Girlfriend swears by it...I don't

The Pure Wand does everything it says it'll do, and probably more. It's a great G-spotter, it slides fantastically in the ass, and it's gorgeous piece of work, built to last. Despite all that, I'm just completely underwhelmed by it. It's best for jerking off, but for me its weight and shape make it more trouble than it's worth when I can do just as well using only my hands.
Beautiful, easy to care for, extremely durable, super solid G-spot stimulation, excellent for anal
Expensive, heavy
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


I don't particularly recommend the Pure Wand for partner sex. The first time I used the wand, I fucked my girlfriend with it. It was definitely hot, and we both enjoyed it for sure (I was particularly fond of the reflections that warp and shift across the ball of the end you hold in your hand), but in the end she, our other girlfriend, and I all agreed that it was a better tool for jerking off.

This is an industrial toy, evidenced by its solidity and weight, which make it seem a bit like a weapon--you could definitely knock someone out with it. It's probably good to keep that in mind when using it. The Pure Wand is not ideal for thrusting, both due to its curve and its hardness, which could be cervix-bruising.

The solidity and weight, while making this a beautiful, luxurious toy, were precisely what made it less than ideal for me. I generally don't come from only vaginal stimulation, which means using this toy always requires two hands. I can get consistent, firm pressure on both my G-spot and my clit using only one hand, with my fingers in my cunt and the heel of the same hand pressing upwards to my clit, which kind of renders the Pure Wand a bit superfluous. It just felt like more trouble than it was worth, when I could have the same kind of orgasm with much less fuss and without giving one of my arms an unnecessary workout to keep the wand going.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Solo
    • Temperature play
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Anal
    • G-spot
    • P-spot

Material / Texture

The Pure Wand is the smoothest, hardest thing I've ever put in my pussy, and it's absolutely gorgeous. Its nonporous, medical-grade stainless steel is incredibly aesthetically pleasing, durable, and easy to clean. I really liked the smoothness of the steel lubed up in my ass, though I will warn you that this smoothness can make it a bit slippery to grasp, whether because you're using lube or because your pussy's so wet. Unlike many silicone toys, it doesn't pick up any lint or dust, which is convenient. Again, it's hard and heavy, so exercise caution when thrusting to avoid injury--I don't think that's an issue of beginners versus advanced, just paying attention.
    • Not porous at all
    • Rigid
    • Smooth

Design / Shape / Size

The Pure Wand is essentially a barbell that curves at what would be a right angle if it were an angle, tapering as appropriate down the shaft to accommodate a 1.5" ball at one end and a 1" ball at the other end. The sizes of the balls were ideal for me; as mentioned above the larger end was a perfect G-spotter and the smaller end was fantastic in my ass. It stretched my asshole just the right amount to pop in, then provided great stimulation, combining the gliding sensation of the shaft through the tight ring of my hole, and the firm pressure of the ball inside. I'd say most people should be able to take at least one end of the Pure Wand, in at least one hole, so it's probably a good fit size-wise for almost anyone.

As mentioned above, I found that to get enough clit stimulation to actually come while using the Pure Wand, I needed to use two hands. I know some folks have found that they can rub the shaft down their slit as they keep one ball rubbing inside their cunt, getting clit stimulation from the same motion, but for me the angle of the wand didn't work for that.

If this toy weren't so fucking heavy, it would be great for travel, since it's virtually unrecognizable as a sex toy to anyone who isn't familiar with it as such. I've had people mistake it for a paperweight or a trophy of some sort, and even if I had friends or roommates who were uncomfortable seeing sex toys, I probably wouldn't worry much about leaving this one lying around.
    • Discreet look/design
    • Ergonomic


Everyone seems to adore the Pure Wand, and while I get it in theory (it's beautiful! it's high quality! it's pretty effective!), it just doesn't make me rave in practice. When I told my girlfriend this, she said I had to make sure I mentioned in my review that she totally swears by it...thus the title. I think it absolutely performs as it's supposed to, particularly as a solo toy (the angle allows for really nice G-spot stimulation, especially for people whose arms or fingers don't quite get there easily). People talk at length about its use as a G-spotter and squirting aid, and I absolutely agree with those sentiments. I also don't want to skip over its use as an anal toy; I loved it, and I imagine it's even better when you've got a prostate to massage with it.

