Holy orgasm, Batman!

The stainless steel Pure Wand has a very unique curved design that will find and hit your g-spot almost like magic. The material is easily cleaned and can be used with any lubricant. Weighing in at 3 pounds, you will feel your orgasm down to your toes.
Heft, curved shape, bulbous ends, stainless steel material, practical magnetic attraction to g-spots
Weight could be a bit much for extended sessions
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
For as long as I have been interested in sex toys, I've been lusting after the Njoy Pure Wand. Okay, let's be honest. I've been lusting after pretty much any Njoy product. I have a weakness for shiny stainless steel. It just looks so pretty!

Now that I have my hands on the Pure Wand, I can't believe I waited so long. Besides being beautiful to look at, it's quite the toy. There's no moving parts, batteries or anything wacky about it. Despite all this, the Pure Wand packs a major punch and will impress even experienced sex toy users.

Let's start at the beginning - the packaging. The Pure Wand comes in its own black hard case with luxurious pink satin interior. It's nestled in the satin like a royal scepter the first time you open the lid. The hard packaging protects it from bumping into other toys and keeps it from getting scratched up. Not to mention it makes it look like a thing of wonder.

Stainless steel is one of the best materials toys can be made of. It's fully sanitizable, boilable, dishwasher safe and can be used with any type of lubricant. It's smooth, non-porous, phthalates and latex free. Just about as body safe as you can get. Additionally it gives the toy some heft. This dildo weighs in at an astounding 3 pounds. Hell, you could probably use this as a weapon if you really needed to. Stainless steel is also great if you're looking for a toy to use in temperature play. Run this baby under some warm water for a gradual warming sensation or place it in the fridge or freezer for a cooling sensation. My particular favorite is to cool my toy down and use it as an anal dildo. Oh yeah, it's pretty amazing.

With a total length of 8 inches and an insertable length of approximately 7 inches, there are two ends to this dildo. That gives you an option which side you want to choose. I started with the smaller ended side and worked my way up to the larger, bulbous end. It's an awkward movement at first thanks to the very curvy design of this toy, but after a few rocking movements you'll get it down pretty quickly. One rock of this toy's smaller end and I was already hitting my g-spot. It was practically magic. I seriously think this thing is magnetically attracted to my g-spot! The first time I used this toy I gave myself the most mind-numbing, intense orgasms my toes curled up! I kid you not.

The larger end was harder to get inside me, but felt great once it was. While this side didn't pinpoint right to my g-spot it was great at rubbing and stimulating the entire area. I wouldn't recommend using this end anally if you're new to anal play, but more experienced anal players will be able to use after a warm up. It's a pretty sizable end, so don't just go for it unless you're looking for a little pain with your pleasure. The smaller end is great for anal play and warming up to the larger side.

Remember that if you plan to use with this toy with multiple partners in one session, you should either clean it off with soap between partners or use condoms over the insertable ends. Always remember to wash with an antibacterial soap or sanitize somehow if you go from anal play to vaginal play to prevent bacterial infections.

This dildo would also be great for men to use for prostate stimulation, though not having one myself I can't quite detail any experience with that. All I know is this Pure Wand hit my g-spot better than any single toy ever has. I can see why so many people covet Njoy toys and this has only increased my lust for other Njoy products. I will have the Pure Wand in my collection forever and use it frequently, with partners and solo.
I found that the easiest way to thrust this very non-traditionally shaped dildo is to curve your thrusting rather than thrusting straight in and out. Gradually working up from a soft to a more intense rocking produced the best and most intense orgasm in recent memory for me. I quite literally came in 15 or 20 seconds.
Follow-up commentary
I cannot say enough good things about the Pure Wand still. I recommend it to everybody I talk to about sex toys. I use it just about every day, sometimes multiple times a day. I have yet to have it fail to give me a toe-curling, mind-numbing orgasm. This toy is worth every penny and should be in every woman's toy box. There's nothing like the cold sensation of steel that quickly warms up to your body temperature to really and truly make you orgasm from deep inside.
This content is the opinion of the submitting contributor and is not endorsed by EdenFantasys.com

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    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Anal
    • G-spot
    • Kegels
Subscribe to comments
  • Contributor: jenn g
    thanks for review and great follow up!
  • Contributor: Greenleaf
    Thank you for the review!
  • Contributor: BlooJay
  • Contributor: MissCandyland
    Nice review! Thank you! Glad it's still a great toy!
  • Contributor: Ex-prude
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: (k)InkyIvy
    Fabulously thorough review! Thanks so much for taking the time to share!
  • Contributor: Trysexual
    Great review.
  • Contributor: hillys
  • Contributor: chicmichiw
    Love your title!
  • Contributor: Mr. John
    Nice review.
  • Contributor: PeachCandy
    Great review! I really want to try this one
  • Contributor: sunflower
    Thank you for sharing! And lol @ the review title.
  • Contributor: MrsandMrbunnysoffun
    I find my self wishing that I could afford this more and more
  • Contributor: SydneyScreams
    Thanks for the review!! I've been lusting after this one too!!
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