the holy grail

slippery, slidey, silky, slick, a sonnet I could compose to this lube, it is by far the best thing I've ever used.
water based
funny taste
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
Allow me a moment to wax lyrical if you will: I love lube. No, really, I freaking LOVE lube. I love the slick, slippery, slide-ieness of it. I have freakishly sensitive skin, so i unfortunately have to be VERY careful about which lubes I use. I've tried a TON of different kinds, water based, silicone, organic, eco-friendly you name it, i've played with it. Liquid Silk, dear friends, IS THE FUCKING HOLY GRAIL OF LUBE! It stays slippery and silky for a very long time without getting gritty or gummy. None of that annoying crumbling that inexplicably happens with some lubes. For example, slippery stuff, your going to town your rubbing away, and boom, 5 minutes after you've applied the lube it's crumbling like a rubber eraser. It smells pleasant and is hypo-allegenic as well as l-argenine free. The only thing i don't like is that it has a funky taste.

We warmed it up and had the best, most pain free, HOTEST anal I've ever experienced in my life. The texture of it is sumptuous, silky and slick, very close to your own body's. It stays wet for a long time and is revived with just a tiny bit more. I find it conditions my skin which i'm sure is do to the fact it contains silk proteins. My freakishly sensitive skin is never irritated by it and I've been using it consistently for about a month. The scent isn't overpowering, but a light clean fragrance. It's water based so it is safe for use with silicone toys. Another bonus is that it's anti-fungal and anti-microbial which always makes me happy.

Good people, its not just for naughty time, it works great as a massage gel. I can't say enough good things about this stuff, I absolutely adore it and will/have recommend it to all my friends and pretty much anyone who'll listen...
Follow-up commentary
I've added a video, further waxing lyrical on the joys of this lubricant. I am however nocking one star off from 5 to 4 due to the possibility of having a reaction with silicone due to it's dimethylcone content. This is still hands down my absolute holy grail of lube and I still can't say enough good things about it.
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  • Contributor: removedacnt
    Welcome, thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: Sir
    Good review, and welcome to the community! I read both your reviews, and they're fairly good for just starting out! I recommend using the Extended Template (before writing your review, when you click the "Write review" button, there will be an option - choose Extended Template) as it will give you good ideas on what more to include on your review.
  • Contributor: Sammi
    Glad this worked well for you Smile
  • Contributor: Viktor Vysheslav Malkin
    Welcome, and nice job.

    The extended format helped me alot also, so you might want to check that out. Big smile
  • Contributor: God is a Woman
    Nice review, however the video was distracting- The music made it harder to focus on what you were saying. Good job though, seems like a lube I'll have to try some time. I agree with Sir & Victor, and take a look into the extended format. Happy reviewing!
  • Contributor: Kynky Kytty
    The video is great to show the consistency of the lubricant. Thanks, this is one I may consider with Maximus after I compare them.
  • Contributor: Jul!a
    I absolutely love the addition of the video. My only suggestion would be to maybe sit down beforehand and think about what you want to say and how you want to say it before you're sitting in front of the camera going 'so ya, and um" and so forth. I didn't really notice it too much, but I took a few speech classes in college, so I've become a stickler about public speech, lol.

    Great job Big smile
  • Contributor: jankit
    Obviously, you are speechless with the greatness of this product, so your video sold me.
  • Contributor: BlooJay
    Thx for the review!
Discussion Posts Last Update
Liquid Silk and Silicone Toys 48
L-Arginine and lubricants 5
Designed for male masturbation? 7
Liquid Silk vs. Maximus lube 4
Downfalls with Lubes that have parabens?? 5
no good? 6
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