twice with warm water cleans it really easily.
Extremely stimulating- This can be good or bad depending on what gets your rocks off.
It is noisy- If you want a toy to whack off
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
True to its name, the Flip Hole actually flips open, making cleaning (and lube application) super easy. And the stand works nicely as a drying rack, which is super awesome. You don’t want to put this thing away all wet: mildew-y yuckness can happen. So just let it air dry on the stand before you store. It looks like it would be a little tricky to get it to balance on the stand like that, and I remember it giving me some trouble the first time or two that I tried it, but I honestly have no issue getting it to easily stay open and in place now. It’s super easy.

And the fact that the Flip Hole opens up and comes with a nifty little way to make sure it’s dry before you put it away makes me automatically hate cleaning it less than a Fleshlight. Much less.

The stand serves as the case when the Flip Hole is not in use. When you wanna fuck it, remove the stand, turn the toy around, and slide it back into the stand backwards. Or upside down. However you wanna look at it. This keeps the Flip Hole closed during use.

So I was not madly in love with the Flip Hole Black the first few times I tried it out. The texture on the inside is super cool, and super intense. There are all kinds of nubs and ridges and walls. Yeah, walls. Or gates, as I like to call them. And there is a gate at the very entrance that you have to push through in order to penetrate this toy. And I kinda hated it.

See, those two little flaps touch when you flip the Flip Hole closed. So right after the initial opening, which is by no means crazy tight or constrictive, you've got to push through a wall to get inside. This thing feels really awesome, but the wall almost ruins it. And then, all of a sudden, I wasn’t. Maybe I just got used to it. I dunno. What I do know is that I still don't love the wall, but it no longer almost ruins the experience for me. So yay, I guess.

My favorite thing about the Flip Hole? Do you see the three round “buttons” on the outside? Well, you can squeeze them (and the TPR around them) to vary the amount of suction and pressure on different parts of your penis. Pretty nifty. I'm a big fan.

I've heard complaints that the Flip Hole is a little loud. And it is. But really no more so than most masturbation sleeves. They all make that slurping, sucking noise. Neither of us found it to be distracting.

The only negative thing I've got to say about the Tenga Flip Hole Black (other than the gate) isn’t really about the Flip Hole at all, actually. It’s about the lube that comes with it. You see, your Flip Hole will come in a lovely cylindrical plastic package. It looks nice, and it’s the sort of presentation that you should expect from a pricier toy. I do recall it being a bitch to get open, and it was hopeless to try and keep it around as storage, but I can’t count that as a fault because you don’t need storage other than the stand/case.

Inside the cylinder, along with the Flip Hole, you’ll find three little test tubes of Hole Lotion (I know...) Each tube is a different variation: Mild, Real, or Wild. Wild is the thinnest, and it is supposed to give you the most intensely stimulating experience, allowing you to feel every bump and ridge. Real is supposed to come the closest to natural lubrication. It’s a bit thicker than the Wild. Mild is the thickest, almost a gel. Now, the boyfriend was not crazy about any of the lube - you may love them. I've heard from several people that do. I was just not one of them. It is pretty nifty that they include all three samples. If you don’t like them, now you know; if you love them, well buy some more!

So, even if you aren't crazy about the included lube, who cares? You should have a good quality bottle of lube on hand anyway. You don’t? EdenFantasys has a pretty decent selection, get some!

Basically, the Flip Hole is pretty awesome. And there’s also a white version with a less intense texture, if that’s more your cup of tea.
This content is the opinion of the submitting contributor and is not endorsed by EdenFantasys.com

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This review was edited by
  • badk1tty Contributor: badk1tty
  • Rank:
    5.9 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 155
Subscribe to comments
  • Contributor: Geogeo
    Thanks for the review. Interesting feature about the little buttons.
  • Contributor: Undead
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: Jimbo Jones
    The gate is a little strange at first, but I agree that once you get going it's like it isn't there. Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: john.lee
    Thanks for the comment guys
  • Contributor: kittenfacery
    awesome thanks
  • Contributor: MamaDivine
    Thanks for the review!!!
  • Contributor: PassionCpl
    Thanks for the review!
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