Another reason it's not the best toy for partner sex is that it's not very share-able, unless you're the type to sterilize after every use, or you only fuck people with whom you're fluid-bonded. I've used the Pure Wand with condoms multiple times. It's virtually impossible on the small end; the condom is hard to keep on and bunches up, uncomfortable destroying the lovely smooth texture of the wand. It's not terrible on the large end; at least it stays on, but it still creases along the shaft, ruining the smooth texture, especially if you're trying to use the shaft for clitoral stimulation while one ball is in your cunt. If you do want to share it, I recommend forgoing condoms and just sterilizing.

Care and Maintenance

Smooth stainless steel, the Pure Wand is super easy to care for. You can wash it with mild, unscented soap and warm water between uses, and sterilize by boiling or running it through the dishwasher (top rack, no soap). I generally boil, so I haven't tried this, but for some reason I hesitate to recommend the 1:10 bleach:water solution with metal, though I can't think of a logical reason it wouldn't be just fine. If any commenters want to clarify this for me, I'll edit the review to reflect it.

Any lube can be used with this toy, which is nice since it's so good for anal and many people's preferred anal lube is silicone.

Store it either in its original packaging, or something soft to protect from scratches.
    • Easy to clean
    • Easy to store


Njoy is known for luxe packaging, and the Pure Wand is no exception. It comes in a black box, nestled safely in pink satin, and you can definitely store it this way, though it can takes up quite a bit of space in the sex drawer or in your bag, if you want to take it anywhere. It definitely makes for nice gift presentation.


In my opinion, the Pure Wand is at its best during solo sex. Its design is deceptively simple; the smooth curved barbell allows for a multitude of possibilities. I found that the larger end worked best in my pussy, automatically finding my G-spot, while the smaller end worked best in my ass. Jerking off with this, I'd usually start with my clit, get myself slick and open, keeping the wand close by, usually resting it on my stomach to warm it up, before sliding the thicker ball into my cunt to press against my G-spot. I've never come solely from G-spot stimulation, so usually I'd use one hand on the Pure Wand, sometimes thrusting shallowly with it, sometimes rocking it back and forth, or pulling on it, like jacking off a cock, while the fingers of my other hand stayed on my clit. It gives really firm, consistent G-spot pressure, which I liked a lot. Using the smaller ball in my ass worked about the same way--I'm not an anal novice, but I'm not super experienced either, and I found that it stretched a bit, then slid in nicely, and gave a lot of the things I like about anal: fullness, and G-spot stimulation. As mentioned, I liked to get the Pure Wand a bit warm by keeping it against my body before inserting it, but you could also run it under warm water to heat it up, or leave it cold if you're into that.

Imagining a 90 degree angle between the two ends is important particularly when using this toy on a partner, since it's what makes the toy ergonomic. You can keep your wrist straight, wrapping your fingers around the shaft underneath the ball outside your partner, thrusting in and out by bending at the elbow. Forgetting about this angle tends to result in letting the toy sag too low, pushing downward inside whatever hole you're trying to fuck and making for a somewhat uncomfortable time--I noticed this both when being fucked by my girlfriend with the wand, and when fucking her.
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  • Contributor: BlackxxxRose
    Excellent review, thanks for touching on the points about solo and partner use.
  • Contributor: Kat and Aaron(aaron)
    Great review, thank you.
  • Contributor: TigerLily9
    thanks bunches for the review!
  • Contributor: hillys
  • Contributor: chicmichiw
    Thanks for the info
  • Contributor: Mr. John
    Thank you.
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